Most critical step in Gram staining
Gram stain:
Primary stain ________________
Mordant _________________
Decolorizer ____________________
Primary stain - CRYSTAL VIOLET
Mordant - IODINE
Decolorizer - 95% ETHYL ALCOHOL
Counterstain - SAFRANIN
All cocci are gram (+) except:
NVB - Neisseria, Veillonella, Branhamella
All bacilli are gram (-) except:
MCCBELL - Mycobaceterium, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Erysipelothrix, Listeria, and Lactobacillus
Crystal violet with ammonium oxalate
Hucker’s Modification
Acid Fast Stain General Rule:
All bacteria are non-acid fast except MYCOBACTERIA group.
Slightly acid fast
Nocardia asteroides
The cell wall of MYCOBACTERIA group. contains
Mycolic acid
Ideal sputum:
- cheesy-like
- Yellowish/greenish
- Mucopurulent
- Presence of blood
Unable to produce phlegm
Induced sputum
Ziehl Neelsen:
Primary stain _______________
Mordant _______________
Decolorizer _______________
Secondary stain _______________
Color of AFO _______________
Color of NAFO _______________
Primary stain : Carbol fuchsin
Mordant : STEAM/HEAT
Decolorizer : 3% ACID ALCOHOL
Secondary stain : METHYLENE BLUE
Color of AFO : RED
Color of NAFO : BLUE
Size of AFB smear
2x3 cm
Best method for Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy
Ziehl Neelsen
Best stain for AFO in tissues
Kinyoun method
Kinyoun Method:
Primary stain _______________
Mordant _______________
Decolorizer _______________
Secondary stain _______________
Color of AFO _______________
Color of NAFO _______________
Primary stain : Carbol fuchsin
Decolorizer : HCL + ETHANOL
Counterstain : MALACHITE GREEN
Color of AFO : RED
Color of NAFO : GREEN
Differentiates M. smegmatis from M. tuberculosis
Pappenheim stain
Differentiates M. tuberculosis from M. leprae
Baumgarten’s method
AKA Auramine-Rhodamine fluorochrome staining
Truant Stain
Truant Stain:
Decolorizer : _______________
Counterstain : _______________
Decolorizer : 0.5% acid alcohol
Counterstain : 0.5% potassium permanganate
AKA quenching agent
0.5% potassium permanganate
10% more sensitive than ZN
Fluorescent staining method
Truant Stain
Cold method
Kinyoun method
Hot method
Ziehl Neelsen