DR2 - Anterior Wall of Thorax Flashcards
From which thoracic vertebra does the subcostal nerve arise?
Name a nerve present in the axilla that is at significant risk during breast surgery.
Intercostobrachial nerve
From which thoracic vertebra does the intercostobrachial nerve arise?
What 3 structures lie in the sub groove of the 7th rib?
Intercostal nerve
Intercostal artery
Intercostal vein
What makes up the manubriosternal joint?
Angle of Louis
2nd costal cartilage
Superior border of the heart?
2nd left to 3rd right cc
Inferior border of the heart?
6th right to 5th intercostal space (apex beat palpation)
Right border of the heart?
3rd right to 6th right cc
Left border of the heart?
5th intercostal space (apex beat palpation) to 2nd left cc