Dig Site 10 - Blue Level Questions (easy) Flashcards
When Herod heard reports about Jesus, what did he say?
– “‘This is Lazarus; he has risen from the dead!’”
– “‘Jesus talks like John the Baptist did.’”
– “‘This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead!’”
– “‘I want to kill Jesus, just like I did John.’”
– “‘This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead!’” (14:1–2)
Why didn’t Herod kill John the Baptist when he first wanted to?
– He was afraid of the people, who thought John was a prophet.
– He wanted a chance to talk to John.
– He was waiting for his birthday.
– He secretly liked John’s preaching.
– He was afraid of the people, who thought John was aprophet. (14:5)
What did Herodias’s daughter ask for from Herod?
– To be Herod’s queen
– To marry John the Baptist
– Gold and jewels for herself
– John the Baptist’s head on a platter
– John the Baptist’s head on a platter (14:8)
To whom did Herodias’s daughter carry John the Baptist’s head?
– Herod
– John’s disciples
– Her mother
– Jesus
– Her mother (14:11)
When Jesus saw the crowd that followed Him to a solitary place, what happened?
– “He told them to go away; he needed to be alone.”
– “He had compassion on them and healed their sick.”
– “He told his disciples to heal their sick.”
– “He began teaching them right away.”
– “He had compassion on them and healed their sick.” (14:14)
How many loaves of bread and fish did the disciples have?
– Four loaves and three fish
– Two loaves and five fish
– Five loaves and two fish
– Seven loaves and three fish
– Five loaves and two fish (14:17)
What did Jesus do before He broke the loaves?
– Told the people to sit on the grass
– Looked up to the heavens
– Gave thanks
– All of the above
– All of the above (14:19)
How well did the loaves and fish satisfy the crowd?
– “They all ate, but no one was satisfied.”
– “They all ate, but only a little bit of food.”
– “They all ate and were satisfied.”
– “They all ate and asked for more.”
– “They all ate and were satisfied.” (14:20)
How many people did the five loaves and two fish feed?
– 3,000 men plus women and children
– 5,000 men plus women and children
– 5,000 women and children
– 6,000 men, women and children
– 5,000 men plus women and children (14:21)
After Jesus fed the 5,000, what did He do?
– Got into a boat to go to the other side of the lake
– Went further into the desert to pray
– Went into the nearest town to sleep
– Went up a mountain by himself to pray
– Went up a mountain by himself to pray (14:23)
After Jesus fed the 5,000, what did His disciples see that frightened them?
– Strong waves that were filling the boat
– Strong wind and sheets of rain
– Jesus walking on the water
– Jesus calming the wind and rain
– Jesus walking on the water (14:25–26)
What did Jesus say to His frightened disciples who saw Him walking on water?
– “‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’”
– “‘Don’t be afraid. Come out on the water to me.’”
– “‘Take courage! These winds will die down soon.’”
– All of the above
– “‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’” (14:27)
When Peter saw Jesus walking on water, what did he want to do?
– Worship Jesus
– Come to Jesus on the water
– Stop rowing the boat
– Swim out to Jesus
– Come to Jesus on the water (14:28)
Why did Peter begin to sink when he went to Jesus on the water?
– He didn’t see Jesus.
– He saw a ghost.
– The disciples cried out to him.
– He saw the wind and was afraid.
– He saw the wind and was afraid. (14:30)
What did Jesus say to Peter when he began to sink?
– “‘You of little faith. I knew you’d sink.’”
– “‘Why did you doubt? I was there.’”
– “‘You of little faith … why did you doubt?’”
– “‘You should not have looked at the wind.’”
– “‘You of little faith … why did you doubt?’” (14:31)
What did the people of Gennesaret do when Jesus landed there?
– Recognized Jesus
– Sent word to the surrounding country
– Brought their sick to Jesus
– All of the above
– All of the above (14:34–35)
Finish this verse: “Cast your cares on the Lord …”
– “… and he will uphold you; he will never let the righteous lack for anything.”
– “… and he will answer you; you are more precious to him than gold.”
– “… and he will deliver you; he will never let the faithful fall in battle.”
– “… and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.””
– “… and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22)