Ecological validity Flashcards
What is context dependent memory?
Context -dependent memory concerns whether people recall information better if they are in the place where it was originally learnt
What was the garden and badly deep sea diving study
This studied the effect in divers who learned a word list underwater
To assess the ecological validity of a study what questions would we need to ask?
What was the environment what was the task how was the D the assessed were the participants aware they were being studied?
What is the weapon focus effect
Eyewitnesses are often not good at identifying criminals and one hypothesis was that they were focusing on the weapon rather than the criminal
Johnson and Scott experiment involved two groups who weighted outside our room and during that time heard a heated discussion followed by a man rushing through the room for one group of participants the man was holding a pen and grease on his hands and the other group the man was holding a paper knife covered in blood. Which participant group recalled the man’s face from photographs more accurately?
The second groups recall was only 33% which suggests they were distracted by the weapon
Why was the Johnson and Scott experiment an experiment
Because there was an independent variable and a dependent variable