Early Adulthood Flashcards
Natasha and Akbar met at a friend’s New Year’s Eve party and just started dating. They are about to find out whether they share similar interests, backgrounds, and worldviews. This couple is in Murstein’s (choose one) stimulus/value-comparison/role phase of romantic relationships.
value-comparison phase
What is the primary task for Erikson’s stage of adolescence (teens to 20s)?
Identity vs role confusion
A relationship that has passion and commitment but not intimacy is considered a…
Sexual marriage
What is the artistic work type?
People who are creative and nonconforming, and they love to freely express themselves in the arts
According to this chapter, with regard to family and work, traditional gender roles still exist/no longer exist.
According to this chapter, with regard to family and work, traditional gender roles still exist
A relationship that has passion, intimacy and commitment is considered…
Consumate love
True or False:
Emerging adulthood in a universal life stage
Exists for a minority of young people
Extrinsic career rewards
Work that is performed for external reinforcers, such as pay.
Ruminative moratorium
When a young person is unable to decide between different identities, becoming emotionally paralyzed and highly anxious.
Ethnic identity
How people come to terms with who they are as people relating to their unique ethnic or racial heritage.
Serial cohabitation
Living sequentially with different partners outside of marriage.
True or False:
21st century mothers spend more time with their children than previous generations
What are the three distinct components of love according to Sternberg’s triangular theory?
A job situation that places so many requirements or demands on workers that it becomes impossible to do a good job.
Role overload
True or False:
Confronting the challenge of a biracial or multiracial identity tends to make people think in more rigid ways about the world.
What is the realistic work type?
People who enjoy manipulating machinery or working with tools
Stimulus-value-role theory
Murstein’s mate-selection theory suggest that similar people pair up and that our path to commitment progresses through three phases (called the stimulus, value-comparison, and role phases).
Joe said, “I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was a little boy.” Kayla replied, “I don’t know what my career will be, and I’ve been obsessing about the possibilities day and night.” Joe’s identity status is ______ (moratorium, foreclosure, diffusion, or achievement), while Kayla’s status is ______ (moratorium, foreclosure, diffusion, or achievement). According to the latest research, who is apt to be most anxious and disturbed?
Joe said, “I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was a little boy.” Kayla replied, “I don’t know what my career will be, and I’ve been obsessing about the possibilities day and night.” Joe’s identity status is foreclosure, while Kayla’s status is moratorium.
Kayla is most likely to be distressed (in moratorium)
An identity status in which the person actively seeks out various possibilities to find a truly solid adult life path. A mature style of constructing an identity.
Role conflict
A situation in which a person is torn between two or more major responsibilities—for instance, parent and worker—and cannot do either job adequately.
Role confusion
Erikson’s term for a failure in identity formation, marked by the lack of any sense of a future adult path.
Three couples are celebrating their silver anniversaries. Which relationship has followed the “classic” marital pathway?
a) After being extremely happy with each other during the first three years, Ted and Elaine now find that their marriage has gone steadily downhill.
b) Steve and Betty’s marriage has had many unpredictable ups and downs over the years.
c) Dave and Erika’s marital satisfaction declined, especially during the first four years, but has dramatically improved now that their children have left home.
You are a marriage counselor. Drawing on the research with regard to (1) keeping passion alive, (2) commitment, and (3) couple communications, formulate a suggestion for “homework” to give couples who come to your office for help.
(1) Spend time together doing exciting activities you both enjoy. (2) Practice sacrificing for your mate (giving up activities you might enjoy to further your partner’s happiness). (3) Keep disagreements to the topic; never get personal when fighting; hold off from giving too much advice.
What is the social work type?
People who enjoy helping others and come alive when they are interacting with other human beings
What identity formation states is this person in?
“Frankly, I have no idea what I’m going to do”
Identity diffusion
What identity formation states is this person in?
“I enjoyed working at an advertising company the last two summers, so I plan to go into advertising”
Identity achievement
Describe the triangular theory to a friend and give an example of (a) romantic love, (b) consummate love, and (c) a companionate marriage. Can you think of couples who fit each category? At what stage of life are couples most likely to have companionate marriages?
According to Sternberg, by looking at three dimensions— passion, intimacy, and commitment—and exploring their combinations we can get a portrait of all the partner love relationships that exist in life. By exploring how these facets change over time, we can also understand why marital happiness might naturally decline over the years. (a) This couple is extremely emotionally involved (has intimacy and passion) but has not decided to get married or enter a fully committed relationship. (b) This couple has it all: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Most likely, they are newlyweds. (c) This couple is best friends (intimate) and married (committed) but no longer passionate. Couples who have been married for decades are most likely to have companionate marriages.
According to the stimulus-value-role theory, how do relationships survive?
- Idealising your partner
- Support from friends and family
- Commitment
- Similar interest/personalities
- Dominant/submissive mix
- Adult attachment style
What are Holland’s six personality work types?
Living sequentially with different partners outside of marriage.
Serial cohabitation
What is seen in the communication of happy couples?
- Higher ratio of positive to negative comments
- Don’t get personal when they disagree
- Are sensitive to their partner’s nees for space
Robert Sternberg’s categorization of love relationships into three facets: passion, intimacy, and commitment. When arranged at the points of a triangle, their combinations describe all of the different kinds of adult love relationships.
Triangular theory of love
An identity status in which the person decides on a definite adult life path after searching out various options.
Identity achievement
What are the pros and cons of ambition and high expectations?
PRO: helps to avoid delinquent behaviours, depression, dropping out of school
CON: many do not reach ambitions dues to barriers e.g. poverty, economic factors
Stimulus phase
In Murstein’s theory, the initial mate-selection stage, in which we make judgments about a potential partner based on external characteristics such as appearance.
Majority of people that have low depression symptoms at age 18 have increased/decreased/stable symptoms by 22
Majority of people that have low depression symptoms at age 18 have stable symptoms by 22
A situation in which people—typically parents—are torn between the demands of family and work.
Family-work conflict
Majority of people that have high depression symptoms at age 18 have increased/decreased/stable symptoms by 22
Majority of people that have high depression symptoms at age 18 have decreased symptoms by 22
In Erikson’s theory, the life task of deciding who to be as a person in making the transition to adulthood.
A relationship that has passion and intimacy but not commitment is considered…
Romantic love
James Marcia’s four categories of identity formation: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, moratorium, and identity achievement.
Identity status
During emerging adulthood conscientiousness develops, underpinned by _________ lobe development that is associated with development of self-control
During emerging adulthood conscientiousness develops, underpinned by prefrontal lobe development that is associated with development of self-control
Work that is performed for external reinforcers, such as pay.
Extrinsic career rewards
What are the pros and cons of divorce?
- Production of emotional growth and feelings of self-sufficency
- Relief for some who were unhappy
- Disengagement of fathers through lack of contact or not paying child support
- Challenges with dicipline or lack of connection to stepchildren
Which 2 identity formation states are characterised by having experienced crisis/exploration?
Identity achievement and moratorium
What identity formation states is this person in?
“My dad says I’m good with kids and would be a good teacher, so I guess that’s what I’ll go”
Identity foreclosure
Institutionalization of marriage
The decline in marriage and the emergence of alternate family forms that occurred during the last third of the twentieth century.
Jared is describing marriage around the world. Which two statements can he make?
a) In Sweden, unmarried couples with children are far more likely to be poor.
b) In the United States, we no longer believe in marriage.
c) In Iran today, married women have far more rights than in the past.
d) In India, arranged marriages are in decline.
c and d
What are the adult attachment styles?
Preoccupied/ambivalent insecure attachment
Avoidant/dismissive insecure attachment
Secure attachment
Jennifer says, “I am trying to do exciting things with my spouse.” Mark says, “I’m passionate about focusing on my wife’s well-being.” Explain in a sentence why each strategy promotes marital happiness.
Sharing mutually exciting activities cements passion. Commitment grows out of (and is embodied by) feeling devoted to a partner’s well-being.
True or False:
People are happiest in the honeymoon phase of a marriage
To be successful in university and careers we need flow. What is flow?
- A feeling of total absorption in a challenging, goal directed activity
- Happens when working towards a goal and intrinsically motivated
In Murstein’s theory, the second mate-selection stage, in which we make judgments about a partner on the basis of similar values and interests
Value-comparison phase
What is the primary task for Erikson’s young adult phase (20s to early 40s) of development?
Intimacy vs. isolation
A relationship that has passion but not intimacy or commitment is considered a…
An identity status in which the person is aimless or feels totally blocked, without any adult life path.
Identity diffusion
Kita is clingy and always feels rejected. Rena runs away from intimate relationships. Sam is affectionate and loving. Match the attachment status of each person to one of the following alternatives: secure, avoidant-dismissive, or preoccupied.
Kita’s status is preoccupied. Rena is avoidant/dismissing. Sam is securely attached.
The principle that we select a mate who is similar to us.
Triangular theory of love
Robert Sternberg’s categorization of love relationships into three facets: passion, intimacy, and commitment. When arranged at the points of a triangle, their combinations describe all of the different kinds of adult love relationships.
Which 2 identity formation states are characterised by commitment?
Identity achievement and identity foreclosure
The decline in marriage and the emergence of alternate family forms that occurred during the last third of the twentieth century.
Institutionalization of marriage
Value-comparison phase
In Murstein’s theory, the second mate-selection stage, in which we make judgments about a partner on the basis of similar values and interests
A situation in which a person is torn between two or more major responsibilities—for instance, parent and worker—and cannot do either job adequately.
Role conflict
Preoccupied/ambivalent insecure attachment is characterised by?
Clingy, needy style of relating to loved ones
In Erikson’s theory, the life task of deciding who to be as a person in making the transition to adulthood.
What is the marital satisfaction trend?
Marriage begins with high expectations, then disenchantment sets in
Happiness is at its peak during the honeymoon
Satisfaction repidly slopes downward, and then tends to decline more slowly or level out around year 4
Couples can get happier at the empty nest, when kids leave and the couple can focus on each other again
At retirement, the curve can swing up even more
Vanessa, a bubbly, outgoing 30-year-old, has what her friends see as a perfect job: She’s a researcher in a one-person office, with flexible hours; she has a large, quiet workspace; a boss who is often away; job security; and great pay. Yet Vanessa is unhappy with the job. According to Holland’s theory, what is the problem?
Vanessa’s isolated work environment doesn’t fit her sociable personality. She needs ample chances to interact with people during the day.
How do fathers parent?
- Typically more time with sons than daughters
- More rough and tumble play with sons
- Involvement is more skewed to play activities
- Mother typically has primary responsibility
A relationship that has commitment and intimacy but not passion is considered a…
Compassionate marriage
How people come to terms with who they are as people relating to their unique ethnic or racial heritage.
Ethnic identity
True or False:
You go from identity diffusion to moratorium and finally to identity achievement as you develop an identity
Real-life identity construction if more erratic, moving back and forth in statuses throughout adulthood
Today, relatively few/many single people are open to Internet dating, and on-line relationships are less/more apt to be successful than traditional relationships.
Today many people are open to internet dating and on-line relationships are more apt to be successful than traditional relationships.
When a young person is unable to decide between different identities, becoming emotionally paralyzed and highly anxious.
Ruminative moratorium
What are the key predictors of successful transition to career?
- Entering emerging adulthood upbeat and competent are set-up to flourish at university
- Teens interest in work (productive) vs. interest in playing (avoiding work)
- Personality (healthy decision making and resilience)
In Murstein’s theory, the final mate-selection stage, in which committed partners work out their future life together.
Role phase
Michael, age 30, has just begun his career. Compared to his grandfather, who entered his career 50 years ago, what two predictions can you make for Michael?
a) Michael will change jobs more often than his grandpa.
b) Michael will work fewer hours per week than his grandpa.
c) Michael will have less traditional work hours than his grandpa.
a and c
Your best friend (who has children) is getting remarried. Without being excessively negative, explain frankly why her new relationship can be at risk.
Be careful! You may more quickly contemplate leaving your new spouse when you disagree. Your children are apt to feel threatened by your new relationship, and may place barriers to your getting along.
Consummate love
In Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, the ideal form of love, in which a couple’s relationship involves all three of the major facets of love: passion, intimacy, and commitment.
Identity achievement
An identity status in which the person decides on a definite adult life path after searching out various options.
Identity diffusion
An identity status in which the person is aimless or feels totally blocked, without any adult life path.
Why has the emerging adulthood life stage developed in modern times?
- Life expectantly gains
- Changes in education and workforce
- Cultural norms focussing on self-expression
What is emerging adulthood?
The phase of life devoted to constructing and adult life defined by testing out different possibilities and developing self
When does emerging adulthood start and end?
Begins after high school (nest leaving) and tapers of by late 20s (social standards)
In Murstein’s theory, the initial mate-selection stage, in which we make judgments about a potential partner based on external characteristics such as appearance.
Stimulus phase
Your cousin Clara has enrolled in nursing school. To predict her feelings about this decision, pick the correct question to ask: Have you explored different possibilities?/Do you feel nursing expresses your inner self ?
Do you feel nursing expresses your inner self?
The principle that we select a mate who is similar to us.
What is the investigative work type?
People who like to find things through doing research, analysing information and collecting data
Intrinsic career rewards
Work that provides inner fulfillment and allows people to satisfy their needs for creativity, autonomy, and relatedness.
Identity foreclosure
An identity status in which the person decides on an adult life path (often one spelled out by an authority figure) without any thought or active search.
You overheard your psychology professor saying that his daughter Emma shows symptoms of Erikson’s identity confusion. Emma must be ______ (drifting, actively searching for an identity), which in Marcia’s identity status framework is a sign of ______ (diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium).
You overheard your psychology professor saying that his daughter Emma shows symptoms of Erikson’s identity confusion. Emma must be drifting, which in Marcia’s identity status framework is a sign of diffusion.
Work that provides inner fulfillment and allows people to satisfy their needs for creativity, autonomy, and relatedness.
Intrinsic career rewards
Erikson’s term for a failure in identity formation, marked by the lack of any sense of a future adult path.
Role confusion
Malia and her husband work full time. Statistically speaking, you can make two of the following predictions:
a) Malia will probably take more time off from work for family caregiving.
b) Malia will probably earn less than her spouse.
c) Malia will probably be less well-educated than her spouse.
a and b
Why is emerging adulthood the most challenging stage of life?
- Need to re-centre life roles
- Focus on responsibility, supporting self and making independent decisions about life
- Change to an unstructured, unpredictable path
A relationship that has commitment but not passion or intimacy is considered a…
Empty marriage
What is the conventional work type?
People who have a passion for manipulating data and getting things organised
What is the entrepreneurial work type?
People who like to lead others and they enjoy working on organisational goals
If Latoya is discussing with James how relationships have changed in recent decades, which two statements should she make?
a) There is now more interracial and interethnic dating.
b) Same-sex relationships are now much more acceptable.
c) Homophobia is now rare.
a and b
Avoidant/dismissive insecure attachment is characterised by…
Disengaged styles of relating to loved ones
Catherine tells Kelly, “To have a happy relationship, find someone as similar to you as possible.” Go back and review this section. Then list the ways in which Catherine is somewhat wrong.
Actually, people who have dominant personalities might be better off with more submissive mates (and vice versa). Respecting a partner’s personality is more important than being alike in every attribute and trait. Rather than searching for a clone, it’s best to find a mate who is similar to one’s ideal self. Overinflating that person’s virtues helps tremendously, too!
Family-work conflict
A situation in which people—typically parents—are torn between the demands of family and work.
What identity formation states is this person in?
“I’m taking a job at my mum’s bookstore until I figure out what I really want to do”
An identity status in which the person decides on an adult life path (often one spelled out by an authority figure) without any thought or active search.
Identity foreclosure
A relationship that has intimacy but not passionor commitment is considered…
Best friends
What did Mursteain (stimulus-value-role theory) suggest about similarities?
Similarities are importants and opposites do not attract
Role phase
In Murstein’s theory, the final mate-selection stage, in which committed partners work out their future life together.
In Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, the ideal form of love, in which a couple’s relationship involves all three of the major facets of love: passion, intimacy, and commitment.
Consummate love
Identity status
James Marcia’s four categories of identity formation: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, moratorium, and identity achievement.
Role overload
A job situation that places so many requirements or demands on workers that it becomes impossible to do a good job.
Murstein’s mate-selection theory suggest that similar people pair up and that our path to commitment progresses through three phases (called the stimulus, value-comparison, and role phases).
Stimulus-value-role theory
An identity status in which the person actively seeks out various possibilities to find a truly solid adult life path. A mature style of constructing an identity.
What are the four states of identity formation?
Identity achievement
Identity foreclosure
Identity diffusion
What do longitudinal studies show about parenthood?
- Parenthood make couples less intimate and happy
- Heterosexual parenthood tends to produce more traditional and conflict-ridden martial roles
- Great variability in how couples cope with being parents
- Having a good prior relationship is key to adjusting well