Dig Site 11 - Blue Level Questions (challenge) Flashcards
Why was the Canaanite woman crying out to Jesus?
– Her daughter was demon–possessed and suffering terribly. (15:22)
– She was hungry for something to eat.
– Her daughter was demon–possessed and suffering terribly.
– She was trying to get a special blessing from Jesus.
– All of the above
What did the disciples want Jesus to do about the Canaanite woman?
– Send her away (15:23)
– Send her away
– Provide a special blessing for her
– Heal her daughter
– Give her something to eat
What happened when the Canaanite woman said, “‘Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table’”?
– All of the above (15:27)
Jesus said, “‘Woman, you have great faith.’”; Jesus said, “‘Your request is granted.’”; “Her daughter was healed at that moment.”
– Jesus said, “‘Woman, you have great faith.’”
– Jesus said, “‘Your request is granted.’”
– “Her daughter was healed at that moment.”
– All of the above
What did Jesus ask the disciples when they arrived in the region of Caesarea Philippi?
– “‘Who do people say the Son of Man is?’” (16:13)
– “‘Will you follow me no matter what happens?’”
– “‘Who do people say the Son of Man is?’”
– “‘When will the Son of God appear?’”
– “‘Who is the Messiah?’”
What did Peter say when Jesus asked, “‘Who do you say I am?’”
– “‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’” (16:15–16)
– “‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’”
– “‘You are a great prophet.’”
– “‘You are Elijah.’”
– “‘You are the son of Joseph and Mary.’”
Why was Peter blessed?
– Because God revealed the answer about Jesus’ identity to him (16:17)
– Because Peter was Jesus’ favorite disciple
– Because God revealed the answer about Jesus’ identity to him
– Because Peter did not deny Jesus
– Because Peter was wealthy
After the disciples acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah, what did Jesus say would happen to Him?
– All of the above (16:21)
He would go to Jerusalem and suffer many things.; He must be killed.; After He died, He would be raised to life on the third day.
– He would go to Jerusalem and suffer many things.
– He must be killed.
– After He died, He would be raised to life on the third day.
– All of the above
What did Peter say after hearing that Jesus would suffer and be killed?
– “‘Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!’” (16:22)
– “‘Why? When will all this happen?’”
– “‘How can we stop this from happening?’”
– “‘Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!’”
– All of the above
Why was Peter a stumbling block?
– Peter had the concerns of people in mind, no the concerns of God. (16:23)
– Peter was a coward.
– Peter had the concerns of people in mind, not the concerns of God.
– Peter always wanted to be first.
– Peter never followed Jesus’ teachings.
What will happen to the person who loses his or her life for Jesus?
– They will find it. (16:25)
– They will receive power.
– They will become famous.
– They will die.
– They will find it.
How did Jesus say the Son of Man would come?
– “‘In His Father’s glory with His angels’” (16:27)
– “‘In His Father’s glory with His angels’”
– “‘As a little child born to an average family’”
– “‘As a great king’”
– “‘With a loud sound of the trumpets of heaven’”
What happened when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a high mountain by themselves?
– All of the above (17:1–2)
“‘He was transfigured before them.’”; “‘His face shone like the sun.’”; “‘His clothes became as white as the light.’”
– “‘He was transfigured before them.’”
– “‘His face shone like the sun.’”
– “‘His clothes became as white as the light.’”
– All of the above
Who appeared with Jesus when He was transfigured?
– Moses and Elijah (17:3)
– Abraham and Sarah
– Gideon and Deborah
– Moses and Elijah
– Joshua and Isaiah
What happened while Peter was speaking about building three shelters?
– A voice from a bright cloud said, “‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!’” (17:4–5)
– A voice from a bright cloud said, “‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!’”
– James and John started building the shelters.
– Peter met Elijah and Moses.
– Moses and Elijah disappeared.
What happened when the three disciples heard the voice from the cloud?
– All of the above (17:6–7)
They fell to the ground, terrified.; Jesus touched them.; Jesus said, “‘Get up. … Don’t be afraid.’”
– They fell to the ground, terrified.
– Jesus touched them.
– Jesus said, “‘Get up. … Don’t be afraid.’”
– All of the above
What did Jesus say to the disciples as they went back down the mountain?
– “‘Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.’” (17:9)
– “‘Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.’”
– “‘Elijah will be coming again.’”
– “‘Have faith and you will remember what happened today.’”
– “‘You are my favorite disciples.’”