Heat Stable Catalase (+):
M. szulgai
M. xenopi
M. malmoense
Heat Stable Catalase (-):
M. gastri
M. marinum
M. haemophilum
Reagent of Heat Stable Catalase Test
30% H202
Reagent of Pyrazinamide Test
1% Ferrous ammonium sulfate
Media of Pyrazinamide Test
Pyrazinamidase agar
Media of Heat Stable Catalase Test
Tween 80
(+) Pyrazinamide Test
(+) Pyrazinamide Test after 4 days
tuberculosis and Mannirum
(-) Pyrazinamide Test
no pigment
M. kansasii / M. bovis
For Rapid Growers
Arylsulfatase Test
Rgt used in Arylsulfatase Test
sodium bicarbonate
Media used in Arylsulfatase Test
tripotassium phenolphthalein disulfide
Distinguish M. chelonae from other rapid growers
Reagent: Ammonium ferric citrate
Media: LJ
Iron Uptake Test
Differentiates M. flavescens from M. szulgai
Reagent: 5% NaCl
Media: Egg-based media
(+) result: with growth
NaCl Tolerance Test
pH indicator: neutral red
(+) result: pink/red
ID of M. kansasii (+) in 6 days and
M. tuberculosis (+) in 10-20 days
Tween 80 Hydrolysis Test
Ability to reduce tellurite in 3-4 days
Distinguishes members of MAC
(+) result: BLACK METALLIC
Tellurite Reduction Test
Mycobacterium Avium complex
Distinguish M. bovis from M. tuberculosis
TCH/T2H (thiopene-2- carboxylic acid hydrazide)
Susceptibility Test
Suitable for M. fortuitum and M. chelonae
Growth on MacConkey agar
Reagent: cyanogen bromide and aniline dye
Media: LJ
(+) result: yelllow (Indication of MTB)
no color : Mycobacterium bovis
Niacin Test
Reagent: after incubation, add the following:
Diluted HCl
0.2% sulfanilamide
0.1% N-naphthylethylene-diamine
(+) result: pink/red
For NEGATIVE – add small amount of powdered
Nitrate Reduction
Distinguish M. scrofulaceum from M. gordonae
(+) result: pink to red
M. scro (+) , while M gonor (-)
Urease Test
Skin Test
Mantoux test
Von Pirquet
Vollmer Patch
Moro Percutaneous
Quantiferon Test (measures interferon gamma)
Uses heparinized whole blood
Measures interferon gamma
IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assay)