Dig Site 14 - Blue Level Questions (challenge) Flashcards
Who knows the day and hour of the coming of Christ?
– The Father (24:36)
– The angels
– The Father
– Pastors
– Jesus
In the days of Noah, what were the people doing “‘up to the day Noah entered the ark’”?
– Eating, drinking, and marrying (24:38)
– Praying
– Fasting
– Eating, drinking, and marrying
– Preparing for a flood
Why are you to keep watch and be ready?
– Because no one knows when the Lord will come (24:42)
– Because no one knows when the Lord will come
– Because people will try to rob your home
– Because you might be in an accident
– Because there are many tasks we must do
What did the wise virgins do that the foolish virgins did not do?
– They took jars of oil with them. (25:3–4)
– They dressed in wedding clothes.
– They stayed away from the house.
– They took jars of oil with them.
– They took lamps with them.
What did the virgins do when it took the bridegroom a long time to come?
– They fell asleep. (25:5)
– They fell asleep.
– They kept each other awake.
– They looked for things to do.
– They went looking for the bridegroom.
What cry rang out at midnight?
– “‘“Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”’” (25:6)
– “‘“Wake up! The bridegroom is almost here.”’”
– “‘“Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!”’”
– “‘“Light our lamps.”’”
– “‘“Go buy your oil quickly! The bridegroom is coming.”’”
What did the virgins do when they heard the cry at midnight?
– They “‘woke up and trimmed their lamps.’” (25:6–7)
– “‘They kept sleeping.’”
– “‘The wise virgins woke up the foolish virgins.’”
– “‘The wise virgins woke up, and the foolish virgins kept singing.’”
– They “‘woke up and trimmed their lamps.’”
Who said, “‘“Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out”’”?
– The foolish virgins (25:8)
– The wise virgins
– The wedding guests
– The foolish virgins
– The bridegroom and the bride
What happened while the foolish virgins were away buying oil?
– All of the above (25:10)
“‘The bridegroom arrived.’”; “‘The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet.’”; “‘The door was shut.’”
– “‘The bridegroom arrived.’”
– “‘The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet.’”
– “‘The door was shut.’”
– All of the above
What did the foolish virgins say to the bridegroom?
– “‘“Open the door for us!”’” (25:11)
– “‘“Why did you leave us behind?”’”
– “‘“Why did you come early?”’”
– “‘“Open the door for us!”’”
– “‘“We now have plenty of oil; please let us in.”’”
How many bags of gold did the master give to his servants?
– To one servant “‘he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and another one bag.’” (25:15)
– To one servant “‘he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag.’”
– He gave 10 bags of gold to one servant and five to each of the other two servants
– He gave each servant 10 bags of gold
– He gave each servant five bags of gold.
How did the master decide how many bags of gold to give to each servant?
– He gave to “‘each according to his ability.’” (25:15)
– “‘He gave an equal number to each servant.’”
– He gave to “‘each according to his ability.’”
– “‘He gave enough money for each man to feed his family.’”
– All of the above
What did the man with five bags of gold and the man with two bags do with their money?
– The man with five bags gained five more and the man with two bags gained two more. (25:16–17)
– The man with five bags gained five more and the man with two bags gained two more.
– They gave their bags of gold away to people who had no money.
– They gave their bags of gold to the man with one bag.
– They didn’t do any with their gold.
What did the man with one bag of gold do with his money?
– He buried it. (25:18)
– He gave it away.
– He made one more bag of gold.
– He buried it.
– He bought food with it.
How did the master reply to the man who had gained five more bags of gold?
– All of the above (25:20–21)
“‘“Well done, good and faithful servant!”’”; “‘“You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.”’”; “‘“Come and share your master’s happiness!”’”
– “‘“Well done, good and faithful servant!”’”
– “‘“You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.”’”
– “‘“Come and share your master’s happiness!”’”
– All of the above
What did the master do with the one bag of gold his servant had hid in the ground?
– He gave it to the man with 10 bags of gold. (25:25, 28)
– He gave it to the man with two bags of gold.
– He put it in the bank.
– He gave it to the man with 10 bags of gold.
– He gave it to his son.
What did the master do to the servant who buried his one bag of gold in the ground?
– He had him thrown outside inthe darkness. (25:30)
– He gave him 10 bags of gold.
– He had him thrown outside in the darkness.
– He put him in jail.
– All of the above