DILD- Risk Factors, Naranjo Scale Flashcards
Lung mechanisms of injury
Oxidant injury
immune-complex mediated
interference with matrix formation
interference with lipid metabolism
Purpose of the Naranjo Scale
Estimates the probability of an adverse event
Score on the Naranjo Scale that means the event is an ADR
5 (or higher)
Significance of the question “Did the adverse event appear after the suspected drug was administered?”
The drug was given in the same timeframe when it would cause the ADE
Significance of the question “Was the reaction more severe when the dose was increased or less severe when the dose was decreased?”
Determines if the reaction is dose-related
Patient risk factors for DILD
Extremes of age
RA or pre-existing lung disease
Impaired renal/hepatic disease
Drug-related risk factors for DILD
Dose of administration rate, treatment duration, oxygen therapy, radiation therapy, cumulative doses
Basically, anything that will decrease antioxidants
General approach to treating DILDs
Stopping the med is usually the most important step, but steroids could be helpful in some situations