Dental Flashcards
What are the dental formulas for dogs, cats and horses regarding deciduous teeth?
Dog : 2 x (I3/3, C 1/1, P3/3) – 28 teeth
Cat : 2 x (I3/3, C1/1, P4/4, M2/3) – 26 teeth
Horse: 2 x (I3/3, C0/0, P3/3) – 24 teeth
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1117
What are some of the clinical and or behavioral signs of oral disease?
Pawing at the mouth, facial swelling, dropping food, oral bleeding, anorexia, sneezing/snorting after eating/drinking, etc.
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg.1120
Flat occlusal surfaces are often susceptible to caries lesions. What is a caries lesion?
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1120
What is the most critical step performed on an anesthetized dental patient?
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1143
What are the 3 basic uses of local anesthesia?
1: Splash block : wound irrigation directly into an open incision
2: Local anesthesia : infiltration of local anesthetic along planned incision lines or into the periodontal ligament of the tooth of interest
3: Regional anesthesia : delivery of local anesthetic to specific nerves to block an entire region of the body
ML, Student #6, McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1143
What 4 types of teeth do cats and dogs have?
incisors, canines, premolars and molars
BH, Student #5 McCurnin 9th Edition pg. 1218
What type of teeth are seen in horses and rodents?
Hypsodont teeth
BH, Student #5 McCurnin 9th Edition pg. 1218
What type of teeth are seen in dogs and cats?
Brachydont teeth
BH, Student #5 McCurnin 9th Edition pg. 1218
What is the term that refers to the surface of the mandibular teeth adjacent to the tongue?
BH, Student #5 McCurnin 9th Edition pg. 1219
When there is a incorrect alignment of the teeth or jaws, what is this called?
A malocclusion
BH, Student #5 McCurnin 9th Edition pg 1220
What are the permanent dental formula for cat, dog and horse?
Dog: 2X (I 3/3, C 1/1, P 4/4, M 2/3) = 42 teeth
Cat: 2X (I 3/3, C 1/1, P 3/2, M 1/1) = 30 Teeth
Horse: 2X (1 3/3, C 1/1, OR 0/0, P3 OR 4/3 OR 4, M 3/3) = 36/44 Teeth
LB, Student #2 McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg. 1218
What are the three mobility scoring index?
Stage 0: Physiologic mobility up to 0.2 mm
Stage 1: Mobility is increased in any direction other than axial* over a distance of more than 0.2 mm and up to 0.5 mm.
Stage 2: Mobility is increased in any direction other than the axial over a distance of more than 0.5 mm and up to 1.0 mm
Stage 3: Mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance exceeding 1.0 mm or any axial movement.
LB, Student #2 McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg. 1231
What is the normal probing depth for cats and dogs?
Dogs: 0 to 3 mm
Cats: 0 to 1mm
LB, Student #2 McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg. 1230
What are the four regional nerve blocks for oral surgery for cats and dogs.
Infraorbital, Middle mental, Inferior alveolar and Maxillary nerve block.
LB, Student #2 McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg. 1247
What are the four periodontal disease classifications?
- Clinically normal
- Gingivitis with no attachment loss
- Less than 25% attachment loss - mild periodontitis
- 25% to 50% attachment loss - moderate periodontitis
- Greater than 50% attachment loss - advanced periodontitis
LB, Student #2 McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg. 1248
According to the American Veterinary Dental College, what tasks during dental procedures are reserved for DVMs only?
Any procedure that results in alteration of the shape, structure, or positional location of the teeth in the dental arch.
(further restrictions on what non-DVMs can do may vary by state)
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed. pg.1217
What signs that may be seen during examination of the eyes may be indicative of dental disease?
-decreased ability to retropulse one or both eyes
-swelling of soft tissue ventral to medial canthus
-ocular discharge
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed. pg. 1225-1227
How does the hard palate of brachycephalic dogs compare to that of mesocephalic/dolichocephalic breeds?
The rugae of the hard palate in brachycephalic dog breeds are more close together, creating rugal folds that can accumulate hair and debris.
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg. 1228
What is the most radiodense (aka radiopaque) structure of the tooth?
Enamel covering the crown
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed
pg. 1235
Which premolars are cats missing on both the maxillary and mandibular arcades? What numbers are skipped in the Triadan system for cats?
Maxillary: 1st premolars. 105 and 205 are skipped.
Mandibular: 1st and 2nd premolars. 305, 306, 405, and 406 are skipped.
Student #11 SF
McCurnin’s 9th ed.
pg 1219
Caudal Stomatitis is the inflammation of what area of the oral cavity?
The palatoglossal folds of the pharynx, which are located lateral of the tongue.
MS, Student #10, McCurnin’s 10th ed.
pg. 1126-1127
What is the periodontal probe used to measure?
Attachment levels, sulcus and pocket depths, loss of bone in furcation areas, and the size of oral lesions.
MS, Student #10, McCurnin’s 10th ed.
pg. 1127
What types of pathological findings can dental radiographs detect?
Root reabsorption, caries, periapical bone loss, retained root tips, unerupted teeth, osteomyelitis, neoplasia, and tooth/jaw fractures.
MS, Student #10, McCurnin’s 10th ed.
pg. 1131
What is the main purpose for polishing?
Reduces the surface area of the tooth by smoothing over any scratches left during scaling.
MS, Student #10, McCurnin’s 10th ed.
pg. 1143
What clinical signs can be seen in a patient in the acute phase of Masticatory Myositis?
Patients in the acute phase will exhibit pain upon mouth opening, decreased appetite, and/or dropping of food.
MS, Student #10, McCurnin’s 10th ed.
pg. 1155
What is the appropriate hand position for grasping periodontal instruments?
Modified pen grasp
Student #1 MA McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1128
Which nerve block prevents sensation of the soft tissue and bone of the ipsilateral mandible?
Inferior alveolar nerve block
Student #1 MA McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1144
For best success with teeth brushing, what advice should be given to clients about home care?
The pet’s mouth should be closed for teeth brushing and brushing should be done with a wet brush but no veterinary toothpaste. Toothpaste can be applied to the teeth after brushing is complete.
Student #1 MA McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1147
Which is the most common oral tumor in cats?
Squamous cell carcinoma.
Student #1 MA McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1154
What makes patients with acanthomatous ameloblastomas generally good candidates for surgery?
This type of tumor is locally invasive but does not metastasize.
Student #1 MA McCurnin 10th edition pg. 1155
Why is a visual inspection of the ears performed during an extraoral exam?
Middle ear disease may be a cause for the presenting complaint of pain when opening the mouth. Evidence of discharge, odor, or pain on palpation of the ears should be noted
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th ed. pg.1222
What does the periodontium consist of?
Gingival connective tissue, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and cementum
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th ed. pg. 1232
What would a Stage 3 furcation (F3) indicate?
When a periodontal probe extends under the crown of a multirooted tooth and though one side of the furcation out the other
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th ed. pg. 1233
Which nerve block prevents sensation of the entire maxillary quadrant on buccal and palatal sides of the teeth?
Maxillary nerve block
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th ed. pg. 1248
What type of malocclusion is considered normal in brachycephalic dogs?
Class III occlusion (mandibular mesioclusion)
CP Student #9 McCurnin 9th ed. pg. 1259
What makes Bovine stand out in their dental anatomy?
They have a dental pad.
CP Student #3 HG McCurnin
Where is the incisive papilla located?
Midline between the maxillary incisors in dogs and cats.
CP Student #3 HG McCurnin pg1126
What is all included in the periodontium?
gingival tissue, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and the cementum.
CP Student #3 HG McCurnin pg 1129
What type of scaler is powered by an air compressor?
A sonic scaler.
CP Student#3 HG McCurnin pg1136
What are the two types of ultrasonic scalers?
Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric.
CP Student #3 HG McCurnin pg 1137
Which local anesthetic agent can last up to 10 hours?
McCurnin 10th ed pg 427 Student #7 LM
What is an important consideration for your patient when scaling their teeth?
Checking to make sure that their endotracheal cuff is fully inflated
Mccurinin’s edition 9 pg 2962
Student #7 MM
T or F Sickle scalers are used to scale the crowns of the teeth and have a sharp tip that will cause lacerations if the instrument is used subgingivally.
McCurnin 10th ed pg 436 Student #7 LM
The radicular hypsodont type of dental morphology is found in which species?
McCurnin 10th ed pg 437 Student #7 LM
The only easily palpable major salivary gland of the dog and cat is the…
McCurnin 10th ed pg 437 Student #7 LM
What should the technician wear when scaling teeth
gloves, googles, scrub top that can be change after
Mccurinin’s edition 9 pg 2962
Student #7 MM
Where are sickle scalers used
The crown of teeth
Mccurinin’s edition 9 pg 2971
Student #7 MM
How do you preform a Infraorbital Nerve block in canines?
Insert needle into the foramen at the level of the mesial root of the 3rd maxilla premolar
Mccurinin’s edition 9 pg 2980
Student #7 MM
What is Endodontic?
It is a type of dentistry that deals with treatment inside of the pulp and periapical tissue.
Mccurinin’s edition 9 pg 2993
Student #7 MM