Dig Site 17 - Blue Level Questions (easy) Flashcards
What did Peter do when Jesus was arrested and taken to Caiaphas?
– Peter ran away and hid in the Temple.
– Peter followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest.
– Peter turned himself in and was arrested with Jesus.
– All of the above
– Peter followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest. (26:57–58)
What were the chief priests and Sanhedrin looking for during Jesus’ trial?
– The truth about Jesus
– Proof that Jesus was the true Messiah
– False evidence so they could put Jesus to death
– All of the above
– False evidence so they could put Jesus to death (26:59)
After the false testimony during Jesus’ trial, how did Jesus react?
– He defended himself.
– He looked confused.
– He remained silent.
– He tried to escape.
– He remained silent. (26:60–63)
What did Jesus say when Caiaphas asked if He was the Messiah, the Son of God?
– “‘You have said so.’”
– “‘I am not.’”
– “‘Ask the people.’”
– All of the above
– “‘You have said so.’” (26:63–64)
What did Jesus say the Sanhedrin would see in the future?
– “‘The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven’”
– “‘The glory of God’”
– “‘The Messiah coming forth from the grave’”
– “‘A new heaven and a new earth’”
– “‘The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven’” (26:64)
What did the high priest do when he said Jesus had spoken blasphemy?
– He fell to his knees and prayed that God would forgive Jesus.
– He hit Jesus.
– He tore his clothes.
– He ran from the room.
– He tore his clothes. (26:65)
What did the people say when the high priest told them Jesus had blasphemed?
– “‘Let Him go free!’”
– “‘Put Him in prison!’”
– “‘He is worthy of death.’”
– All of the above
– “‘He is worthy of death.’” (26:65–66)
What did the people do after the high priest said Jesus had blasphemed?
– “They spit in his face and struck him with their fists.”
– “Others slapped him.”
– They “said, ‘Prophesy to us, Messiah. Who hit you?’”
– All of the above
– All of the above (26:65, 67)
What did the servant girl tell Peter when he was sitting in the courtyard?
– That he had been with Jesus of Galilee
– That he was the man who betrayed Jesus
– That he was supposed to be arrested with Jesus
– All of the above
– That he had been with Jesus of Galilee (26:69)
What was said the second time Peter denied Jesus?
– “‘Where is your friend, Jesus?’”
– “‘Do you know who Jesus is?’”
– “‘This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.’”
– “‘You were a student of Jesus.’”
– “‘This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth.’” (26:71)
How did Peter respond to the second person who accused him of being with Jesus?
– “‘I don’t know the man!’”
– “‘I used to be friends with Him, but not anymore.’”
– “‘I’m proud to admit that Jesus is my friend.’”
– All of the above
– “‘I don’t know the man!’” (26:71–72)
How many times did Peter disown Jesus?
– Two times
– Three times
– Four times
– Seven times
– Three times (26:75)
What did Peter do when he remembered that Jesus said Peter would disown Him three times?
– “He went outside and wept bitterly.”
– “He ran and asked Jesus to forgive him.”
– “He ran away and hid in the Temple.”
– All of the above
– “He went outside and wept bitterly.” (26:75)
What did the chief priests and elders do early in the morning after Jesus’ trial?
– They made plans on how to have Jesus killed.
– They bound Jesus and led Him away.
– They took Jesus to Pilate, the governor.
– All of the above
– All of the above (27:1–2)
What did Judas do with the 30 pieces of silver after he saw Jesus was condemned?
– He bought a field.
– He gave the money to the poor.
– He returned it to the chief priests and elders.
– He bought a tomb to bury Jesus.
– He returned it to the chief priests and elders. (27:3)
What did Judas say when he realized Jesus was condemned?
– “‘I have sinned, … for I have betrayed innocent blood.’”
– “‘I should mourn, … for I have hurt my friend.’”
– “‘I have sinned, … for this man was innocent when I claimed He was guilty.’”
– “‘I have sinned, … for I should have given this money to the poor.’”
– “‘I have sinned, … for I have betrayed innocent blood.’” (27:4)
What did Judas do when the chief priests and elders wouldnot take back the money?
– He hanged himself.
– He tried to help Jesus escape.
– He ran away and hid in Nazareth.
– He asked Jesus for forgiveness.
– He hanged himself. (27:5)