Dig Site 3 - Blue Level Questions (challenge) Flashcards
What did Jesus do when He saw the crowds?
– All of the above (5:1–2)
“He went up on a mountainside.”; He sat down.; “He began to teach.”
– “He went up on a mountainside.”
– He sat down.
– “He began to teach.”
– All of the above
Who did Jesus say would be comforted?
– Those who mourn (5:4)
– Those who are sick
– Those who mourn
– Those in great pain
– All who suffer persecution
What did Jesus say the meek will inherit?
– The earth (5:5)
– Money
– Power
– The earth
– Good things
What will happen to “‘those who hunger and thirst for righteousness’”?
– “‘They will be filled.’” (5:6)
– “‘They will be filled.’”
– “‘They will give to others.’”
– “‘Many will be taken from them.’”
– Their “‘hearts will find rest.’”
Why are the pure in heart blessed?
– “‘They will see God.’” (5:8)
– “‘People will be nice to them.’”
– “‘They will be given a lot of things.’”
– “‘They will see God.’”
– ““They will be filled.’”
Why does Jesus say that those who are persecuted because of righteousness are blessed?
– The kingdom of heaven is theirs. (5:10)
– They are good people.
– God loves them better than other people.
– They feel good about their righteousness.
– The kingdom of heaven is theirs.
What did Jesus tell those who are persecuted to do?
– “‘Rejoice and be glad.’” (5:11–12)
– “‘Rejoice and be glad.’”
– “‘Ask others for a lot of help.’”
– “‘Be very sad about what happened.’”
– “‘Fight the person picking on you.’”
What spice did Jesus compare His people to?
– Salt (5:13)
– Basil
– Salt
– Pepper
– Garlic powder
Which of these did Jesus say?
– “‘You are the light of the world.’” (5:14)
– “‘You are the lilies of the field.’”
– “‘You are fit only to be trampled on.’”
– “‘You are the light of the world.’”
– “‘You need to light a lamp so people can see.’”
Why did Jesus say, “‘Let your light shine before others’”?
– “‘That they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’” (5:16)
– “‘To give light to everyone in the house’”
– “‘That they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’”
– “‘So that you can show off for them.’”
– All of the above
Who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets?
– Jesus (5:17)
– Moses
– Joshua
– The Pharisees
– Jesus
What will anyone who breaks one of God’s commands and teaches others to do the same be called?
– “‘Least in the kingdom of heaven’” (5:19)
– “‘Least in the kingdom of heaven’”
– “‘A terrible lawbreaker’”
– “‘The worst kind of sinner’”
– “‘A hater of God’”
To what is the person answerable who says to a brother or sister, “Raca”?
– The court (5:22)
– The church
– The court
– The synagogue
– All of the above
If a person is offering a gift at the altar and remembers that a brother or sister has something against him or her, what should the person do?
– All of the above (5:23–25)
Leave the gift in front of the altar.; Go and be reconciled to the brother or sister.; Come and offer the gift.
– Leave the gift in front of the altar.
– Go and be reconciled to the brother or sister.
– Come and offer the gift.
– All of the above
If a person “‘looks at a woman lustfully,’” what has that person done?
– “‘Committed adultery with her in his heart’” (5:28)
– “‘Committed murder.’”
– “‘Fallen in love’”
– “‘Committed adultery with her in his heart’”
– “‘Committed the Unpardonable Sin’”
What did Jesus say was “‘said to the people long ago’” about oaths?
– “‘Do not break your oath.’” (5:33)
– “‘Do not make any oaths.’”
– “‘Do not break your oath.’”
– “‘Be careful what oaths you make.’”
– “‘Make oaths only about important matters.’”
What did Jesus command about oaths?
– All of the above (5:34–37)
“‘Do not swear an oath at all.’”; “‘Don’t swear by heaven, by earth, by Jerusalem, or by your head.’”; “‘All you need to say is simply “Yes” or “No”; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.’”
– “‘Do not swear an oath at all.’”
– “‘Don’t swear by heaven, by earth, by Jerusalem, or by your head.’”
– “‘All you need to say is simply “Yes” or “No”; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.’”
– All of the above
Why did Jesus say “‘Do not swear by your head’”?
– “‘You cannot make even one hair white or black.’” (5:36)
– “‘You may lose your head.’”
– “‘Your head is not important enough to swear by.’”
– “‘You cannot make even one hair white or black.’”
– “‘Your head is God’s throne.’”