Domain Bacteria And Archaea Flashcards
Special uses of a Prokaryotes cell wall
Maintain cell shape, protect cell, prevent bursting from hypotonic environment
Only ______ cell walls contain peptidoglycan
Archaeal cell walls contain…
Various polysaccharides and protiens.
Not peptidoglycan
2 types of bacterial cells
Gram-positive, gram-negative
A bacterial cell with simple cell walls and a lot of peptidoglycan
A bacterial cell with less peptidoglycan, more complex walls, outer membrane made from lipopolysaccharides
If the sticky layer on the outside of a Prokaryotes is dense and well-defined, it is called a…
If the sticky layer on the outside of a Prokaryotes is less well organized it is called…
A slime layer
Hair-like structures some prokaryotes may use to stick to others
A structure made from Prokaryotes to lay dormant during harsh conditions
Directed movement towards or away a stimulus, half of all Prokaryotes can do this.
Small rings of independently replicating DNA in a Prokaryote
3 key features of Prokaryotes
Small, binary fission, short generation times
Organisms that only need CO2 I’m some from as a carbon
Organisms that require at least one organic nutrient to make organic compounds
Faculative anaerobes
Uses O2 if avaliable, but has backup options
(Energy source, Carbon source, types of organism)
CO², HCO³-, or related compounds
Photosynthetic Prokaryotes; plants: some protists (eg. Algae)
(Energy source, Carbon source, types of organism)
Inorganic chemicals
CO2, HCO3-
Certain Prokaryotes
(Energy source, Carbon source, types of organism)
Organic compounds
Unique to some aquatic and salt-loving Prokaryotes
(Energy source, Carbon source, types of organism)
Organic compounds
Organic compounds
Many Prokaryotes, most animals and fungi
Unique organizm features in Archaea
Extremophiles (Extreme haplophiles and thermophiles)
Extreme halophiles
Loves high saline (salty) environments. Salt lakes.
Some tolerate salt, some require it
Release methane as a by-product
Live in swamps/marshes and guts of animals
Strict anaerobes (poisoned by O2)
Extreme thermophiles
Love hot environments
Hot springs, sulfur springs, sometimes deep sea vents
Like 60-80°, max is 120°
Who is a part of Chemical Cycling
Decomposers (chemoheterotrophic Prokaryotes): break down dead organic matter
Autotrophic Prokaryotes: Use CO2 to make organic compounds. Cyanobacteria make atmosphere O2
Nitrogen-fixing Prokaryotes: add usable nitrogen to environment.
Symbiosis types
Mutualism: Both sides happy :3
Commensalism: One side happy, other isn’t hurt or helped
Paratisism: One happy, other hurt (parasite may eat host cells, tissue, fluids)
A parasite that causes a disease is known as a… and fact about them
Cause about half of all human diseases.
Pathogens cause disease with…
Exotoxins and endotoxins
Human uses of Prokaryotes
Bioremediation: Use them to remove pollutants
Food and drinks - milk to cheese
Research and technology
Medical application
What organisms are capable of nitrogen-fixation?
Some cyanobacteria and some methanogens (Prokaryotes)