Dig Site 4 - Blue Level Questions (challenge) Flashcards
Which of these did Jesus say?
– “‘If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.’” (5:39)
– “‘If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.’”
– “‘If someone slaps you, pray for them.’”
– “‘If someone slaps you on the right cheek, strike back.’”
– “‘If someone strikes you in the eye, run away.’”
What did Jesus say to do about “‘the one who wants to borrow from you’”?
– “‘Do not turn away from [them].’” (5:42)
– “‘Give them everything you have.’”
– “‘Do not turn away from [them].’”
– “‘Give them nothing.’”
– “‘Give them enough food for their family. Then turn them away.’”
What had people heard that was said before?
– “‘“Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”’” (5:43)
– “‘“Love your neighbor better than your enemy.”’”
– “‘“Love your neighbor and help them.”’”
– “‘“Love your neighbor and pray for your enemy.”’”
– “‘“Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”’”
Why are we to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors?
– So we may be children of our Father of heaven (5:44–45)
– So our Father in heaven will love us
– So we may be children of our Father in heaven
– So our enemies and persecutors will become better people
– All of the above.
Finish this question that Jesus asked: “‘And if you greet only your own people, …’”?
– “‘What are you doing more than others?’” (5:47)
– “‘Why do you expect others to greet you?’”
– “‘Why do you think God is pleased with you?’”
– “‘What are you doing more than others?’”
– “‘How will the pagans feel?’”
What must you do when you give to the needy?
– “‘Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.’” (6:3)
– Tell everyone what you’re giving.
– “‘Announce it with trumpets … to be honored by others.’”
– “‘Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.’”
– All of the above
How did Jesus say to give to the needy?
– In secret (6:3–4)
– In a kind way
– In secret
– In His [Jesus’] name
– In front of all our friends
Why do hypocrites love to pray in the synagogue and street corners?
– “‘To be seen by others’” (6:5)
– “‘To be seen by others’”
– “‘Because they aren’t allowed to pray at home’”
– “‘That’s where Jesus told them to pray’”
– All of the above
What is the first part of the Lord’s Prayer?
– “‘“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come”’” (6:9–10)
– “‘“Our Father in heaven, your kingdom come as your name is hallowed”’”
– “‘“Our Father in heaven, your will be done on earth”’”
– “‘“Our Father in heaven, you deserve all praise”’”
– “‘“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come”’”
In the Lord’s Prayer, what comes after this: “‘“And lead us not into temptation, …”’”
– “‘“… but deliver us from the evil one.”’” (6:13)
– “‘“… but your will be done on earth.”’”
– “‘“… but deliver us from the evil one.”’”
– “‘“… but hallowed be your name.”’”
– “‘“… but forgive us of our sins.”’”
What will happen if we do not forgive others their sins?
– Our Father will not forgive our sins. (6:15)
– God will forgive our sins for us.
– Our Father will not forgive them.
– Our Father will not forgive our sins.
– God will forgive us anyway.
What did Jesus say people should do when they fast?
– Put oil on their head and wash their face (6:17)
– Look somber and disfigure their faces
– Stay at home so others would not know they were fasting
– Put oil on their head and wash their face
– Sing praises to God
Where did Jesus say our heart would be?
– Where our treasure is (6:21)
– Where we have family and friends
– Where our treasure is
– In heaven
– On earth
Which of these things are people not to worry about?
– All of the above (6:25)
Their life; What they eat or drink; About their body and what they will wear
– Their life
– What they eat or drink
– About their body and what they will wear
– All of the above
What is there more to than food?
– Life (6:25)
– Life
– Clothes
– Possessions
– A place to live
What does our heavenly Father do for the birds?
– Feeds them (6:26)
– Builds them a nest
– Feeds them
– Helps them fly
– Clothes them
What are we to do instead of worrying?
– Seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness (6:25, 33)
– Pile up what we need to live
– Figure out how to make lots of money
– Seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness
– Store up treasures on earth