D-E Flashcards
what he lacks in natural talent he makes up for in dogged spirit: tenacious, determined, resolute, resolved, purposeful, persistent, persevering, single-minded, tireless; strong-willed, steadfast, staunch; formal pertinacious. ANTONYMS halfhearted.
a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression: the mortgage market has been in the doldrums for three years.
• an equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean with calms, sudden storms, and light unpredictable winds.
expressing sorrow; mournful: a doleful look.
• causing grief or misfortune: doleful consequences.
1 they extended their domain: realm, kingdom, empire, dominion, province, territory, land.
2 the domain of art: field, area, sphere, discipline, province, world.
Doppler effect
an increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move toward (or away from) each other. The effect causes the sudden change in pitch noticeable in a passing siren, as well as the redshift seen by astronomers.
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dowdy frocks and an unappealing hairstyle: unfashionable, frumpy, old-fashioned, outmoded, out-of-date, inelegant, shabby, frowzy. ANTONYMS fashionable.
1 I’m feeling a bit down: depressed, sad, unhappy, melancholy, miserable, wretched, sorrowful,
1 they went down in the elevator: toward a lower position, downward, downstairs. ANTONYMS up.
2 she fell down: to the ground, to the floor, over. ANTONYMS up.
drip line
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a device, typically conical or funnel-shaped with open ends, towed behind a boat, aircraft, or other moving object to reduce speed or improve stability.
1 a plane droned overhead: hum, buzz, whirr, vibrate, murmur, rumble, purr.
2 he droned on about right and wrong: speak boringly, go on and on, talk at length; intone, pontificate; informal spout, sound off, jaw, spiel, speechify.
1 the drone of aircraft taking off: hum, buzz, whirr, vibration, murmur, purr.
2 drones supported by taxpayers’ money: hanger-on, parasite, leech, passenger, bottom feeder; idler, loafer, layabout, good-for-nothing, do-nothing; informal lazybones, scrounger, sponger, freeloader, slacker.
due process
fair treatment through the normal judicial system, esp. as a citizen’s entitlement.
a house divided into two apartments, with a separate entrance for each.
• an apartment on two floors.
other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.
he never became the dyspeptic old man his father had been: bad-tempered, short-tempered, irritable, snappish, testy, tetchy, touchy, crabby, crotchety, grouchy, cantankerous, peevish, cross, disagreeable, waspish, prickly; informal on a short fuse, cranky, ornery
an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. Compare with Utopia.
1 an earthy smell: soil-like, dirtlike.
2 she was a simple, earthy girl: down-to-earth, unsophisticated, unrefined, simple, plain, unpretentious, natural.
3 Emma’s earthy language: bawdy, ribald, off-color, racy, rude, vulgar, lewd, crude, foul, coarse, uncouth, unseemly, indelicate, indecent, obscene; informal blue, locker-room, barnyard.
1 the tide ebbed: recede, go out, retreat, flow back, fall back/away, subside. ANTONYMS come in.
2 his courage began to ebb: diminish, dwindle, wane, fade away, peter out, decline, flag, let up, decrease, weaken, disappear. ANTONYMS increase, intensify.
1 the ebb of the tide: receding, retreat, subsiding.
2 the ebb of the fighting: abatement, subsiding, easing, dying down, de-escalation, decrease, decline, diminution.
in an ebullient mood: exuberant, buoyant, cheerful, joyful, cheery, merry, jolly, sunny, jaunty, lighthearted, elated; animated, sparkling, vivacious, irrepressible; informal bubbly, bouncy, peppy, upbeat, chirpy, smiley, full of beans; dated gay. ANTONYMS depressed.
the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, esp. to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.
the news of Sophie’s safe return made them ecstatic: enraptured, elated, in raptures, euphoric, rapturous, joyful, overjoyed, blissful; on cloud nine, in seventh heaven, beside oneself with joy, jumping for joy, delighted, thrilled, exultant; informal over the moon, on top of the world, blissed out.
formal a change in diet may be quite efficacious: effective, effectual, successful, productive, constructive, potent; helpful, beneficial, advantageous, valuable, useful.
I had to eke out my remaining funds: husband, use sparingly, be thrifty with, be frugal with, be sparing with, use economically; informal go easy on. ANTONYMS squander.
eke out a living they barely eked out a living: subsist, survive, get by, scrape by, make ends meet, keep body and soul together, keep the wolf from the door, keep one’s head above water.