D Flashcards
act or move slowly: workers were loafing, dallying, or goofing off.
he dandled his little boy on his knee: bounce, jiggle, dance, rock.
1 a man unduly devoted to style, neatness, and fashion in dress and appearance.
2 informal, dated an excellent thing of its kind: this umbrella is a dandy.
adjective ( dandier , dandiest )
1 informal excellent: upgrading seemed a dandy idea | things are all fine and dandy .
2 relating to or characteristic of a dandy.
a dearth of trained specialists: lack, scarcity, shortage, shortfall, want, deficiency, insufficiency, inadequacy, paucity, sparseness, scantiness, rareness; absence. ANTONYMS surfeit.
the team was debriefed by the company commander: cross-examine, interview, interrogate, question, probe, sound out, examine; informal grill, pump.
1 identify and remove errors from (computer hardware or software): games are the worst to debug | (as noun debugging) : software debugging.
2 detect and remove concealed microphones from (an area).
3 remove insects from (something), esp. with a pesticide.
even the most successful hoax will eventually be debunked: explode, deflate, quash, discredit, disprove, contradict, controvert, invalidate, negate; challenge, call into question, poke holes in; formal confute. ANTONYMS confirm.
moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury: he denounced Western decadence.
• luxurious self-indulgence: “French” connotes richness and decadence, and that’s the idea of this ice cream.
the Ten Commandments.
a stoppered glass container into which wine is gradually poured
1 he deciphered the code: decode, decrypt, break, work out, solve, interpret, unscramble, translate; make sense of, get to the bottom of, unravel; informal crack, figure out. ANTONYMS encode.
2 the writing was hard to decipher: make out, discern, perceive, read, follow, fathom, make sense of, interpret, understand, comprehend, grasp.
1 he had acted with decorum: propriety, seemliness, decency, good taste, correctness; politeness, courtesy, good manners; dignity, respectability, modesty, demureness. ANTONYMS impropriety.
2 a breach of decorum: etiquette, protocol, good form, custom, convention; formalities, niceties, punctilios, politeness. ANTONYMS impropriety.
1 a decrepit old man: feeble, infirm, weak, weakly, frail; disabled, incapacitated, crippled, doddering, tottering; old, elderly, aged, ancient, senile; informal past it, over the hill, no spring chicken. ANTONYMS strong, fit.
2 a decrepit house: dilapidated, rickety, run-down, tumbledown, beat-up, ramshackle, derelict, ruined, in (a state of) disrepair, gone to rack and ruin; battered, decayed, crumbling, deteriorating. ANTONYMS sound.
she decried the double standards: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, attack, rail against, run down, pillory, lambaste, vilify, revile; disparage, deprecate, cast aspersions on; informal slam, blast, knock. ANTONYMS praise.
we can deduce from the evidence that Harding was indeed present at the time of the murder: conclude, reason, work out, infer; glean, divine, intuit, understand, assume, presume, conjecture, surmise, reckon; informal figure out.
Cuban defectors sought refuge in Miami: deserter, turncoat, traitor, renegade, Judas, quisling; informal rat.
the reserve funds are not enough to defray the additional costs: pay (for), cover, meet, square, settle, clear, discharge.
the original contract is defunct: disused, unused, inoperative, nonfunctioning, unusable, obsolete; no longer existing, discontinued; extinct. ANTONYMS working, extant.
union delegates: representative, envoy, emissary, commissioner, agent, deputy, commissary; spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman; ambassador, plenipotentiary.
1 the aims of the study as delineated by the boss: describe, set forth/out, present, outline, sketch, depict, represent; map out, define, specify, identify.
2 a section delineated in red pen: outline, trace, block in, mark (out/off), delimit.
1 delinquent teenagers: lawless, lawbreaking, criminal; errant, badly behaved, troublesome, difficult, unruly, disobedient, uncontrollable. ANTONYMS well-behaved.
2 formal delinquent parents face tough penalties: negligent, neglectful, remiss, irresponsible, lax, slack, derelict. ANTONYMS dutiful.
young delinquents: offender, wrongdoer, malefactor, lawbreaker, culprit, criminal; hooligan, vandal, mischief-maker, ruffian, hoodlum, lowlife, punk; young offender.
demand deposit
a deposit of money that can be withdrawn without prior notice.
his normally calm demeanor: manner, air, attitude, appearance, look; bearing, carriage; behavior, conduct; formal comportment.
formal the denizens of Grant’s Hollow were a quirky lot: inhabitant, resident, townsman, townswoman, native, local; occupier, occupant, dweller; archaic burgher.