Digestive Flashcards
Missing Teeth
Malocclusion(altered bite), temporomandibular jaw disease, bolting(inadequate chewing), nutrient losses
Impacted Third Molar
Pain, impacting back teeth
Gum around tooth red and swollen, pain when biting, foul smell in mouth
Dental Caries
White spots on tooth surface, toothache, hypersensitivity, unpleasant taste in mouth, inflammation, abscess
Discolored Teeth
Teeth are slight brown to yellow, may have brown spots, patches, dark lines
Gums are red, soft, shiny(normally pale pink, firm), gums bleed easily, can lead to periodontitis, loss of healthy teeth in severe cases
Periodontitis(Periodontal Disease)
Unpleasant taste in mouth, halitosis(offensive breath), increased sensitivity, pain during chewing, abscesses, loose teeth/falling out
Oral Tumors
Small, pale lumps on mouth, gums, cheeks, palate, benign(grow slowly over years, not life-threatening), Malignant(not painful until it reaches the advanced stages, metastasizes)
Faulty bite, protrusion/recession of jaw, turned/twisted teeth, crowding, may have difficulty with mastication
Temporomandibular Joint(TMJ) Syndrome
Limited jaw movement, clicking sounds during chewing, pain/aches in and around ears and jaw joints, pain can be unilateral but is usually bilateral, headaches, dizziness, feelings of pressure, tinnitus, draining sensation, possibly deafness, sinus/muscle pain, inadequate chewing
Tooth Abscesses
Aches and throbs persistently, pain while biting/chewing, glands in face/neck on affected side becomes swollen and tender, fever, general malaise
Mouth Ulcers
Pale yellow spots with red borders
Aphthous: Clusters, lasts 3-4 days
Traumatic: Singular and larger, lasting on week or longer
Herpes Simplex(Cold Sores)
Cold sore blisters inside lips and mouth(painful, can last for few hours or days), gums can be red or swollen, tingling, numbness, prodrome, vesicles appear, rupture and scabbing
Sore, slightly raised, pale yellow patches in mouth and sometimes throat, burning sensation in mouth, painful when touched, light bleeding may occur, yeast smell in breath when severe
Necrotizing Periodontal Disease
Painful ulceration of gums, especially between teeth, painful, red, swollen gums, ulcers that bleed, grayish gums, metallic taste, bad breath, fever, enlarged lymph nodes
Oral Leukoplakia
White plaque thickening and hardening parts of mucous membrane in mouth, develops over several weeks, can vary in size, no symptoms but mucous membrane becomes hard, rough, whitish/gray as it progresses, sensitive to hot/highly seasoned food
Oral Cancer
White, patchy lesion, oral ulcer that fails to heal, pain(if lip or tongue), pain occurs late otherwise, dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, bleeding, referred pain in ear/jaw, loosening of teeth
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(GERD)
Often occurs at night, heartburn,belching/burning sensation in chest/mouth, coughing spell and wheezing due to irritation, vomitus in mouth, chronic(dysphagia, erosive esophagitis, bleeding), esophageal stricture, erosion of tooth enamel leading to caries
Esophageal Varices
Preceding retching(sometimes), dyspepsia(sometimes), may produce no symptoms until they rupture(massive hemorrhage, hematemesis, hypovolemic shock
Heartburn(burning chest pain), may have hematemesis, ranges from pain and inability to speak/swallow to perforation/destruction of esophagus, may appear as GI manifestation of HIV
Esophageal Cancer
Dysphagia, weight loss, retrosternal discomfort or burning sensation, iron-deficiency anemia, hoarseness in tumor involves recurrent laryngeal nerves, transesophageal fistula(late staging; coughing or frequent pneumonia occurring when saliva, liquid, food spills into lungs)
Gastric and Duodenal Peptic Ulcers
Lesions, deep sores, symptom-free if gastric, heartburn/indigestion, epigastric pain, uncomfortable fullness, some eat to relieve pain, blood in vomit/stool, hemorrhage/leakage of stomach/intestine into abdominal cavity, radiating pain(penetration/perforation)
Epigastric pain, indigestion, feeling of fullness, loss of appetite due to nausea, belching, fatty food intolerance, bleeding in vomit or stool
Gastric Cancer
Frequently asymptomatic early on, weight loss, persistent abdominal pain, nausea, dysphagia, melena, anorexia, palpable abdominal mass(advanced)
Acute Appendicitis
Abdominal pain around navel to right lower quadrant, nausea and vomiting, fever, diarrhea or constipation
Hiatal Hernia
GERD irritates lining of esophagus, heartburn(worse during reclining and after large meals), chest pain/difficulty swallowing, respiratory complications due to aspiration, sometimes asymptomatic
Abdominal Hernia
Varies with size and site, lump/bulge in region, pressing down resolves it, sharp pain(hernia may be strangulated or trapped - blood flow stopped)
Crohn’s Disease(Regional Enteritis)
Chronic diarrhea, crampy, intermittent abdominal pain(Often in right lower quadrant), weight loss, malaise, nausea, anorexia, fever, abdominal fullness, abdomen tender and distended, blood in vomit, often insidious, intermittent, symptoms with varying remission, symptoms may increase in frequency and severity over time,
Chronic: Malnutrition materializes, perianal fissures, fistulas, deep ulcerations, bowel obstruction, adhesions, abscesses
Can mimic small intestine bacterial overgrowth
Ulcerative Colitis
Intermittent episodes of bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, urgency to defecate, mucoid stools, stools become looser and more frequent with blood/mucous/pus more cramping, rectal pressure, weight loss, fever, malaise as disease progresses, tenesmus
Increased intestinal motility, mucous, pus, blood in stool, dehydration electrolyte imbalance, traveller’s diarrhea(anorexia, abdominal cramping, frequent loose stools, nausea, vomiting), fever, weakness
Intestinal Obstruction
Severe pain, nausea, vomiting, bloated/painful abdomen without passage of stool/gas, electrolyte imbalance, elevated WBC, bowel sounds hyperactive or absent
Diverticulosis(Diverticular Disease)
Usually no symptoms and no inflammation, nonspecific abdominal distress(pain, flatulence, difficulty in defecation), alternating constipation and diarrhea, blood in stool
Abdominal pain or tenderness in lower left quadrant, may or may not have fever, palpable mass may be felt, changes in bowel function, constipation/loose stools may be present, blood in stools(indicates hemorrhage), perforation(can produce peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, sepsis)
Colorectal Cancer
Vague and nonspecific early on, abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, bloody stools, weakness, weight loss, iron-deficiency anemia symptoms, abdominal distention, pallor, ascites, hepatomegaly
Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis
Enterocolitis, mild to severe greenish, foul-smelling watery diarrhea up to 30 stools per day, weakness, abdominal cramping/tenderness, dry mouth, light-headed/dizzy, urine concentrated, turgid skin, irritation around anal area, blood and mucous in stool
Short Bowel Syndrome
Malnutrition, diarrhea, abnormal stools, weight loss, weakness and tired, dizziness, hair and nails become brittle, rashes develop
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Chronic abdominal pain/discomfort, bloating, erratic dysfunction of bowel habits, cramping relieved by defecation, gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, feeling of lump in throat
Abdominal pain(can be so bad they don’t want to move), nausea and vomiting, weakness, profuse sweating, tenderness of abdomen, bacteria/bacterial endotoxins could enter circulation(septicemia, shock, death)
Often painless, rectal pain, itching, protrusion bleeding, mucous discharge from rectum, sensation of incomplete evacuation, difficulty cleaning anal area, painful and lump
Liver Cirrhosis
40% are asymptomatic, vague and mild in early stages, loss of appetite, weight, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, abdominal distention, edema, memory impaired, confusion, drowsiness later on, jaundice and dry skin, small, red, spirey marks on face and body, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, loss of chest hair in males, hepatic failure or death if untreated
Viral Hepatitis
Similar symptoms with Hepatitis A/B/C, many have no symptoms, abrupt onset of headache, anorexia, malaise, fever, nausea, dark urine, clay-colored stool, jaundice of sclera, abdominal discomfort, liver enlargement, some cases are asymtpomatic
Hepatitis A
Spikes fever
Hepatitis B(Serum Hepatitis)
Mimic flu, liver inflammations destroys liver cells, abnormal liver profile
Hepatitis C
Many asymptomatic, resembles to hepatitis A but less severe and somethings without jaundice, gradual insidious liver disease
Liver Cancer
Often no symptoms other than chronic liver diseases, upper abdominal pain, weight loss, early satiety, palpable abdominal mass, ascites, hepatomegaly/splenomegaly, jaundice
May be asymptomatic until bile ducts obstructed by stones, biliary colic signals obstruction, epigastric and right upper quadrant pain(often radiating to upper back near scapula), nausea and vomiting, flatulence, clay colored stools, jaundice
Acute cholicky pain localized in right upper quadrant of abdomen radiates to right lower scapular region, nausea and vomiting, guarding of right upper quadrant, shallow respiration, jaundice, clay colored stool, dark urine, peritonitis if gallbladder ruptures
Inflamed, edematous, hemorrhagic, necrotic pancreas, severe abdominal pain radiating to back, nausea and vomiting, epigastric abdominal pain worsens with walking and lying down, better by sitting and leaning forward, tachycardia, shallow and rapid respiration, blood pressure falls, temperature rises, abdomen tender in upper part, bowel sounds reduced, mild jaundice, constant pain, anorexia, vomiting, constipation, weight loss, flatulence, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric disturbances
Pancreatic Cancer
Abdominal pain, weight loss, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, alcholic stools, steatorrhea, ascites, abdominal tenderness, palpable gallbladder, glucose intolerance, weakness and fatigue, diarrhea
Abnormal growth with physical and intellectual impairment, loss of well-being, appetite increase or decrease resulting in emanciation or obesity, loss of energy, diarrhea, weight change, skin lesions, loss of hair, poor nails, generalized edema, delayed healing and greasy stools, muscle wasting in advanced
Malabsoption Syndrome
Impaired digestion, unable to absorb fat and other nutrients, abdominal discomfort, bloating with gas, chronic diarrhea, abnormal bowel movement, yellowish gray stools that look greasy and float because of high fat, weight loss, anemia, shortness of breath, vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Celiac Disease(Gluten Enteropathy)
Gluten intolerance, weight loss, anorexia, abdominal cramping and distention, diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal bleeding, weakness, muscle wasting, dermatitis herpetiformis, large, pale, greasy, foul-smelling stools, malnutrition and malabsorption is the end result
Food Poisoning
Sudden onset, rumbling stomach sounds, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, malaise, fever
Anorexia Nervosa
Preoccupied with weight, weight loss but doesn’t belive anything is wrong, thinning hair, poor wound healing, amenorrhea, cold intolerance, constipation, bloating, abdominal distress, excessive exercise, hypotensive and bradycardia, sadness, insomnia, withdrawal, sometimes occurs with bulimia
Morbid fear of becoming fat, vomiting(poor dentition, pharyngitis, esophagitis, aspiration, electrolyte imbalance), laxative abuse, gastric dilation, pancreatitis, compulsive exercise, swollen salivary glands, broken blood vessels in eye, weigh more than anorexia, feelings of guilt, menstruation usually preserved, loss of muscle mass, cardiac irregularities(sudden death from hypokalemia), dehydration, denial and secrecy, sometimes depression
Motion Sickness
Nausea and vomiting when riding motor vehicle, boat, airplane, air hunger, excessive salivation, pallor sweating, dizziness and headache