Argumentation and Persuasion -- Types of Evidence Flashcards
Information that can be proven to be objectively true
Example of a fact
The earth orbits the sun
Information that is an interpretation of numerical data
Example of a statistic
Surprisingly 91% of LC students graduate on time
Information gathered first hand from people: A primary source
Example of a Interview/Survey/Questionnaire
Interview with a mayoral candidate
Information from personal experience supposedly representative of a general pattern
Example of an experience/example/anecdote
Junior year was hard for me
Information based on personal interpretation of facts
Example of opinion
Summer is the most miserable of the four seasons
Information comparing easily accepted examples with unfamiliar subjects
Example of analogy
Juniors are like fledgling birds this is the year they learn to fly
Information from a person whom the writer attributes expertise on a given subject
Example of authority
Ms. Haxton says that Jane Eyre is a phenomenal book so it must be true
Shared Beliefs/Values
Information readers share and accept as true (allusions to history, bible)
Example of shared beliefs/values
Abraham Lincoln is one of our most revered presidents
Causal Relationships
Writer asserts one thing results from another event or action
Example of Causal Relationships
Since my brother wrecked the car when he was 16 my parents won’t let me drive with anyone but them until i’m 18
Primary source
Materials on which other research is based
Primary source example
Interview, autobiography
Secondary Source
A work created from primary sources
Secondary source example
Textbook, newspaper