Digital Devices And Digital Techniques Flashcards
What’s a handheld scanner?
They are cheap to buy, easy to use. They can produce high quality scans quickly and their big advantage over flatbed scanners is that they are portable. They use memory cards to store images until they are moved onto a computer.
What’s a flatbed scanner?
They are useful for producing high quality scans as the original image or text is held still whilst scanned. This often comes as part of a home inkjet printer.
What is a graphic tablet?
When used with a stylus pen, they allow hand produced sketches to be put straight onto a computer. It is better and easier than using a mouse. It can be expensive to get a good quality tablet, but the price is being reduced.
What is a laser printer?
Laser printers give high quality print outs using CMYK format. They are becoming more affordable for home use. This can helps reduce the physical storage space for larger documents.
What is a keyboard?
Is is used to input text and is essential.
What is a mouse?
Is is needed when using CAD or DTP softwares.
What is a monitor?
All CAD models and DTP work is displayed on a monitor. When completely graphic projects, a larger high resolution monitor is preferable.
What is a projector?
They can be used to display work on a large screen.
What is a drum plotter?
They allow large drawings to be printed. The paper is moved back and forth through the printed by rollers. They are used in inkjet printers.
What is a sublimation printer?
They can be used to print onto a variety of materials. They can print into shirts, mugs and other items.
What is a portable storage facility?
This includes a USB flash drive. They allow the user to save their work and take it with them and open files on any computer.
What is email?
Email is used to share files immediately with anyone anywhere. They require an internet connection, this is a time efficient and environmentally friendly method of communication.
What is cloud storage?
Cloud storage offers a method of storing work without needing any physical storage devices. Cloud storage also gives access to their work from any computer that is connected to internet. The amount of cloud storage offered by companies differs. It also provided a useful method of backup storage. It can be set to automatically sync with the contents of a hard drive or network to prevent data loss.
What are three advantages of cloud computing?
- Computers designed solely for cloud computing can be cheaper than desktop or laptop machines because they require less hard drive memory for programs and files as it is stored in the cloud.
- Only the programs that are required need to be paid for and used, instead of other packages that come reinstalled on a computer.
- Companies can pay a subscription to a software producer rather than a lathe initial cost followed by additional costs like software updates.
What are three disadvantage of cloud computing?
- A fast and reliable internet connection is required to run cloud computing apps.
- Connection charges to high spee internet connections can be expensive, Especially for companies that rely on this service and spend lots of money for the connection.
- There can be issues over who owns the rights to anything created or stored.
What is cloud computing?
It is a system that allows portable access to apps as long as there is an internet connection.