E-F Flashcards
a title appended to a lawyer’s surname.
a set of moral principles, esp. ones relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or form of conduct
of or relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these: ethical issues in nursing | ethical churchgoing men.
a wide spectrum of ethnic groups: racial, race-related, ethnological; cultural, national, tribal, ancestral, traditional.
responsibility for the ethos of the school: spirit, character, atmosphere, climate, mood, feeling, tenor, essence; disposition, rationale, morality, moral code, value system, principles, standards, ethics.
a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness: the euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue training.
evocative photos from our childhood:bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind
1 an exact description: precise, accurate, correct, faithful, close, true; literal, strict, faultless, perfect, impeccable; explicit, detailed, minute, meticulous, thorough; informal on the nail, on the mark, bang on, on the money, on the button. ANTONYMS inaccurate.
2 an exact manager: careful, meticulous, painstaking, punctilious, conscientious, scrupulous, exacting; methodical, organized, orderly. ANTONYMS careless.
excise tax
A type of duty
A tax based on business
a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model: he became the leading exemplar of conservative philosophy.
done with speed and efficiency: an expeditious investigation.
clarify, spell out, untangle; interpret, translate, elucidate, expound, illuminate, throw light on.,nalyze and develop (an idea or principle) in detail: attempting to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces.
1 expulsion from the party: removal, debarment, dismissal, exclusion, discharge, ejection, drumming out. ANTONYMS admission.
2 the expulsion of bodily wastes: discharge, ejection, excretion, voiding, evacuation, elimination, passing.
make excuses for, defend, vindicate, justify; diminish, lessen, moderate, qualify, play down.
literary make (someone) thin
1 an extinct species: vanished, lost, died out, no longer existing, no longer extant, wiped out, destroyed, gone. ANTONYMS extant.
2 an extinct volcano: inactive. ANTONYMS dormant.
nutritionists extol the virtues of fiber: praise enthusiastically, go into raptures about/over, wax lyrical about, sing the praises of, praise to the skies, acclaim, exalt, eulogize, adulate, rhapsodize over, rave about, enthuse about/over; informal go wild about, go on about, ballyhoo; formal laud; archaic panegyrize. ANTONYMS criticize.
he was convicted of extorting money from local residents: force, extract, exact, wring, wrest, screw, squeeze, obtain by threat(s), blackmail someone for; informal put the bite on someone for; soak, rook.
like many extroverts, he was unhappy inside: outgoing person, sociable person, socializer, life of the party. ANTONYMS introvert.
Raj’s extrovert personality: outgoing, extroverted, sociable, gregarious, genial, affable, friendly, unreserved. ANTONYMS introverted.
private funding has facilitated our research: make easy/easier, ease, make possible, make smooth/smoother, smooth the way for; enable, assist, help (along), aid, oil the wheels of, expedite, speed up, accelerate, forward, advance, promote, further, encourage, catalyze, be a catalyst for. ANTONYMS impede.
1 a faction of the party: clique, coterie, caucus, cabal, bloc, camp, group, grouping, sector, section, wing, arm, branch, set; ginger group, pressure group.
2 the council was split by faction: infighting, dissension, dissent, dispute, discord, strife, conflict, friction, argument, disagreement, controversy, quarreling, wrangling, bickering, squabbling, disharmony, disunity, schism.
this had been a key factor in his decision to withdraw: element, part, component, ingredient, strand, constituent, point, detail, item, feature, facet, aspect, characteristic, consideration, influence, circumstance.
a Muslim (or, loosely, a Hindu) religious ascetic who lives solely on alms.
a musical composition with a free form and often an improvisatory style.
• a musical composition that is based on several familiar tunes.
• a thing that is composed of a mixture of different forms or styles: the theater is a kind of Moorish and Egyptian fantasia.
very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail: he chooses his words with fastidious care.
• very concerned about matters of cleanliness: the child seemed fastidious about getting her fingers sticky or dirty.