Duplex Scanning and Color Flow Imaging of the Lower Extremities Flashcards
3 types of bypass grafts
synthetic graft
reversed saphenous vein graft
in situ vein graft
scan the following and obtain PSVs when evaluating a bypass graft
proximal inflow artery
proximal anastomosis
distal anastomosis
distal outflow artery
any sites of stenoses or other noted abnormalities
stenotic PSV compared to pre-stenotic PSV
(2:1 ratio) suggests ___
(4:1 ratio) suggests ___
stenotic PSV ≥ 400cm/sec suggests ___
(2:1 ratio) suggests ≥ 50% diameter reduction
(4:1 ratio) suggests ≥ 75% diameter reduction
stenotic PSV ≥ 400cm/sec suggests ≥ 75% diameter reduction
significant stenoses and occlusions commonly occur at the level of the ___
adductor canal (Hunter’s canal)
the most important element in the assessment of bypass grafts is the ___
comparison of the current study to previous studies
when evaluating bypass grafts, look for
a decrease of ___ PSV in any graft segment
a change in ___
a decrease in ABI of ___
a decrease of 30cm/sec PSV in any graft segment
a change in quality/waveform
a decrease in ABI of > 0.15
normal vein bypass grafts have
PSVs of ____
lower-resistance flow in the ___
PSVs of > 45cm/sec
lower-resistance flow in the distal graft (outflow artery)
abnormal bypass graft findings
PSVs > ___ and velocity ratio > ___
platelet/thrombus formation with PSV > ___
low PSV - assess for ___ or ___
PSVs > 180cm/sec and velocity ratio > 2.5
platelet/thrombus formation with PSV > 300 cm/sec
low PSV - assess for inflow disease or a systemic cause
consider revision of LE vein bypass graft if:
focal PSV >
intrastenotic-to-poststenotic SVR >
high ___
interval decrease in ABI >
clinical status changes
focal PSV > 200cm/sec
intrastenotic-to-poststenotic SVR > 3
high outflow resistance (no diastolic flow)
interval decrease in ABI > 0.2
clinical status changes
normal stented arteries will likely have elevated ___
elevated PSVs