C3 Flashcards
a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties:
a jumble
1 the conglomerate was broken up: corporation, company, business, multinational, combine, group, consortium, partnership; firm.
2 a conglomerate of disparate peoples: mixture, mix, combination, amalgamation, union, marriage, fusion, composite, synthesis; miscellany, hodgepodge.
a conglomerate mass: aggregate, agglomerate, amassed, combined.
the debris conglomerated into planets: coalesce, unite, join, combine, merge, fuse, consolidate, amalgamate, integrate, mingle, intermingle.
in agreement or harmony: this explanation is congruous with earlier observations.
speculation, guesswork
conspire,hand in glove, plot, scheme; informal be in cahoots.
imply, suggest, indicate, signify, hint at, give the impression of, smack of, be associated with, allude to.
they were conscripted into the army: call up, enlist, recruit, draft; historical press, impress.
an army conscript: compulsorily enlisted soldier, recruit, draftee. ANTONYMS volunteer.
1 there was consensus among delegates: agreement, harmony, concurrence, accord, unity, unanimity, solidarity; formal concord. ANTONYMS disagreement.
2 the consensus was that they should act: general opinion, majority opinion, common view.
1 we consolidated our position in the market: strengthen, secure, stabilize, reinforce, fortify; enhance, improve.
2 consolidate the results into an action plan: combine, unite, merge, integrate, amalgamate, fuse, synthesize, bring together, unify.
the queen and her consort: partner, life partner, companion, mate; spouse, husband, wife, helpmate.
he consorted with other women: associate, keep company, mix, go around, spend time, socialize, fraternize, have dealings; informal run around, hang around/out, be thick.
many small business owners felt pressured to join the consortium: association, alliance, coalition, union, league, guild, syndicate, federation, confederation, confederacy, conglomerate, cooperative, combine, partnership, affiliation, organization; club, society, congress.
a summary or overview of a subject: five of his works give a rich conspectus of his art.
a tropical vine with conspicuous blossoms: easily seen, clear, visible, noticeable, discernible, perceptible, detectable; obvious, manifest, evident, apparent, marked, pronounced, prominent, patent, crystal clear; striking, eye-catching, impactful, overt, blatant; distinct, recognizable, unmistakable, inescapable; informal as plain as the nose on one’s face, standing/sticking out like a sore thumb.
1 farmers constituted 10 percent of the population: amount to, add up to, account for, form, make up, compose.
2 this constitutes a breach of copyright: be equivalent to, be, embody, be tantamount to, be regarded as.
3 the courts were constituted in 1875: inaugurate, establish, initiate, found, create, set up, start, form, organize, develop; commission, charter, invest, appoint, install, empower.
the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact: the rooms held no risk of contagion.
• a disease spread in such a way.
• the spreading of a harmful idea or practice: the contagion of disgrace.
competition, struggle
the contour of the moon’s surface: outline, shape, form; lines, curves, figure; silhouette, profile.
she took copious notes: abundant, superabundant, plentiful, ample, profuse, full, extensive, generous, bumper, lavish, fulsome, liberal, overflowing, in abundance, many, numerous; informal galore; literary plenteous. ANTONYMS sparse.
1 postal codes correlate with geographic location: correspond to/with, match, parallel, agree with, tally with, tie in with, be consistent with, be compatible with, be consonant with, coordinate with, dovetail (with), relate to, conform to; informal square with, jibe with. ANTONYMS contrast.
2 we can correlate good health and physical fitness: connect, analogize, associate, relate, compare, set side by side.
the witness can corroborate Brueller’s story: confirm, verify, endorse, ratify, authenticate, validate, certify; support, back up, uphold, bear out, bear witness to, attest to, testify to, vouch for, give credence to, substantiate, sustain. ANTONYMS contradict.
(of light) flash or sparkle: the light was coruscating from the walls.
the science of the origin and development of the universe.
the universe seen as a well-ordered whole: he sat staring deep into the void, reminding himself of his place in the cosmos.
• a system of thought: the new gender-free intellectual cosmos.
an ornamental plant of the daisy family with single dahlialike flowers.