Dig Site 6 - Blue Level Questions (challenge) Flashcards
What did Jesus say to the leper who came to Him?
– “‘I am willing. … Be clean!’” (8:3)
– “‘I am willing. … Be clean!’”
– “‘Go to the priest. He will heal you.’”
– “‘You are worthy to be healed.’”
– “‘Pray to God for healing.’”
After Jesus healed the leper, what did He tell him to do?
– All of the above (8:3–4)
– “‘See that you don’t tell anyone.’”
– “‘Go, show yourself to the priest.’”
– “‘Offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony.’”
– All of the above
What happened when Jesus entered Capernaum?
– “A centurion came to him, asking for help.” (8:5)
– “A leper came to him for healing.”
– “A paralyzed man was brought to him.”
– “A priest came to him for help.”
– “A centurion came to him, asking for help.”
Which of these did the centurion not say to Jesus?
– “‘It is a great honor for me to have you come to my house.’” (8:8)
– “‘I do not deserve to have you come under my roof.’”
– “‘Just say the word, and my servant will be healed.’”
– “‘It is a great honor for me to have you come to my house.’”
– All of the above
What did Jesus do for Peter’s mother–in–law?
– Healed her of a fever (8:14–15)
– Cast out a demon
– Healed her of a fever
– Taught her from the Scriptures
– Served her a meal
What prophecy of Isaiah did Jesus fulfill as He healed the sick and cast out demons?
– “‘He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.’” (8:17)
– “‘He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.’”
– “‘He loved us and gave His life for us.’”
– “‘He healed us by taking our diseases to the Cross.’”
– “‘He proved that He was the Savior by His healing.’”
When Jesus slept during a storm, what did the disciples do?
– They woke Him and said, “‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’” (8:25)
– They let Him sleep while they prayed for help.
– They woke Him and said, “‘Lord, swim for shore. The boat is sinking.’”
– They woke Him and said, “‘Lord, we know you can save us.’”
– They woke Him and said, “‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’”
What did Jesus say when the disciples woke Him during the storm?
– “‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’” (8:26)
– “‘You of little faith, don’t you know I can calm storms?’”
– “‘You were right to wake me. I can deal with this.’”
– “‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’”
– “‘Great is your faith, for you know I can stop storms.’”
What did Jesus do to calm the storm on the lake?
– “Rebuked the winds and the waves” (8:26)
– “Prayed to God”
– “Rebuked the winds and the waves”
– “Called out in a loud voice”
– Nothing. The stormstopped by itself.
What did the demons in the two men say to Jesus?
– “‘Have you came here to torture us before the appointed time?’” (8:29)
– “‘Have you come here to cast us into a herd of pigs?’”
– “‘Why have you come here to disturb us?’”
– “‘We have made these men so violent that you cannot pass this way.’”
– “‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’”
How did Jesus heal two demon–possessed men who lived in the tombs?
– He sent their demons into a herd of pigs. (8:28, 32)
– He prayed for them.
– He sent their demons into a herd of pigs.
– He cried out, “Demons, come out of them!”
– All of the above
What happened to the herd of pigs into which Jesus cast the two men’s demons?
– They rushed down a steep bank into a lake. (8:32)
– They trampled the men who were tending them to death.
– They attacked the two demon–possessed men.
– They ran into the nearby town.
– They rushed down a steep bank into a lake.
When Jesus went to His own town, whom did some men bring to Him?
– A paralyzed man (9:1–2)
– A man who wanted forgiveness for his sins
– A leper
– A paralyzed man
– A demon–possessed man
What did the teachers of the law say when Jesus told the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven?
– “‘This fellow is blaspheming!’” (9:3)
– “‘This fellow is blaspheming!’”
– “‘Heal this man first; then forgive his sins.’”
– “‘Who gives you power to forgive sins?’”
– “‘This man truly needed his sins forgiven.’”
Which of these did Jesus not tell the paralyzed man to do?
– Confess his sins (9:6)
– Get up
– Confess his sins
– Take his mat and go home
– All of the above
Finish this verse: “‘Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; …’”
– “‘… you display your power among the peoples.’” (Psalm 77:13–14)
– “‘… you are the God above all gods.’”
– “‘… You are the only God for us.’”
– “‘… You are the only God who hears our prayers.’”
– “‘… you display your power among the peoples.’”