Dispatch Terms Flashcards
Basic Operating Weight: Aircraft Empty Weight Plus the crew and equipment designated by the company
Payload = (PAX booked * Seasonal Weight) + (1.5 bags per passenger * 30lbs)
Zero Fuel Weight = BOW + PYLD
Fuel On Board = Ramp Fuel - Taxi Fuel
Takeoff Weight for this flight = ZFW + FOB
Calculated fuel burn from departure to destination
Landing Grows Weight = TOW - BURN
Fuel Over Destination = fuel upon arrival at the destination, including hold fuel = FOB - BURN
Scheduled flight times with blank space for the crew to write actual times, if desired
Burn Fuel
Climb + Cruise + Descent + 1 instrument approach at the destination. For all flights below 10,000’, it’s calculated using a 250 KIAS speed schedule
Reserve Fuel
Based upon FL250 long range cruise speed. The legal 45min reserve.
ALT fuel
- Fuel to the furthest alternate calculated via direct, using long range cruise:
0-50NM = 10,000’
51-100NM = 15,000’
101-150NM = 20000’
151 or greater = 25,000’
- Additional 400lbs is provided (Missed approach)
- Minimum fuel from destination to alternate is 1500lbs
Contingency Fuel
- Vmd fuel flow at 10,000’
- Extra fuel based on HFR (historic fuel requirement) and higher of HFR or MCF (minimum contingency fuel)
- Minimum contingency fuel is 937lbs (700) or 1,082lbs (900). Calculated to include 170lbs (700) or 222lbs (900) of missed approach fuel at the destination.
Tanker Fuel
- Calculated at the cruise rate for specific flight
- Minimum: 330lbs. Consists of:
7 minutes of taxi + 42min APU burn at the gate
- Ground delays
Taxi fuel
- 1,150 lbs./hour
2. Calculated with both engines operating
T/O Fuel + Tanker + Taxi
Ramp Fuel variance allowance
+/- 500lbs
Average Crewmember/observer weights:
- Pilot + flight kit = 229lbs (204 + 24)
- Flight Attendant = 181lbs
- ACM + Baggage = 253
- Crewmember Rollaboard = 34
Average Passenger Weights
Summer (May - October):
Average: = 198lbs
Child Weight = 85lbs
Winter (November - April)
Average: 203lbs
Child: 90lbs
Average Baggage Weight
Standard Checked Bag: 34lbs
Plane Side Bag: 22lbs
Heavy Check Bag >50lbs or <100lbs: 59lbs
Bags 100lbs or greater: Actual
Crew Bag Storage Locations
- Closet: 3 rolls boards, FWD FA Flight Kit
- Second to last OHB, A/C Right: 1 roll aboard, AFT FA Flight Kit
- Closet: FWD FA Flight Kit
- OHB Above Row 12 A/C left and right: 1 rollaboard
- Second to last overhead bin left AND right: 1 rollaboard, AFT FA Flight Kit
- The altimeter setting the entire TLR is based on.
2. TLR is only valid if the actual QNH is NO LOWER than 0.10”
Maximum Flight Plan Takeoff Weight. The maximum takeoff weight for which the flight plan is valid.
Final MTOW can _____ exceed MFPTW
In the event of an engine failure after takeoff, the _________, simple-special or complex special procedure MUST be followed in lieu of published _______.
Abbreviated engine failure procedures
IFR departure procedure or Graphic Departure Procedure
Planned Maximum Allowable Runway Landing Weight
“/“ symbol on landing data section under OAT and LDW
Is the planned LDW and OAT
- Is the actual landing distance (ALD) that would allow a full stop landing at the intended destination airport within 60% (ALD * 1.67).
- Think of as “regulation landing distance” - 121.195b
- “Chuck Yeager Numbers”
- Numbers required for legal dispatch
- If not DRY or Low Visibility (3/4sm or 4,000’), must be increased by 15% for dispatch (only one time)
CC code distances on TLR
Operational Landing Distance (OLD) X 1.15 - Minimum required runway length for landing.
Cost Index-ECON Speeds
- Used by dispatch in preflight planning
2. Can be used inflight only if ACARS cost indexing is not available
ALD can be found in the
Minimum RSV/ALT/CONT fuel:
RSV: 2100
ALT: 1500
CONT: 937
RSV: 2200
ALT: 1500
CONT: 1082
If a change in either the route or cruise altitude of more than _____ NM or ______ feet is desired or assigned, contacting the dispatcher is mandatory.
100NM; 4,000’
A specific fuel check is required at least ______ during each segment with more than ________ of planned flight time, and at least _______ per hour during cruise for longer flights
36 minutes
Upon reaching the first waypoint after achieving the final cruise altitude, flight crews will ________.
Update the FMS with the current fuel on board
When crossing altitudes and speed restrictions are issued or depicted on a chart, ATC expects pilot to ______ first and then __________.
Descend to the crossing altitude
Reduce Speed