Ecology - Food Chain Flashcards
what is a POPULATION
number of all organisms of A PARTICULAR species in a ecosystem at any one time
what is a COMMUNITY
number of all populations of ALL
what is an ECOSYSTEM
a distinct self supporting system of organisms
what is a HABITAT
a place where a specific organism lives
makes energy via photosynthesis
feeds on producer
air pollution
CO > reduces capacity of blood to carry oxygen
SO2 > dissolves in water to make acid rain
CO2 NO2 H2O CH4 enhanced greenhouse effect
CFCs destroy ozone layer
Enhanced Greenhouse Effect effects
sea level rise
changes in migration patterns
extreme weather
global warming
fertilisers put on soil. mineral ions get washed for soil into rivers and lakes. algae reproduce rapidly. block out light. plants below water die. algae dies. bacteria break down algae and plants. use up O2 to respire. water becomes anoxic.
decomposers break down sewage. increase in number of decomposers. decomposers use up oxygen in water respiring. water becomes anoxic. living organisms in the water die
leaching and soil erosion increase as roots no longer hold soil and wash into bodies of water