Dig Site 18 - Blue Level Questions (challenge) Flashcards
What did Pilate, the governor, ask Jesus during the trial?
– “‘Are you the king of the Jews?’” (27:11)
– “‘Are you the king of the Jews?’”
– “‘Are you the Son of Man?’”
– “‘Are you a prophet?’”
– “‘Are you a follower of Caesar?’’
How did Jesus answer Pilate’s question, “‘Are you the king of the Jews’”?
– Jesus said, “‘You have said so.’” (27:11)
– Jesus said nothing.
– Jesus said, “‘You have said so.’”
– Jesus said, “‘The Son of Man has come to shed His blood for the forgiveness of many.’”
– Jesus quoted Isaiah 53.
Why was the governor amazed at Jesus’ reaction to the charges against Him?
– Jesus did not reply to the charges. (27:12–14)
– Because of what Jesus said
– Because Jesus got very angry when He heard the charges
– Jesus did not reply to the charges.
– Jesus healed the governor’s servant even after He was charged with a crime.
Why did Pilate allow the crowd to select a prisoner to be released?
– It was the governor’s custom at the festival. (27:15)
– It was the governor’s custom at the festival.
– He was afraid of the high priest.
– He did not have the authority to release Jesus.
– All of the above
Who was Barabbas?
– A well–known prisoner (27:16)
– A notorious politician
– A well–known prisoner
– A disciple
– Jesus’ brother
What choice did Pilate give the people to make?
– To free Jesus or Barabbas (27:17)
– To free Jesus or Judas
– To crucify Jesus or Judas
– To crucify Jesus or Barabbas
– To free Jesus or Barabbas
What did the people at the trial do because of self–interest?
– Handed Jesus over to Pilate (27:18)
– Handed Jesus over to Pilate
– Put the crown of thorns on Jesus
– Handed Jesus over to Herod
– Whipped Jesus
What did Pilate’s wife tell him during the trial of Jesus?
– “‘I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.’” (27:19)
– “‘I would like you to crucify Jesus.’”
– “‘I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.’”
– “‘Let me know what you decide to do.’”
– “‘You should release Barabbas.’”
Why did the crowd ask for Barabbas to be released and for Jesus to be executed?
– The chief priests and elders persuaded them. (27:20)
– The chief priests and elders persuaded them.
– Jesus refused to perform any more miracles.
– Barabbas was a kind and gentle man.
– All of the above
What decision did the crowd yell for Pilate to do to Jesus?
– “‘Crucify him!’” (27:22)
– “‘Hang him!’”
– “‘Stone him!’”
– “‘Crucify him!’”
– “‘Release him!’”
Why did the crowd start an uproar?
– Because Pilate tried to defend Jesus (27:24)
– Because Jesus started to get angry
– Because Pilate tried to defend Jesus
– Because Barabbas started to get violent
– Because Pilate started throwing people in jail.
Why did Pilate wash his hands?
– To show that he was innocent of Jesus’ blood (27:24)
– To clean his dirty hands before the feast
– Because the prisoners he touched were dirty
– To show that he was innocent of Jesus’ blood
– All of the above
What did the crowd say about the responsibility for Jesus’ death?
– “‘His blood is on us and on our children!’” (27:25)
– “‘His blood is on us and on our children!’”
– “‘It is your responsibility.’”
– “‘His blood will be on the Pharisees and Sadducees.’”
– “‘It was Judas who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Let his blood be on Judas.’”
After he washed his hands, what did Pilate do?
– All of the above (27:26)
– He released Barabbas.
– He had Jesus flogged.
– He had Jesus handed over to be crucified.
– All of the above.
Where did the governor’s soldiers take Jesus?
– The Praetorium (27:27)
– The Coliseum
– The Praetorium
– The Arena
– The prison
What three items did the soldiers make Jesus use before He was crucified?
– A robe, crown of thorns, and a staff (27:28–29)
– A robe, crown of thorns, and a pair of sandals
– A robe, scepter, and golden crown
– A robe, crown of thorns, and a staff
– A crown of thorns, a pair of shoes, and a scepter
What did the soldiers say when they put a crown of thorns and a robe on Jesus?
– “‘Hail, king of the Jews!’” (27:27–29)
– “‘Hail, king of the Jews!’”
– “‘We praise you, Jesus!’”
– “‘Bow to us, King of the Jews!’”
– “‘Save yourself, King!’”
What did the soldiers do right before they crucified Jesus?
– Spit on Him and beat Him with a staff (27:30–31)
– Dragged Him around Jerusalem
– Spit on Him and beat Him with a staff
– Stoned Him
– Stepped on Him