Diagnostic Imaging Flashcards
What are the positive and negative charged components of the x-ray tubes?
Negative charged cathode and positive charge anode.
LB. Student #2 McCurnin 9th ed. pg 480
Film Fogging means?
The result is reduced subject contract or an overall grayish appearance of the image.
LB. Student #2 McCurnin 9th ed. pg 483
What are the correct ultrasound terminology for the capital works:
A structure that is BRIGHT produces echoes.
A structure that is DARK produces few to no echoes.
A structure that is BRIGHTER THAN if it produces more echoes than adjacent structures.
A structure that is DARKER THAN if it produces fewer echoes than surrounding structures.
BRIGHT - echogenic
DARK - hyperechoic
BRIGHTER THAN - hypoechoic
DARKER THAN - isoechoic
LB. Student #2 McCurnin 9th ed. pg 512
Pick one that is the correct PPE when taking radiographs
A: Dosimetry badge, thyroid shield and lead gloves
B: Thyroid shield, lead gown, and lead gloves
C: Lead gown, dosimetry badge, thyroid shield, and lead gloves
D: Lead gown, dosimetry badge and thyroid shield
LB. Student #2 McCurnin 9th ed. pg 502
True or false
When you are taking a radiograph it is okay to have your hand in the image as long it is to position the patient correctly for the desired image.
LB. Student #2 McCurnin 9th ed. pg 505
Which of the following is not a component of the X-ray tube?
a) Glass envelope
b) Cathode
c) Anode
d) Tube housing
e) All are involved
E: all are involved
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 444
What is the heel effect?
The x-ray beam is more intense at the side of the cathode than at the center of the beam or the anode
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 446
T or F : Dosimetry is the measurement of personal radiation exposure.
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg.463
What are the common abdominal views?
VD and R Lat
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg.467
What are the common equine radiographs of the distal limb?
Dorsopalmar/plantar and lateromedial
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg.469
What calculation is used to estimate the amount of kVp needed?
(2 x thickness of tissue in cm) + distance = kVp
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg 486
What does ALARA stand for? What does it mean?
As Low As Reasonably Achievable- keep exposure to radiation as low as possible
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg 503
What are the 3 aspects of radiation safety?
Time, distance, and shielding
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed
pg 504
What type of contrast medium is typically used for an esophagography study?
Barium sulfate 100% liquid
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed
pg 509
What is the primary use of M-mode ultrasonography?
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed
pg 511
Your veterinarian suspects one of your patients has neuropathy somewhere in the dog’s spinal cord, and would like to do some imaging. Would a CT scan or MRI be better for this patient?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a better imaging choice for the spinal cord.
Student #1 MA McCurnin Tenth Edition pg. 476
What can cause a ghost image?
Taking a second image too quickly after another one, double exposure, or failure to erase a plate before taking a new image.
Student #1 MA McCurnin Tenth Edition pg. 457
If you take an image, and the image has too little contrast (i.e., too many gray areas), what adjustment to the settings would be most likely to improve the image?
Lowering the kVp, which would add more contrast to the next image.
Student #1 MA McCurnin Tenth Edition pg. 458
What are ways to limit exposure to scatter radiation?
Wearing appropriate PPE and collimating to the smallest field necessary to take the image.
Student #1 MA McCurnin Tenth Edition pg. 462
What are the cranial and caudal landmarks for lateral views of a thorax?
The thoracic inlet to the 13th rib.
Student #1 MA McCurnin Tenth Edition pg. 467
How should a patient be positioned for a thoracic radiograph?
Forelimbs should be extended cranially and hindlimbs caudally. The spine and sternum should be superimposed in a VD or DV view and should be parallel to the table in a lateral view.
Student #10 MS, McCurnin 10th edition pg. 467
Should abdominal radiographs be taken during inspiration or expiration?
Student #10 MS, McCurnin 10th edition pg. 467
Should thoracic radiographs be taken during inspiration or expiration?
Full inspiration
Student #10 MS, McCurnin 10th edition pg. 467
Which ultrasound artifact occurs when the beam hits gas or air and is reflected back to the transducer, causing the beam to bounce repeatedly between the patient and transducer resulting in a set of bright parallel lines?
a) Reverberation
b) Shadowing
c) Acoustic Enhancement
d) Refraction/Edge Artifact
e) Mirror-Image
Student #10 MS, McCurnin 10th edition pg. 474
Which ultrasound artifact occurs when the beam passes through a structure with low attenuation and is slowed down, causing increased echogenicity?
a) Reverberation
b) Shadowing
c) Acoustic Enhancement
d) Refraction/Edge Artifact
e) Mirror-Image
Student #10 MS, McCurnin 10th edition pg. 474
What term is used when an image appears longer than normal size?
Student #5 BH, McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg. 498
All of these are examples of what radiographic artifact?
Gridlines, Grid out of focal range, Primary beam not centered, grid upside down and grid damage causing distorted gridlines
Linear Artifacts
Student #5 BH, McCurnin 9th Ed. pg. 499
Why are dosimetry badges stored outside of the radiology area?
If they are stored within the radiology area they can still detect exposure and the dosimetry badges are used to detect exposure of a particular person that it is assigned to.
Student #5 BH, McCurnin 9th Ed. pg 502
What is the device called that is used to measure the thickness of an anatomic area in the direction that the beam passes through the patient?
Student #5 BH, McCurnin 9th ed. Pg 486
What is a technique chart?
It provides suggested exposure factors to use based on the anatomic part being radiographed, the thickness of the tissue and the position of the patient.
Student #5 BH, McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg 489
T or F : The higher the milliamperage (mA) the better the x-ray image.
False. The mA must not be too high that it could overheat the filament.
Student #4 EH, McCurnin 9th Ed. pg 481.
What are the correct factors that increase scatter radiation?
a) Increased kVp, decreased body part thickness, decreased x-ray field.
b) Increased kVp, increased body part thickness, decreased x-ray field.
c) Decreased kVp, increased body part thickness, decreased x-ray field.
d) Increased kVp, increased body part thickness, increased x-ray field.
d) Increased kVp, increased body part thickness, increased x-ray field.
Student #4, EH, McCurnin’s 9th ed., pg 483.
The common selector control for mA and time (seconds) of exposure effects:
a) radiographic density
b) degree of blackness
c) A & B
c) A & B.
Student #4, EH, McCurnin 9th ed., pg. 485.
Which will produce a sharper thoracic x-ray?
a) 100 mA and 1/10 sec.
b) 200 mA and 1/20 sec.
c) A & B produce the same quality image.
b) the 200 mA and 1/20 sec. setting will produce clearer thoracic radiographs because the shorter exposure time will reduce motion artifacts that can blur the x-ray image.
Student #4, EH, McCurnin 9th ed., pg. 486
What percentage of the ultrasound beam is reflected when it intersects air?
100%. This is why close hair clipping and removing dirt and scales is essential. Also, a liberal amount of ultrasound gel displaces air.
Student #4, EH, McCurnin 9th ed., pg 511.
What digital artifacts are seen with overexposure? Underexposure?
Overexposure produces a disappearance of thin and soft tissue surrounding the bone. Underexposure produces a grainy appearance.
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg. 492
What is the maximum permissible dose (MPD) for occupational personnel?
0.05 Sv or 5 rem per year
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg. 502
Unexposed X-ray film should be stored in a _______ position to prevent pieces from sticking together and pressure artifacts
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg.495
What is focal-film distance (FFD)?
The distance between the target in the x-ray tube and the surface of the x-ray detector
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg. 487
What is the formula to calculate new mAs if the FFD is changed?
(Old mAs x new distance^2) / old distance^2 = new mAs
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th Ed. Pg. 487
What factor does not increase scatter radiation?
mAs does not change the amount of scatter radiation produced
LM Student #7 McCurnin 10th edi cht 15
Dynamic range refers to which image characteristics?
The number of shades of grey that can be presented
LM Student #7 McCurnin 10th edi cht 15
The benefit of Doppler ultrasound is that it can visualize and measure
body cavities
LM Student #7 McCurnin 10th edi cht 15
Which alternative imaging technique produces an image by using a thin x-ray beam to measure x-ray attenuation?
CT - computed tomography
LM Student #7 McCurnin 10th edi cht 15
The most appropriate transducer frequency for an ultrasound exam on a cat is
7.5 MHz
LM Student #7 McCurnin 10th edi cht 15
What type of medicine is popular for using Portable radiography units, and what is the popular area of interest?
Equine medicine, Extremities like limbs and hooves
HG Student #3 McCurnin pg 447
What does the term foreshortening refer to?
Foreshortening is when one portion of the patient is lifted off the image receptor, while another part is in contact with the image receptor. This causing the image to appear shorter than actual size.
HG Student #3 McCurnin pg 460
T or F: Radiographs are part of the legal medical record?
HG Student #3 McCurnin pg 461
What is the minimum thickness a lead apron must be?
HG Student #3 McCurnin pg 464
What does latitude refer to?
Latitude refers to the range of different density on the radiograph
ie. if a radiograph shows multiple shades of grey is a long latitude
MM Student #8 McCurnin pg.1173
What are examples positive contrast?
Barium sulfate and Organic iodide
MM Student #8 McCurnin pg.11
How is M-mode produce during a ultrasound?
M-mode or motion mode is made by passing a narrow sound beam across a body part.
MM Student #8 McCurnin pg.1210
What is dose creep?
It is Incremental increased in the technique made to reduce the amount of noise affecting the quality of the image
MM Student #8 McCurnin pg.1190
What are the 2 major concerns when being exposure to radiation?
Stochastic effect and genetic effects
MM Student #8 McCurnin pg.1185