Diane Lesson #7 Flashcards
My friend
My mate
Mon pote (pot)
The same time
(“In the” same time)
En même temps
Together (like a group of people “assembled” together)
He is from where? (of where?)
Il est d’où?
The daily (or day-to day) bread
le pain quotidien (quoi ti di un)
You open? Or closed? (note, this is the best way to ask)
Literally “ it’s open, or closed?”
C’est ouvert? Ou fermé?
The shop is open?
Le magasin (like “maga - sun”) est ouvert (et overrrr - you carry the “t” over to the “o”).
I went
(I am gone)
Je suis allé
The meal
“rip” pas
Le repas
My response (feminine)
Ma réponse
It’s not cool/That’s not cool
It’s not nice/That’s not nice
ce ñ’est pas cool
ce ñ’est pas sympa
It’s very nice (using agréable)
C’est tres agréable
Meeting, appointment
un rendez-vous
un réunion
Avoir in the past tense (I had)
J’ai eu (par example: J’ai eu un rendez-vous avec le dentiste)
I have a sleep (“sieste” - note a sieste is an activity - use “faire”)
So in present tense you use faire as the verb. “I “do/make” a sleep/nap
Je fais une sieste
The meal was great
le repas était super
For her also
Pour elle aussi
What do you mean?
The phrase when you just want to say like “what?” Or “how is that?”
Note, here you are not saying it in the context of “what does that mean?”
It’s more like “how’s that?”
comment ça?
again one more time
encore une fois
Generally, when I want to ask
généralement quand je veux demander
Next (as in “next week”)
prochaine (pronounced “pro chien”)
Very soon
It’s the same as “very shortly” - it”s not “tres bientôt”
tres prochainement
cette (prounced “set”)
Masculine is “ce”
Plural is “ces”
This time
Cette fois
This week
Cette semaine (pronounced “ set / ce men”)
I am late
Je suis en retard
It’s going to be busy
ça va être occupé
No food
When using “pas” remember always that it is a package. “Pas de”.
pas de nourriture
A (little) bit
Un (petit) peu
A bit less
Un peu moins = a little less
Can you spell (write) it ?
Tu peux l’écrire ?
How do you spell/write
(Literally “how you (i) write?”)
Comment tu écris
The news
Les infos (un fou)
What’s up?
Quoi de neuf?
Take a nap
(Note you “do” a nap. You don’t “take” a nap)
Faire une sieste
I am having a nap (present tense - I do a nap) = je fais une sieste
I am going to take (do) a nap (Futur) = je vais faire une sieste
I am going to take a nap
(Note when doing an activity you use ‘faire”. In this case! Not “prendre”.
je vais faire une sieste
I had a vacation
j’ai eu des vacances
Thank you. You are welcome. (With pleasure)
Merci ! …. Avec plaisir ! (thank you…. You’re welcome)
The same thing
At the same time
La même chose
En même temps
Another book
Another person
Another time
Un autre livre
Une autre personne
Une autre fois
Other books (person, time)
D’autres livres (D’autres personnes, d’autres fois)
It was SO good.
It was VERY good.
It was REALLY good.
C’était tellement (SO) bon
C’était très (VERY) bon
C’était vraiment (REALLY) bon
6:30 = à six heures trente (always just use the time first + heure, followed by the time after).
cinq heures quarante cinq
À dix huit heure trente (24 hour clock)
I don’t have any balance in life
“I don’t have any/of equilibrium in the life”
Je n’ai pas d’équilibre (eq que leeb ra) dans la vie
How is it?
How is that?
Comment c’est
Comment ca?
And the gym, how is it?
Et la gym, comment c’est
I agree
Je suis d’accord
C’est d’accord = I accept
triste (tristement = sadly)
Remote working/telecommuting
le télétravail
The pandemic (m)
le pandémie (pond demi)
My team/crew
mon équipe (eh keep)
in (using “en” as opposed to “dans”)
en (J’ai un bureau en Chine et en Californie - I have an office in China, and in California)
Feminine region + ending in “e”
En (in) expresses when an action happens as it relates to the calendar: month, season, or year.
Nous voyageons en Avril = We travel in April.
Il arrivera en hiver = He will arrive in the winter.
En (in) expresses the length of time an action happens. As a result, the verb is usually in the present or past tense.
(Note “dans” (also “in”) is usually used in the present or future to indicate the amount of time before action will occur)
Je peux faire le lit en cinq minutes.
I can make the bed in five minutes.
Il a lu le livre en une heure.
He read the book in an hour.
J’ai appris à danser en un an.
I learned how to dance in a year.
En can also mean “in” or “to” when used with some states, provinces, and countries.
J’habite en Californie.
I live in California.
Je vais en France.
I’m going to France.
“Dans” also indicates the amount of time before action will occur.
Note that the verb is usually in the present or future wheres “en” is used for present or past.
Nous partons dans dix minutes.
We’re leaving in 10 minutes.
Il reviendra dans une heure.
He will be back in an hour.
Elle va commencer dans une semaine.
She’s going to start in a week.
Dans (in) also refers to something that occurs within or during a decade.
Dans les années soixantes…
In the sixties…
Dans les années quatre-vingts…
During the eighties…
Note you can also use “pendant” as in “during”
Dans also means “in” a location when followed by an article plus noun.
Il est dans la maison.
He’s in the house.
Il est dans la jardin
He is in the garden
Qu’est-ce qui est dans la boîte?
What’s in the box?
I had a lot of fun (pleasure) this evening
We had a lot of fun (pleasure) this evening
J’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir ce soir
On a eu beaucoup de plaisir ce soir
What did you eat? (Passe compose/ You have eaten what?)
Tu as mangé quoi
You see, if we spend time together, you could speak French fluently
Tu vois, si on passe du temps ensemble, tu pourra (vous pourriez) parler français couramment
Tell me if you see Laurent this evening.
Dis moi si tu vois Laurent ce soir
I would like that
Note you don’t say “je voudrais comme ça” as that means “I would like like that”
J’aimerais ça
I am sorry I cannot do Wednesday
Je regrette, je ne peux pas faire mercredi
Just (in order to) to tell you that this week only, I’m available on Wednesday… Have a nice weekend
Juste pour te dire que cette semaine seulement, je suis disponible mercredi… Bon week-end.
(Dis pon eeb le)
to meet
rencontrer (ron con trai)
This beach is so pretty
Cette plage est tellement jolie
It’s a pleasure to meet you both
It’s a pleasure to meet you all
Ç’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous les deux
Ç’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous
You too Bernard, Enjoy the day!
Toi aussi Bernard. Profite bien la journée!
Happy to
contente de
Happy to see you
Great to see you
Great to see you again
contente de te voir
super de te voir
super de te revoir
It’s cold/It’s hot (for weather always use “Il fait…..”)
The weather is beautiful
The weather is good/warm
(Note: il fait normally means “he does/he makes, but in this context its a “pack” that you use for “weather”)
il fait froid/il fait chaud/il fait chaud aujourd’hui
Il fait beau (The weather is nice)
Il fait bon (The weather is good/warm/It’s nice outside)
Savory (opposite of sweet -Sucrè)
salé (sally)
Literally “a work (m) of the team”
un travail d’équipe
équipe (eh keep)
Nine o’clock (pm)
vingt-et-une heure (twenty and one hour)
Same phrase for:
“Would you like to?”
“How about” (going to the cinema)?
Want to do it?
You want to come?
Also, you can attache to a verb (but always use “de” before the verb. e.g. “ça te dit d’allè au cinema”
ça te dit?
“How about” (going to the cinema)? = Ça te dit d’aller au cinéma?
This handy French expression is a great way of asking people to do something with you in a casual way.
What does “ça te dit” actually mean?
What does it mean?
Broken down in to its individual parts, ça te dit translates as ‘it you say’, which doesn’t really mean anything.
But, you’ll hear it used in spoken French all the time to mean something like ‘do you feel like it’, ‘do you want to’ or ‘what do you think.’
People often use it when making social plans or inviting people to get together.
You can use it as a stand-alone phrase, like this:
On va aller voir un film ce week-end. Ça te dit? (We’re going to see a film this weekend. Want to come?).
Or, you can also use it as the start of a question by adding the preposition de and a verb in the infinitive. For example, Ça te dit de voir un film ce week-end? (Do you feel like seeing a film this weekend?).
Would you like to go?
Ça te dit d’aller
Would you like a coffee (literally, “would you like to take a coffee?” using “Ça te dit”)
ça te dit de prendre un café ?
I don’t feel like doing that
It means nothing to me
ça ne me dit rien
In your opinion……?
à ton avis?
I wake up (approximately)
Note: to wake up is a reflexive verb
Je me réveille (environ)
(Rev eh)
the watch (like the Panerai watch)
la montre (Panerai)
La mon trehhh (emphasize the hard “h”)
to explain
expliquer (ex plee kay)
I can explain
Je peux expliquer
See you later
See you soon
See you soon (in the context of “very soon”)
à plus tard
A bientôt
a tout à l’heure
Conjugate “Prendre” in the present tense
je prends
tu prends
il/elle prend
nous prenons
vous prenez
ils prennent
Conjugate “Prendre” in the “passe compose” tense
Passé composé
j’ai pris
tu as pris
il/elle a pris
nous avons pris
vous avez pris
ils/elles ont pris
Conjugate “Prendre” in the “Futur” tense
je vais prendre
tu vas prendre
il/elle va prendre
nous allons prendre
vous allez prendre
ils vont prendre
- (endroit) as far as:
Il est allé jusqu’au lac en marchant = He walked as far as the lake.
On a entendu le bruit de l’explosion jusqu’à la frontière = The noise of the explosion could be heard as far away as the border.
- (moment) until ⧫ till
jusqu’à présent until now ⧫ so far - (limite) up to
Dis pon eeeb le
I am ready when you are
Je suis prêt quand tu es
We hope to see you (again) very soon (f)
Nous espérons de vous revoir très bientôt
I hope to see you (again) very soon
J’espère de vous revoir très bientôt
One more day in paradise
Un jour de plus (pluus) au paradis (par a di)
That’s right/correct
c’est ça
it’s very nice to see you again (i)
c’est très sympa de te revoir
or you can get away with:
c’est très sympa te revoir
Or using “great to see you again”:
C’est génial de te revoir
in case…
just in case…
au cas où
juste au cas où
the name of the bar?
le nom du le bar?
frankly speaking (in order to speak frankly)
pour parler franchement (in order to speak frankly)
I walk
with me
you walk
like you
je marche
avec moi
tu marches
comme toi
What is (it) your favorite restaurant? (informal/formal)
qu’est ce que c’est ton / votre restaurant préféré ?
It has a French rhythm
il a un rythme Français (reth ma)
la concentration = focus, concentration
an excess
there is an excess of food in the United States
un excès
il y a un excès de nourriture aux Etats Unis
the art of eating
l’art de manger
How are they, your daughters?
(How “they are going”, your daughters?)
Comment elles vont, tes filles ?
Combien de … = How much / How many
Combien de … = How much / How many
Combien de temps ? = How much time - How long
Depuis combien de temps ? = For (since) how long …?
To say “how long to go there and back” you can use: “Combien de temps aller et retour”
Combien de fois ? = How many times … ?
The keys
les clés = the keys (k-l-ay)
I could (past tense of “can”)
I couldn’t find my keys
Note there are two ways to say “I could”
I could = J’ai pu
I couldn’t find my keys = Je n’ai pas pu trouver mes clés
“I could” is also “Je pourrais”
I could not exercise yesterday (remember “exercise” is an activity that you “do/make”)
Je n’ai pas pu faire de l’exercice hier
What is the difference between:
C’est d’accord
“D’accord” means “okay”
but - ”C’est d’accord” always means ”I agree” .
Note you can also say “en ce moment” = in/at the moment
En fait = actually
Using “pour” v “pendant” to describe a period of time”.
‘’Hier soir, je suis restée chez mon amie pour une heure’’
Meaning ‘’Last night, I stayed at my friend’s FOR an hour’’
In this instance, ‘’for’’ has to be translated as ‘’Pendant’’ because we are talking about a period of time. So, “For + period of time” (for a month, for a few days …) we would use ‘’pendant’’.
French doesn’t like words ending in vowels and starting in vowels - go figure.
‘’Ma amie est arrivée à 18 heures’’
‘’My friend arrived at 6pm’’. Well, fair enough, it should be ‘’MA’’ because “amie” is feminine. But there is another little rule (yes, there always seems to be another little rule !) that says that when a feminine noun begins with a vowel, the masculine possessive adjective is used, and we therefore say ‘’MON amie’’. The thing is that french doesn’t like having a word ending with a vowel just before another one starting with one … Is this an excuse good enough?
3 ways to say “definitely”.
‘’Definitely’’ can be translated by ‘’certainement’’, ‘’absolument’’ or ‘’tout à fait’’. Plenty of options!
I am full/”I have (well) eaten”
(Passé compose)
J’ai bien mangé
just in case
juste au cas où = just in case (just oh ka ou)
one thing at a time
une chose à la fois = one thing at a time
to manage to + do …
arriver à + verb
to manage to + do …
Je n’y arrive pas = I don’t manage it, I don’t do it, I can’t do it
Plu(s) v Plus
plus (plus) = more
plus (plu) tard = more later / later
plus (plu) tôt = earlier / more early
je travaille plus (plus) = I work more
Basic rule : “s” silent, except with a verb when you mean “more”
we hear the “s” when we mean “more” with a VERB
silent “s” : plus tôt, plus tard…
silent “s” : je (ne) travaille plus
pronounce “s” : je travaille plus
using “ne plu(s)”
ne … plus = no longer / not anymore
ne … plus = no longer / not anymore - silent “s”
Je ne travaille plus = I don’t work anymore
(Je travaille plus)
When “plus” means “not anymore”, “no longer” or no more”, you generally don’t pronounce the final “s”. In this situation, “plus” is used in a “ne…plus” construction. However, “ne” is omitted in spoken French, so the absence of “ne” doesn’t mean the “s” is necessarily pronounced.
Please (je t’en prie !)
je t’en prie ! = please (I beg you to do that action, invitation)
you’re welcome, don’t mention it (familiar, in response to a thank you).
Formal = Je vous en prie !
The informal “you’re welcome”: je t’en prie. Like ‘de rien’, which is certainly the most casual way to say you’re welcome in French, ‘je t’en prie’ is another informal way to respond to someone who expressed their gratitude towards you.
It is most common amongst very close friends and family members.
lately (like shortly but using dernière - think “shortly/next” and “lately/last”)
dernièrement = lately
prochainement = shortly
dernièrement mon travaille est pas si bon = lately my work is not so good
Introduction to “se” verbs and conjugating “se” verbs
se concentrer = to focus
se rappeler = to remember
se trouver = to be located
s’appeler = to be called
aller, parler, venir
se concentrer, se rappeler, se trouver, s’appeler
je me concentre
tu te concentres
il se concentre
nous nous concentrons
vous vous concentrez
ils se concentrent
Elle se trouve dans le magasin
Je parle
tu nous parles
I will be right back (I am coming back/again fast)
Present tense.
je reviens vite ( I will be right back - note “vite” is “fast when used with a verb/action - use rapide when describing a noun)
It’s very nice to see you again
c’est très sympa de te revoir
fast/quickly (when describing an action/verb (swim, run, walk, come)
vite = fast, quickly
Je nage vite, je marche vite, je reviens vite
Vite is an adverb. You use it with a verb to modify the verb
fast (when describing a noun)
Une voiture rapide, un exercice rapide, c’était rapide
Rapide is an adjective. You use it to describe a noun or a pronoun.