Día 10 Flashcards
- El otoño pasado no pude ir a visitarte porque no tenía dinero
- Because the absence of money is an EXPLANATION why didn´t do it
- I couldn´t visit you last autumn because I didn´t have any money.
- Why use the pretérito imperfecto?
- Cuando era pequeña un perro que sa llamaba Flip
2. Use se llamaba because this is a DESCRIPTION of the dog by reference to its name
- When I was a child I had a dog called Flip
2. Why use the pretérito imperfecto?
Natalia suspendío los exámenes del año pasado porque
Natalia FAILED her exams last year because …
- expresar una accíon futura con respecto a otra pasada
- expresar una hipótesis o probabilidad en el pasado
- dar un consejo o hacer sugernecías
- expresar un deseo para el presente o futuro
- expresar cortesía
Con el condicional podemos … (5)
A. Pero, ¿a qué hora has llegado esta noche?
B. No sé, papá. Serían las doce y media. Qué pesado!
3. To express probability about a past event
A. But, at what time did you get home last night?
B. I don´t know, dad. It was may be 12:30. What a drag
3. What use of conditional?
A. ¿Podría traernos un poco de leche fría, por favor?
B Enseguida …
3. Politeness
4. As a strategy eg the camerero is very busy and trying to attract attention. Normally Spaniards are very direct
A. Can you bring us a little cold milk, please?
B. Immediately
3. What use of conditional?
4. Why using the conditional in this context?
A. Me encantaría comprármelo, pero !es tan caro!
B. YO QUE TÚ me lo compraría. !Es precioso!
3. To express desire
4. To give advice
A. I would really like to buy it, but it is really expensive!
B. If I were you I would buy it. It´s beautiful.
3. Why does A use the conditional?
4. Why does B use the conditional?
El condicional simple se forma con el infinitivo más la terminación
How do you say you form the conditional by adding the ending to the infinitive?
The same 12 verbs which are irregular in the future
- querer, saber, caber, haber, poder
- venir, salir, poner, tener, valer
- hacer, decir
What are the irregular verbs in the conditional?
A ¿Quién era la chica que estaba con Antonio?
B No sé, sería su hermana.
C to express hypothesis or probability IN RELATION TO A PAST EVENT
A. Who was that girl with Antonio?
B. I don´d know it could have been his sister?
3. Why the conditional?
A. ¿Cuánta gente había EN la fiesta?
B. Pues … habría UNAS viente personas, más o menos.
3.hacer una estimación aproximada de la cantidad o del tiempo
A. How many people were at the party?
B. Well … there was probably AROUND 20 people or thereabouts
3. Why the conditional?
A. ¿A qué hora salió a trabajar?
B. Serían las seis y media o las siete …. muy tarde.
3. hacer una estimación aproximada de la cantidad o del tiempo
A. At what time did he go to work?
B. It was probably 6:30 or 7.00 … very late
3. Why use the conditional?
- Yo qué tu/usted + condicional
2. deberías + infinitivo
What 2 ways can we use the conditional to give advice or make suggestions?
Si nos ponemos en el lugar de la otra persona para decir lo que nosotros haríamos
What are we doing in structure 1 re giving advice?
Si sugerimos lo que la otra persona debería hacer
What are we doing in structure 2 re giving advice?
1, me gustaría hablar contigo esta noche
2. para expresar un deso para el presente o futuro
- I would like to talk to you tonight
2. Why use the conditional?
- !oiga! + por favor, !perdone! + por favor
- !oye! + por favor, !perdona! + por favor
use perdón if entering a room and someone is blocking your way
How to attract waiter’s attention:
- 2 formal
- 2 informal
- ir de cañas, ir de tapas, ir de vino
2. ir de copas ie after eaten a meal
- What to say if going for a drink in the middle of the day? (say 1 to 3 pm)
- What do say if going at night?
- sueldo (bruto/neto)
2. salarío (bruto/neto)
- monthly pay (gross/net)
2. annual salary (gross/net)
- sequía
2. san Isidro
- drought
2. Who is the patron saint of rain?