Dog Hindlimb Flashcards
Superficial gluteal fascia
Continuation of the superficial trunk fascia on the dorsal surface over the pelvis. Contains an aponeurosis from which the cutaneus trunci arises.
Superficial caudal fascia
Continuation of the superficial gluteal fascia onto the tail
Superficial Lamina of the fascia lata
Continuation of the superficial gluteal fascia distally down the limb
Thoracolumbar fascia
Part of the deep fascia of the trunk, well developed in the lumbar region over the spine.
Deep gluteal fascia
Continuation of the thoracolumbar fascia from the iliac crest and caudal over the pelvis
Deep caudal fascia
Continuation of the deep gluteal fascia onto the tail and caudally down.
Medial femoral fascia
Thin Continuation of the deep gluteal fascia onto the medial side of the thigh
Fascia lata
Aka the lateral femoral fascia
Thick, covers the lateral surface of the thigh. A continuation of the deep gluteal fascia.
Crural fascia
Continuation of the fascia lata and medial femoral fascia past the thigh and distally down the leg
Biceps femoris
O: sacrotuberous ligament
Ishchiatic tuberosity
I: fascia lata and crural fascia (to patella and cranial border of tibia)
Tuber calcanei via common calcanean tendon
A: extend the hip, stifle, and hock
Caudal part of the muscle flexes the stifle
In: sciatic nerve
Sacrotuberous ligament
Origin of the biceps femoris
Runs from the ishiatic tuberosity to the sacrum
Popliteal lymph node
Palpable on the live dog
Lying in fat directly caudal to the stifle
Common calcanean tendon
Heavy part of the fascia inside the crural fascia and connecting to the tuber calcanei
O: ischiatic tuberosity I: distocranial border of the tibia Tibial tuberosity Tuber calcanei through crural fascia A: extend the hip and hock Flex the stifle In: sciatic nerve
O: ischiatic tuberosity I: distal medial lip of caudal femur Medial condyle of the tibia A: extend the hip Femur belly = extends stifle Tibia belly = can extend or flex the stifle depending on limb position In: sciatic nerve
Cranial part (shorter) O: crest of the ilium and thoracolumbar fascia I: patella Caudal part (longer) O: cranial ventral iliac spine and ventral border of ilium I: cranial border of the tibia A: flex the hip Cranial part extends the stifle Caudal part flexes the stifle In: femoral nerve
O: symphysial tendon to pelvic symphysis I: cranial border of the tibia Tuber calcanei Ac: adduct the limb Flex the stifle Extend the hip and hock In: obturator nerve
Symphysial tendon
Thick, flat tendon attached ventrally to the symphysis pelvis
Superficial fascia of the trunk
Over the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, just deep to dermis and superficial to the areolar tissue
Femoral triangle
Shallow superficial triangular space between the sartorius and the pectineus which contains the femoral artery (cranial) and the femoral vein (caudal)
O: Iliopubic eminence and the pubic tubercle via the prepubic tendon
I: medial lip of femur’s rough surface (distal portion)
A: adduct the limb
In: obturator nerve
Two muscles : adductor longus (cranial) and adductor magnus et brevis
O: pelvic symphysis (via symphysial tendon)
Ischiatic arch
Ventral surface of ilium and pubis between two origins
I: lateral lip or femur’s rough surface
A: adduct limb and extend the hip
In: obturator nerve
Tensor fasciae latae
Two parts - cranial and caudal O: tuber coxae and adjacent part of ilium Aponeurosis of the middle gluteal muscle I: fascia lata A: tense the fascia lata Flex the hip Extend the stifle In: cranial gluteal nerve
Superficial gluteal
O: lateral border of sacrum and first caudal vertebrae by means of the sacrotuberous ligament
Cranial dorsal iliac spine by means of deep gluteal fascia
I: third trochanter
A: extend the hip
Abduct the limb
In: caudal gluteal nerve
Middle gluteal
O: iliac crest and gluteal surface
I: greater trochanter
A: extend and abduct the hip and rotate limb medially
In: cranial gluteal nerve
The deep caudal portion of the middle gluteal muscle
Deep gluteal
O: body of the ilium and the ischiatic spine I: cranial aspect of greater trochanter A: extend and abduct the limb Rotate the limb medially In: cranial gluteal nerve
ArticularIis coxae
Attachments: ilium (lateral area for the rectus femoris) and neck of the femur.
Internal obturator
Internal on the PELVIS (inside the canal)
O: symphysis pelvis
Dorsal surface of the ischium and pubis
I: trochanteric fossa
A: rotate the limb laterally at the hip
In: sciatic nerve
O: lateral surface of the ischium
I: trochanteric fossa
A: rotate the limb laterally at the hip
In: sciatic nerve
Quadratus femoris
O: ventral surface of the caudal pubis
I: intertrochanteric crest
A: extend the hip and rotate the limb laterally at the hip
In: sciatic nerve
External obturator
External to the pelvis O: ventral surface of the pubis and ischium I: trochanteric fossa A: rotate the limb laterally at the hip In: obturator nerve
Sesmoid bone intercalculated into the tendon insertion of the quadriceps. Articulates with the trochlea of the femur
Patellar ligament
Extends from the patella to the tibial tuberosity, the distal end of the tendon of quadriceps insertion.
Rectus femoris
Part of the quadriceps femoris (most cranial)
O: lateral area for the rectus femoris (ilium)
I: tibial tuberosity
A: extends the stifle
Flexes the hip
In: femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis
Part of the quadriceps O: lateral lip of the rough surface (proximal) I: tibial tuberosity A: extend the stifle In: femoral nerve
Vastus intermedius
Part of the quadriceps femoris O: with vastus lateralis (proximal lateral lip) I: tibial tuberosity A: extend the stifle In: femoral nerve
Vastus medialis
Part of the quadriceps femoris O: proximedial of femur and medial lip of the rough surface I: tibial tuberosity A: extend the stifle In: femoral nerve
Just see the end on the hindlimb -huge spinal muscle. Two parts: Psoas major (lumbar spines) and ilicus (entirely on the ilium).
O: psoas major on the lumbar vertebrae
Iliacus on the cranioventral ilium
I: lesser trochanter
A: flex the hip (major flexor)
In: ventral branches of the lumbar spinal nerves and femoral nerve
Crural extensor retinaculum
Oblique retinaculum from the distal third of the fibula to the medial malleolus. Holds the tendons of the digital extensors
Superficial tarsal, metatarsal, and digital fasciae
Continuations of the superficial crural fascia over the pes
Tarsal extensor retinaculum
Fibrous loop that attaches to the tuber calcanei
Wraps around the tendon of the long digital extensor
Cranial tibial
O: extensor groove and articular margin of the tibia
Lateral edge of the cranial tibial border
I: plantar bases of metatarsals I and II
A: flex the tarsocrural joint
Rotate the paw laterally
In: fibular nerve
Long digital extensor
O: extensor fossa of the femur
I: extensor processes of II, III, IV and V
A: extend the digits and flex the tarsus
In: fibular nerve
Fibularis longus
O: lateral condyle and proximal end of the tibia
Lateral epicondyle of the femur by lateral collateral ligament of the stifle
I: fourth tarsal bone and plantar bases of metatarsals
A: flex the tarsus
Rotate the paw medially
In: fibular nerve
Lateral (large) head
O: lateral supracondylar tuberosity of the femur
Medial (small) head
O: medial supracondylar tuberosity of the femur
I: tuber calcanei via the major portion of the common calcanean tendon
A: extend the tarsus and flex the stifle
In: tibial nerve
Superficial digital flexor
O: lateral supracondylar tuberosity of the femur
I: tuber calcanei and bases of middle phalanges II - V
A: flex proximal two digital joints
Flex the stifle
Extend the tarsus
In: tibial nerve
Calcaneal bursa
Filled with synovial fluid and on the tuber calcanei, formed mostly by the tendon of the superficial digital flexor
Deep digital flexor
Lateral head (lateral digital flexor) and Medial head (medial digital flexor)
O: caudal proximal 2/3 of tibia
Proximal 1/2 of fibula
Interosseous membrane
I: flexor tubercles of the distal phalanges
A: flex the digits and extend the tarsus
In: tibial nerve
Flexor retinaculum
Thick fibrous material that surrounds the tendon of deep digital flexor and binds it in the groove over the sustenaculum tali of the calcaneus
O: lateral epicondyle of the femur
I: proximal third of the caudal tibia
A: rotate the leg medially (leg - just calve)
In: tibial nerve
Ischiorectal fossa
Depression between the tail and the anus
Popliteal sesmoid
Medial to the lateral collateral ligament next to the popliteus tendon of origin
What are the components of the common calcanean tendon?
- Gastrocnemius - main component
- Superficial digital flexor - large component
- biceps femoris
- semitendonosis
- gracilis
How are the femoral artery and vein oriented?
Vein is caudal to the artery.
Why does the tarsal joint have supinators and pronators?
Act to prevent slipping on uneven ground while walking on the digits. Do not actually supinate or pronate the paw - very limited range of motion there.
Which muscles rotate the hindlimb medially?
Deep and superficial gluteals
Which muscles rotate the hindlimb laterally?
Obturator muscles.
Lateral rotators of the hip
Internal obturator
External obturator
Quadratus femoris
Medial rotators of the hip
Deep and medial gluteal muscles
Sacroiliac joint
Between the ilium and the sacrum - stability not mobility. Fibrocartilagenous joint.
Dorsal and ventral sacroiliac ligaments
Bands of strong collagenous tissue that reinforce the fibrocartilage of the sacroiliac joint.
Hip joint
Ball and socket, three planes of movement. Medial and lateral rotator muscles are antagonists to help limit movement to the cranial/caudal plane.
Ligament of the femoral head
From the fovea capitis femoris on the head of the femur to the acetabular fossa.
Transverse acetabular ligament
From one side to the other side of the acetabular notch to hold the ball of the joint in place.