Diffusion From Pill To Target Receptor Flashcards
Diffusion Def
Transference of a substance from an area of high chemical potential to an area of low chemical potential. Aspect of drug liberation, absorption, distribution and elimination
Chemical Potential Def.
Potential energy in system due to mass diffusion. Movement of substance down concentration gradient increases system entropy (disorder)
Lattice Theory Outline
Explanation of diffusion. Proposes liquids are quasicrystalline structure with pockets of empty spaces. Solutes in liquid solvents fill these empty pockets. When diffusing the solute molecules move from hole to hole with kinetic energy
Relationship between concentration gradient and diffusion
The higher the concentration gradient = the faster the diffusion
Steady State Outline
When equilibrated, the rate of diffusion across a barrier becomes constant with respect to time
What aspects of development does diffusion effect
mixing, segregation, dissolution, filtration (purification and sterilisation) and packaging stability
How diffusion rate is increased synthetically
Mechanical processing, pressure change and temp change
Drug journey from dosage form to target receptor
Liberation, absorption, distribution (controlled release) and elimination
Fick’s 1st law states
Diffusion rate (flux) is proportional the concentration gradient (when multiplied by negative diffusitivy)
Flux (J) (mol/m^2/s) Def.
Diffusion Rate. Amount of substance flowing through unit cross section of barrier per unit time
Conc Gradient Notation
Diffusion Coefficent Def.
Diffusivity. How well given solvent can diffuse in a particular medium. Measured as rate diffusing solute transports between 2 regions with a unit conc. diff.
Factors effecting diffusion coefficent
Molecular size (radius of particle), medium nature (viscosity) and system kinetic energy (temp)
Relationship between Temperature and diffusion constant
Increasing Temp = increasing diffusion constant
Relationship viscosity (resistance to shape changing) and diffusion constant
Increasing viscosity = decreasing diffusion coefficent
Relationship between particle radius (a) and diffusion coefficent
Increasing radius = decreasing diffusivity
Diffusion Coefficent in Aqueos Media
Higher d = greater diffusivity of a substance in defined medium under defined temp and pressure
Relationship between diffusion rate and distance to target receptor
bigger distance = slower diffusion rate
How patients can increase viscocity in chyme to slow drug diffusion
Eating before ingesting drug
There’s a 10% con. difference between 2 points. Substance moves down conc gradient consisytntly
Less then 10% conc difference between 2 points. Drug builds up at 1 point (don’t flow consistently)
Diffusion Factors
Temp, Conc gradient, molecular weight, drug chamical nature, solvent nature (polarity, viscosity, composition) and barrier nature (eg selectively permeable)
Drug and Vehicle Nature Def.
Higher solubility of solute (drug) in solvent (mainly water) the greater the diffusivity
What happens if equilibrium is reached across barrier
Diffusion and dissolution stops
Transepithelial Ressistance
Electrical measure of barrier ressistance across epithelial and endothelial cellls. Different membrane barriers have different ressistance. Eg skin has high ressistance while sub-cutaneous has negligible
Resevoir Def.
Pool (build up) of drug with controlling factor (polymer dam, eg plastic) at it’s interface
Matrix Def.
Pool (build up) of drug with controlling factor (eg polymer gelling factor) spread evenly throughout substance
Which pools act slower Resevoirs or Matrixes
Matrixes as they have to liberate every part of themselves from polymer
Consequences of High water solubility
Low lipid solubility. Lower chance of membrane permeation
Instruments Used To measure Flux
Ussing Chanmber, Voltohmeter and franz diffusion cell
Elimination of Drug Outline
Filtration (Glomular capillaries), Reabsorption (boweman’s Capsule), secretion (pertibular capilaries0 and excretion
Excretion Def.
Removal of intact water soluble drug through kidneys into urine via dialysis and osmosis