Statistical data which relate the total number of various kinds of biologic or vital events like birth, marriages, illnesses and deaths to the size and characteristics of the affected population.
Vital Statistics
A list of information which would determine the health of a particular community like population,
crude birth rate, infant and maternal death rates, neonatal rates and tuberculosis death rate.
Health Statistics
refers to the average number of births that a woman would have at the end of her reproductive life; an indicator in assessing the impact of programs on family planning and reproductive behavio
Total Fertility Rate
are related to the segment of the population deemed to be capable of giving birth
General Fertility Rate
is the number of deaths per 1000 population during a given period of time
Mortality Rate
is a rough measure of the force of mortality or the probability of dying in a population because death rates are largely influenced by age and sex composition of the population
Crude Death Rate
is an index of the level of health in a community; a high IMR
means low levels of health standards which maybe secondary to poor maternal and child health care, malnutrition, poor environmental sanitation or deficient health service delivery
Infant Mortality Rate
is usually due to a combination of infections, parasites, and malnutrition due rapid growth and high nutritional needs
Child Mortality Rate
is the number of deaths among women due to pregnancy, labor, and puerperium over the number of livebirths
Maternal Mortality Rate
is the number of persons falling ill of a specific disease per 1000 population during a given period of time
Morbidity Rate