Economics & People Flashcards
Number of Eq in Canada?
- but equines can have overlapping roles
numbers of donkeys & mules in Canada?
- 44% decline in 10 years
-> potentially fewer animals, movement of donkeys to non-census farms, or reduced reporting
How did covid impact Canada’s horse sport industry?
- concerns over closure of equine facilities & euthanasia of healthy animals due to economic impact
- federal government funding for agri-food sector did not include most working horses
- issues defining horses in the legislature & which governing body would provide support
- many equine businesses were unable to qualify for emergency support
What is an active equine facility?
- commercial agriculture business that uses farmland, purpose built structures, & active equines to generate revenue
What is an active equine?
- livestock specifically raised & cared for in an active equine facility
- active equines are not kept or raised for use in food processing or the pharmaceutical industry
How much did the equine industry contribute to the GDP in 2023?
$8.69 billion
- also taxes & jobs
What are the costs of equine care?
feed, bedding, housing, vet, farrier (every 5-8 wks), tack, etc.
- amount spent on equine keeping for elite sport equines was 3x higher than amounts spent on breeding & working equines
- elite sport equines cost 2x as much as those that are kept for recreation
How are equines good for people?
- contribute to human heath & well being
- riding can influence youth towards positive & healthy lifelong habits
- equine-assisted services can help people manage mental & physical disabilities
Participation of children in equestrian activities?
- 3rd most expensive kids sport after hockey & water skiing
- kids in equestrian activities are more knowledgeable about horses than their parents
How are equine sports & activities regulated?
- governing sport & provincial horse associations exist, but enrollment is not required (boarding, lessons, rodeos, racing, shows/competitions)
What are individual animal welfare issues?
- denied access to important psychological resources (companionship/social interaction)
- inappropriate drug use
- denied access to physical requirements
- lack of proper professional care
What are industry level welfare issues?
- ignorance/lack of knowledge
- overpopulation of horses
- lack of regulation at the industry level
methods to address equine welfare at the individual level?
- allow access to physical requirements
- make proper horse care the primary goal
- consistent routine care
- strengthen & enforce animal welfare legislation
- education
methods to address equine welfare at the industry level?
- education for all people dealing w/ horses
- better understanding of equine behaviour & learning theory
What are some hands on horse racing careers?
barn manager, caretaker/groom, driver