(don't study! extra info )cog wk 8 Flashcards
why quantitative
has 4 quantifiers
some not
Two types of reasoning
inductive reasoning : draw conclusion from specific instance which may or may not be correct
Deductive reasoning: start with some premises, finish with a conclusion that has to be true if the two premises are true
easiest syllogism example
vs hardest
asked all A are B, all B are C.
are all A B
all B are A
all B are C
how many A are C
1st approach - mood
2nd approach - Comprehension
e.g. p.p told all A are B and the p.p hears all B are A
or told some A are B believe some, but not all, A are B
Clarifying premises greatly reduces error rates e.g. All A are B but not all B are A
3rd approach (to expl 1st flashcard)Mental Models
” create mental models of all possible variations of what can be true in syllogism world. The more possible mental models, the lower the accurate and slower.
Newstead asked p.p to write down conclusion for syllogism and then write down considered models. Found multiple model conclusions p.p only considered one model.
4th approach to explaining syllogistic reasoning
Framing and experience
4 questions in a believable-unbelievable, valid, invalid matrix.
valid believable 86%
unbelievable valid 56%
believable invalid 71% (this is the percentage that accepted, in this case wrongly as statement is invalid)
unbelievable invalid 10% ACCEPT CONCLUSION
Propisitional reasoning conditions
4 types of propositional reasoning =
(check if this is in Learning ob)
1st reason for propositional reason error
if asked about S and 9, will turn over S and 9
would rule out confirmation bias
explain card selection ask in propositional reason
2nd reason for propositional reason error
experiementer said: if there is a D one one side …
..then there is a 3 on the other side
p.p heard, CHoose D
vise versa so
Choose all four cards
mental mdels - propositional logic
not generating enough mental models.
e.g. don’t image if C is possible without A
Framing and experience - propositional
e.g. asked about drinking and age p.p got 73% correct cards.
asked about p and q, 0% chose correct cards ( p, not-q) (abstract task)
evidence for Framing and experience
Deontic reasoning .
give same rule and same question
when given context about it , improves massively
evolved “cheater detection algorithm”
Relevence/expected utility
-Matching heuristic: itmes mentoned in rile seem relevent
- CHeater detectiom: high utility …..