Diane Lesson 8 Flashcards
I am hungry
I am thirsty
I am right (“I have reason”)
It’s right (true)
J’ai faim
J’ai soif
J’ai raison
C’est vrai
I take (present)
I took (passe compose)
I took the car
I will take the car (futur)
Je prends
J’ai pris
J’ai pris la voiture
Je vais prendre la voiture
I had
I didn’t have (passe compose)
I didn’t have it
J’ai eu
Je n’ai pas eu
Je ne l’ai pas eu
You finished (passe compose)
vous avez fini
tu as fini
We will play (futur)
(f) + (i)
Nous allons jouer
On va jouer
She doesn’t live (present)
Elle n’habite pas
They walk / they are are walking (present)
Ils marchent
Note - don’t pronounce the “ent”
So “Ils marche” (marsh)
We will stay (futur)
On va rester
She takes the bus (present)
Elle prend le bus
Have you seen…? / Did you see…?
Vous avez vu …?
I didn’t have (passe compose)
Je n’ai pas
Rule for NEGATIVE : it wraps around the first part of the verb
- Je vais aller / - Je ne vais pas aller
- Je mange - Je ne mange pas
- J’ai joué - Je n’ai pas joué
They wrote (passe compose)
They didn’t write (passe compose)
Did they write …?
Ils ont écrit
Ils n’ont pas écrit
Est-ce qu’ils ont écrit …? / Ils ont écrit …?
What do you mean?
What is it that you mean to say?
Qu’est que ce ça tu veux dire
General statement meaning:
“we will see each other…..”
When is it that we will see each other
Where is it that we will see each other?
What time will we see each other?
On se voir
Quand est-ce qu’on se voit
Ou est-ce qu’on se voit
Quel heure on se voit
Have you not seen it ?
Est-ce que vous ne l’avez pas vu ?
You like that?
You don’t like it
You don’t like it here?
Tu aimes ca
Tu ne l’aimes pas
Tu ne l’aimes pas ici?
In your opinion?
It’s just my opinion
à ton avis
c’est juste mon avis
Doesn’t mean anything to me..
Literally, “it does not say anything to me”
Work it like this:
It says
It doesn’t say
It doesn’t say anything
Then add “me”
ça ne me dit rien !
Do you want to have (take) a coffee?
ça te dit de prendre un café
Do you want to go to the cinema?
ça te dit d’aller au cinéma ?
A large bowl of vegetables
un grand bol de légumes
What vegetables have you? What vegetables do you have?
Quels légumes as-tu
(plural of the “cette”)
Each of….
Chacune de
(cha cune de)
I have canceled
You have cancelled
j’ai annulé
Tu as annulé
(un u leh)
that of
(like I have cancelled that of XXX date)
celle de
(like I have cancelled that of XXX date)
J’ai annulè celle de 6 janvier
I am going to come back
je vais revenir
If possible, I would like a high table please
Si possible, je voudrais un table haut s’il vous plait
Another way to say “Not a problem” using “Aucun”
Aucun souci
Aucun problème
Au (as in bow) can (as in “can’t)
Have a good weekend
You can say just “Good weekend”
or literally:
“good finish of the week”
Bon weekend
Bonne fin (‘fun”) du semaine
(to know)
Can be used as a question/with a verb/and alone
“Savoir” is followed by an interrogative expression (où, pourquoi, qui, avec qui, quand, etc…):
Tu sais où il habite ? Do you know where he lives?
Savez-vous à quelle heure ils arrivent ?
Do you know what time they’re arriving ?
Sais-tu pourquoi il a dit ça ?
Do you know why he said that ?
“Savoir” is followed by a verb, to say “knowing how to…”:
Je sais danser. I know how to dance.
And “savoir” can also be used alone.
Tu sais qu’il arrive à 3 heures? Oui, je sais.
To Know + People / Places
Connaître: To Know + People / Places
“Connaître” means “to know” with the idea to be personally familiar with, to have experienced it yourself.
It is always followed by a NOUN – it cannot be followed by anything else.
In most cases, “connaître” is followed by nouns of people and places.
Tu connais Sylvie ?
Do you know Sylvie ?
Vous connaissez Paris ?
Do you know Paris?
This is where the English speaker has to be careful.
When a French person says “Est-ce que vous connaissez Paris ?”, in most cases he/she doesn’t mean “Do you know (of) Paris”, but rather “Have you personally been there?”.
Same with people; if you said “Je connais Brad Pitt”, French speakers may think you have met him.
So, in my opinion, what is important in that lesson is not the basic rule to translate to know in French – it’s rather easy… Connaître + people / place… Savoir with all the rest! But the trick is to understand and know what to answer when someone asks: “vous connaissez ….”.
2 – Connaître – To Know As To Be Personally Acquainted With
So now, let’s see how you can answer questions like: “Est-ce que vous connaissez Paris / Gérard Depardieu” ?
The trick here is to understand the question: and this depends a bit on the context, the tone of the question.
“Est-ce que vous connaissez Paris” almost always means “have you been there yourself”.
“Est-ce que vous connaissez Gérard Depardieu”… well, are you in the movie industry? In this case, it probably means “have you met him personally”.
I know him/her
Je le/la connais
I know that
I know that restaurant (remember, restaurant is a “noun” / name).
I know it
Je sais ça
Je connais ce restaurant
Je le sais
I met him/her
(passe compse - I have met him/her)
Je l’ai rencontré
(to meet is “rencontrer” - ron con trey)
Yes, I met her at Pierre’s house
Passe compose - “I have met her”
Oui, je l’ai rencontrée chez Pierre
(ron con trey)
Conjugate Connaître
Present tense
je connais
tu connais
il/elle connaît
nous connaissons
vous connaissez
ils connaissent (con ess)
Conjugate Connaître
Passe compose
Passé composé
j’ai connu
tu as connu
il/elle a connu
nous avons connu
vous avez connu
ils ont connu
la main (maan)
diriger (dir ree jhay)
doigt (doo ah)
my last name
mon nom du famille
it doesn’t matter
“That does not have importance”
cela n’a pas d’importance
has been…..
as in: “your reservation “has been” cancelled
a été
Votre réservation a été annulée
next to/beside
To the right of…
à côté de
Ma maison est à côté d’un parc
à la droite de …..les Ilets
You do it (very) well
Tu le fais (tres) bien
(Like “not important where”)
(Like “not important when”)
n’importe où
n’importe quand
6 days ago
Il y a 6 jours
I haven’t seen it
I haven’t seen you (f)
Je ne l’ai pas vu
Je ne vous ai pas vu
She told me
(she “has” told me)
You told me that…
You already told me that.
Elle m’a dit
Tu m’as dit que /qui…..
Tu m’as dit déjà ça
how many people …?
Combien de gens
I miss it….
ça me manque
Happy to see you (f)
Happy to see you again (f)
Happy to meet you (f)
Content de vous voir
Content de vous revoir
Content de vous rencontrer
Rules for orders/commands
Eat ! Let’s eat !
mange !
mangeons !
mangez !
allons-y = lets go
allez-y = go ahead (Un groupe)
vas-y = go ahead (1 personne)
Let’s see = Voyons
COME ! = Viens ! Venez (veer nez) !
Rules for personne/une personne
une personne / quelqu’un = a person / someone or quelque’un
personne = nobody / no one
nobody has called (always use avoir) e.g personne a appelé
Une (ma, ta) copine
Un (mon, ton) copain
Something more
quelque chose de plus
there is
there is not
there “were”
there was not (there wasn’t)
Il y a
Il n’y a pas
Il y avait
Il n’y avait pas
Bonne v Bon
+ Bien
Bonne is feminine
Bon is masculine
Bon and bonne are adjectives, and bien is an adverb. Bon is used to describe masculine nouns (bon homme, bon vin, etc). Bonne is used to describe feminine nouns (bonne fille, bonne pomme, etc). Bien is used to describe a verb (Il chante bien, Je danse bien, etc).
What is all this/that ?
Qu’est ce que tout ça ?
We are going to do that
On va faire ça
Just for a drink?
Like …..”I am coming in, just for a drink””
Literally “just” “in order” “to drink” “a glass”
juste pour boire un verre ?
it has been
as in “it has been cancelled”
ça a été
ca aaa eyyy teeey
I was…
I have been…
j’ai été…
There was
il y avait
There was not
il n’y avait pas
There is not.. / there is no…
il n’y a pas…
Rules for commands
Marchez! - lets go (vous)
Marchons! - lets walk - (nous “us” more than one other person)
Allons y - let’s go! (us/nous)
Allez y - lets go (vous)
Vas y - go ahead (to one person).
on y va - off we go / let’s go (a group / more than one)
The command form is also known as the imperative. “You” is the understood subject of a command and is, therefore, omitted as it is in English. (Tu and vous are the two ways to say “you” in French.) Use tu, the familiar command, when speaking to one friend or family member. Use vous, the polite command, when speaking formally or when directing the command to more than one person, no matter what their relationship to you.
Forming commands
To form a command, simply drop the subject pronoun and use the proper verb form that would match the pronoun you are dropping, as shown in Table 1.
Regarde cette vue! (Look at that view!)
Choisis ton dessert! (Choose your dessert!)
Descendez du bus! (Get off the bus!)
The nous form of the verb (without the subject) may be used to suggest “let’s”:
Allons à la plage! (Let’s go to the beach!).

I feel like…. / I want to….
avoir + envie de
J’ai envie de
Vous avez envie de….
Nous avons envie de….
J’ai envie de faire ça (“I feel like doing this / that”)
Je n’ai pas envie ça = “I don’t want/like that” or “je ne veux pas de ça”
You want to do it?
(not using “avoir + envie de…”)
Ça te dit de +
Note can also use like:
“Ça te dit d’allé au cinema”
“Ça te dit de prendre un café”
Using ““avoir + envie de…”
it would be, par example:
vous avez envie d’aller au cinema
and you could also say:
“Tu veux le faire?”
I went (passe compose)
(always use être)
Je suis allé (i am gone)
Je suis allé faire du bateaux
Always use “faire + de” when there is an “action” or you are doing something.
When is it that we are meeting/seeing eachother?
Quand est ce qu’on se voit ? (when are we meeting ?)
(On se voit = we see each other / we meet)
We know him (i)
We know her (i)
We know them (i)
We call him (i)
On le connait
On la connait
On les connait
On l’appelle
It’s hard
It’s a hard life
Literally, “It’s hard, the life”
C’est dur !
(like in “duration”)
C’est dur la vie !
until, up to, to….
- Marchons jusqu’à la plage
- Je travaille jusqu’à 19h
We went out last night
(f) + (i)
Nous sommes sortis hier soir
(Or you could just say “nous sommes allés hier soir / au cinéma”)
On est sortis hier soir / or just “on est allé hier soir” using just “we went” rather than “we went out
Quand même
- Heureusement, je peux quand même faire du sport
- Oh, je travaille mais tu peux quand même venir = Oh, I’m working but you can still come
A tout à l’heure !
tout à l’heure
What’s the difference?
A tout à l’heure ! = See you later (today) (A tou ta leur)
Tout à l’heure = earlier today / later today depending on what tense you are using.
- J’ai travaillé tout à l’heure (tra va yé)
- Je vais travailler tout à l’heure
I like it!
(this is what locals say :-))
J’aime bien
Other ways to say goodbye
(note, locals say “Ciao”)
Ciao ! Salut ! A plus (tard) !
Plus = more
- Je veux deux de plus = I want 2 extra/more
can you hear me ?
is it that you can hear me?
can you hear me ? = Est-ce que tu peux m’entendre ?
as in “that’s enough/it is enough”
assez = enough (ass ez)
C’est assez
Note, pronounce the “t” in C’est as in “set ass ez”
(son - as in “sonya”)
I know what I am going to do…
Je sais “ce que” (what) je vais faire…
I (have) bought the boat
J’ai acheté le bateau
I went boating (passe compose using être)
Je suis allé faire du bateau
It’s not hard
Ce n’est pas dur
At what time do you close?
A quel heure vous fermeè?
Foot (as in 3 feet)
My boat is 4 feet
How many feet?
Pied (pi eh)
Mon bateax est 4 pied
Combien de pieds (pee eh)
(all the things)
toutes les choses
Can also just say “tout”
a late night
we had a late night
I had a late night
a late morning
un nuit tardive
on a eu un nuit tardive
j’ai eu un nuit tardive
un matin tardive
(tar deeve)
I can’t sleep because of the noise
(using: “a cause du….)
Je ne peux pas dormir à cause du bruit (bree)
to sleep
(door mee ah)
Using malheureux
Sadly, no.
Using triste
We are sad to leave
We are sad to see you leave (i)
Malheureusement non
On est triste de partir
On est triste de te voir partir
at the same time
En même temp (tem)
or use:
même heure
when refering to an actual time
give me a moment
donne-moi un moment
do you remember?
remember that “remember” is a “se” verb
se rappeler = to remember
tu te rappelles = you remember
Tu te rappelles de moi ?
I remember you = je me rappelle de toi
Could also be = tu te souviens
Vous souvenez-vous de moi? = do you remember me
we use it
verb = to use
nous l’utilisons (f)
on l’utilise (i)
“oooout tel eez ey”
I look for/I am looking for (present tense)
je cherche (sher -sh)
I am going to come back
(I will be back)
Je vais revenir
almost, nearly
For example: you are nearly there
presque = almost, nearly
Par example: vous y être presque
He gives me (present)
Il me donne
Give me
Tell me
You can give me
You can give me it
IMPERATIF (Order tense)
tu peux me donner
tu peux me le donner
you can tell me
tu peux me dire
You want to do it ? / You would like to do it ?
(Using “avoir envie de”)
Vous avez envie de le faire
Tu as envie de le faire
Do you want to do it ?
(using: “ca te dit de…..”)
ça te dit de le faire ?
You can also say:
vous voulez le faire ?
tu veux le faire ?
I am going to have some time tomorrow
je vais avoir du temps demain
I would like 2 extra…
Je voudrais deux de plus…
For (us) both
Pour nous deux
Best wishes to all the team
meilleurs voeux a toute l’équipe
Mayer ver a tout te leh keep
“un ule leh”
Annulation de votre réservation au Tamarin
“un ule leh sion”
I saw you
Passe composé (i have seen + you)
Je t’ai vu
Je vous ai vu
Lots of late nights
Beaucoup de nuits tardives
Trick with using “Est-ce qu’il”
Always remove it then add it back after when you have determined what you want to say…
Alternative meanings for
Il = he/it
Le = him/it
The house of my friend
La maison de mon ami
Maybe not
peut-être pas
near, beside, close
à côté
Last year (the year last), we went to St Bart (f+i)
l’année dernière, nous sommes allés à St Bart
l’année dernière, on est allés à St Bart
One year ago
il y a un an
YEAR = an v annee
It depends on whether there is an actual number
- 1 an, 5 ans, 698 ans
- l’année prochaine, une autre année …
My summer vacation
(literally, “my vacation of the summer”)
Note: “vacation” is masculine
mes vacances de l’été
one of each
un de chaque
I saw you
Note that “have” always steals the pronoun
Je t’ai vu
Me neither….
Moi non plus (plu)
verb for: “to try”
Aussi, je vais essayer finir l’audio exercice
I hope….
“I hope”… “to come”… “visit”… “shortly”
J’espère venir visiter d’ici peu
d’ici peu
tres prochainement
is “very soon”
notre vs nos
Notre and nos are both possessive adjectives and mean ‘our’.
You use notre when there is one single substantive (masculine or feminine) and nos when there are more than one:
notre chat = “our cat”
nos chats = “our cats”
notre poule = “our hen”
nos poules = “our hens”
I am trying to learn
j’essaye d’apprendre
I am going to give to them
je vais leur donner
Note use “leur” not “les” because it’s “to them” not just “them”
Currently, presently, nowadays.
Best wishes to all
meilleurs voeux a toute
(mayer ver a tout)
I feel alone
I feel great
I feel better
je me sens seul
je me sens super
je me sens mieux
Triste vs malheureax
Triste vs. malheureux
The French words ‘triste’ and ‘malheureux’ are both adjectives commonly used to describe states of sadness or unhappiness. However, they convey different nuances and can be used in different contexts. Understanding the subtle differences between these words helps with proper usage in conversation or writing to express a variety of emotional states.
Used generally to refer to a feeling of sadness, often stemming from a specific cause, and is sometimes temporary or situational.
Il est triste parce qu’il a perdu son jouet.
(He is sad because he has lost his toy.)
La journée est triste sans soleil.
(The day is sad without the sun.)
Elle a une expression triste sur son visage.
(She has a sad expression on her face.)
Implies a state of unhappiness that is often deeper or more general than ‘triste’. It can imply misfortune, dissatisfaction, or a lasting state of unhappiness.
Il se sent malheureux dans sa vie professionnelle.
(He feels unhappy in his professional life.)
C’est un chien malheureux qui n’a jamais connu la tendresse.
(It’s an unhappy dog that has never known tenderness.)
Ils ont vécu une histoire d’amour malheureuse.
(They had an unhappy love story.)
In summary, while both ‘triste’ and ‘malheureux’ describe negative emotions associated with sadness, ‘triste’ is commonly used for situations of passing sadness or when referring to something that seems sad; whereas ‘malheureux’ suggests a more profound sense of unhappiness or discontentment that is often related to one’s well-being or life circumstances. Choosing between them depends largely on the intensity and duration of the emotion being described.