Economy Flashcards
Wealth of nation -year?
1776 -adam smith
Laissez faire theory
Adam smith
Invisible hand of market theory
Adam smith
The theory of model sentiments
Adam Smith
Wealth defenition
Adam smith
Growth defenition
Paul samuel son
Scarcity defenition
Lional robinson
Welfare defenition
Alfred marshel
Who coined the term macro economics and micro economics?
Ragner frisch
First nobel prize for economics?
Ragner frisch and jan tinberg
Father of micro economics?
Alfred marshel
Law of demand(ചോദക നിയമം )?
Alfred marshel
Micro economics also known as?
Price theory
Father of macro economics
JM keyns
Macro economics also known as
Aggregate economics or general theory
No freedom of choice
Socialist economy
(Freedom of choise -capital economy)
No freedom of choice
Socialist economy
(Freedom of choise -capital economy)
Socialist economy
Agriculture, quarrying,mining, fishing
Primary sector
Manufacturing, construction,electricity
2ndry sector(converting raw material from primary sector to value added product)
Transportation, telecom, banking, real estate, hotel, tourism
Tertiary sector (service sector)
Transportation, telecom, banking
Tertiary sector (service sector)
Gandhian economist
Jc. Kumarappa, dhrampal,sriman Narayan
Amartya zen books?
Choice of techniques, poverty and famines, beyond crisis
Amrtya zen nobel prize
What is national income?
Net results of all economic activities of a country during a period of a financial year and is valued in terms of money
Frst to calculate national income in the world?
Sir william petty
Frst indian to estimate national income of the country?
Dadabai (1867-68)
1st scientifically estimated national income of insia?
VKRV. Rao(1931-32)
National income committee
National income conmitee 1949 consists of?
Pc mahalanobis(chairman)
Vkrv. Rao
Dr. Gadgil
Since 1955 national income being estimated by?
CSO-central statistical office
Statistical system of india is under
Ministry of statistic and program implementation
New name of statistic wing
NSO-national statistic office(2019)
NSO formed by merging?
Central statistical office(CSO) and National sample survey office(NSSO)
Nodel agency for planned develpomnt of the statistical system in the country?
Different forms of national income
Total money values of all the final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country during a finacial year
Gross national product
Total money value of all goods and services produced by nationals of a country irrespective of theire location in a finacial year
How to calculate GNP?
NFIA-net factor income from abroad
NFIA=incomes received by nationals within the boundaries of a foreign coutry -income received by foreign nationals within the country
Method of calculating GDP?
1.income method(not in india)
2.expenditure method
3.product method
Income method?
Wages+rent+interset +profit
Expenditure method?
Consumption+investment +government +net export
Product method?
Value added from all sectors(primary +secondary+service)
—-»gross value added(GVA)
2 sector model contains?
House hold and firms
3 sector model contains?
House hold, firms, government
4 sector model?
House holds, firms, government, external sector
Loss in value of an asset as they age
How to calculate Net domestic product (NDP)?
How to calculate net national product(NNP)?
What is Factor cost?
Cost of factors of the production incurred by the firm while producing goods and services
What is market price?
Price that a consumer pay for a product while purchasing from the seller, which takes into effect the indirect tax and subsidies
What is market price?
Price that a consumer pay for a product while purchasing from the seller, which takes into effect the indirect tax and subsidies
Market price =?
MP=factor cost +net indirect tax
Net indirect tax=indirect tax-subsidies
Market price =?
MP=factor cost +net indirect tax
Net indirect tax=indirect tax-subsidies
National income is calculated in terms of?
National income=NNP(fc)
Net national product at factor cost
What is real GDP?
Money value of goods and services calculated on the basis of base level (base year of india -2011-12)
What is real GDP?
Money value of goods and services calculated on the basis of base level (base year of india -2011-12)
Nominal GDP?
GDP in which money value of goods and services is calculated on the basis of current price
Nominal GDP?
GDP in which money value of goods and services is calculated on the basis of current price
GDP reflactor?
(Nominal GDP/real GDP)×100
Technical recession
When there have been two consecutive quarters of negative growth
Human develpomnt index(HDI)-3 parameters?
1.long and healthy life
3.A decent standard of living
HDI score—>(0-1)
•Switzerland >Norway >iceland
•india latest rank–134(as per 2022)-medium human development
Among the factors of production, the passive one include?
—>land and capital
–>active -labour, organisation
(Factors of production -4)