e&vII partial 2 exam Flashcards
What does society think of our body?
Also we are taught by western civilization that we are only our mind and not our body also.
We treat our bodies like trash, we don’t listen to them, we eat junk food, we don’t exercise, we fill our minds with trash too. We care only about the mind.
But in different cultures the body is seen Different
What is intrapersonal communication?
It is a conscious awareness of you in a particular current moment in your life(only in present tense).
When you are aware of how you are, what you can do, you feel yourself.
Stress is the tag(emotion) of certain feelings and it depends on the cultural background.
Stress starts when we perceive a situation as painful or difficult, the mind and body prepare to respond to danger. It’s a threat, imagined or real. We evaluate it and make a response which is defensive or adaptive which is beneficial to survive that situation unless it becomes chronic, the systems stay on for a while.
What causes stress in teens mainly?
School Negative thoughts Change in bodies Problems with friends Unsafe living environment Separation parents Death, illness Moving schools Too many activities or Expectations Financial problems
What happens with inadequately manares stress?
It becomes anxiety, aggression, physical illness or poor coping skills such as drug abuse or alcohol use.
When chronic changes occur to the brain and they don’t reverse and we get anxiety or a depressive disorder.
Tips to handle stress
Exercising, no caffeine, no drugs, learn relaxation exercises, speak emotions, break tasks, decrease negative talk. Etc listening to music, talking to a friend. Enough sleep, healthy diet and feeling connected.
Human integrity(intrapersonal communication, feelings, emotions, stress…)
Try to describe conceptual map
Castoriadis said if you devaluate you, you increase the value of others and end up then hating them even if it is the other way around too.
People love their identity, and hate anything that is not like theirs(football,music,stuff.)
We search for acceptance.
Santiago’s game (has to do with discrimination)
Radical openness of the human being, rude and useless baby
You need certain assurance that what you chose it’s the best and for that you may do a justification to yourself or others like in clothes…
Acceptance… Convincing people not to be excluded.
What you do is to prove yourself right because useless baby doesn’t know anything.
We mark differences when buying shoes we do that to people and to decisions too. THERE’S ALwAYS A DIFFERENCE. Not in the decision but in thinking that it’s the best.
Only way to stop is through empathy, but you can’t do that, so…
Picture analyzing, what must you do?
First identify the symbols as small they may seem they may be important(colors, things, postures and expressions). Then you connect the symbols and justify anything you say that with what is shown.
Context makes the whole difference.
Interpersonal communication. Juergen habermas
Every problem is communication problems, and communication is not only talking but gestures, distance, movements(codes) and such.
Habermas after the nazis… Created dislikes ethics to solve all social problems.
Diskurs ethics
Conversation that people listen and speak (speaking is doing).
- Everybody must say the truth , stop lying to yourself. (When someone doesn’t say it on purpose)
- No important argument should be omitted, don’t leave important information aside. When people are not aware of it. If you are aware but take te decision bit to say it you’re lying and omitting.
- Everybody who will get affected by the decision should have a fair opportunity to discuss it.
- Create the same code, symbols and meanings…
- Everyone’s opinion is worth the same.
- Being reasonable, habermas said: leave your motions aside, take the rational decision and not accept anything that isn’t rational although leaving your emotions aside may not be a good idea.
Examples of attitude
Loyalty Helpfulness Friendly Courteous Kindness Obedient Cheerfulness Thrift Courage Reverent Dramatic Pessimistic Guilt
What is an attitude
Behavior toward something in a specific situation defined by morals.
What is a family
It’s a social-cultural-historical institution. The concept depends ok culture, society and specific time or era. It’s different for all societies depending mainly on what they need. A social convention, a contract invvibg the government.
Things like family and love, they’re created by society and government. They are the ones that tell us if something is accepted or not and make it seem like what they say is a natural thing even though it’s not. It’s to regulate certain thighs like sex…
Government decide family and marriage, also what we think we want is actually really twisted.
Examples if families and problems they can have
In medieval times in France city’s people kids were raised by the same people outside the city.
Western, in 1970’s the nuclear family appears, the one we know now.
In popua, they have a monthly ritual in which everyone has sex, and everyone treats all kids like their own.
And everything can be an argument for discussion, everything is morals, even family
A feeling is a biological process involving chemicals, it’s a thing of my own, nobody will never feel like I but they may see my spectrum, society tells un when to feel but not how. Society messes with our heads
It’s a social tag to name a group of feelings in a particular context or circumstance.
Examples of emotions
Excited, tender, scared, happy, sad, angry…
Examples of feelings
Bouncy, blue, terrified, fulfilled, loving, raging…
Tips for better intrapersonal communication
Relax Be in a comfortable position Concentrate in yourself only Listen to our feelings Listen to your body not only your brain