Diction -- Levels Of Diction Flashcards
When using the word diction…
When the word “diction” is used it must be accompanied by an adjective to describe what type it is.
How do we choose words?
We choose words based on meaning and sound
Non-standard diction
Low, language is deficient in some way
Example of vulgarity
The word leg during the Victorian era
What is vulgarity
Non-standard. Language deficient in taste and refinement, coarse, base language
What is slang?
Non-standard. Vernacular language sometimes humorous, exaggerated, or shortened for effect.
Examples of slang
Chick, dude, playa, tight
What is colloquialism?
Non-standard. Regional language differing in usage, connotation, pronunciation, accepted in informal conversation.
Examples of colloquialism
Creek, y’all, soda/pop/coke
What is jargon?
Non-standard. Language specific to a field or profession
Jargon examples
Chip, pixel, byte, CPU = computers
What is cliche?
Non-standard. Figurative language used so often it has lost its freshness and clarity (figurative language without originality)
Examples of cliche
What goes around comes around. You play the hand you’re dealt.
Informal diction
Stand/conversational/neutral. Language gramatically correct , but conversational.
Example of informal diction
“I am doing well today, thank you.”
Formal diction
Literate/high. Language whose primary goal is propriety, often polysyllabic and abstract.
Example of formal diction
And whosoever removes the aforementioned prize form its restricting bounds shall henceforth be recognized as the most holy and appointed ruler of all England.