Día 04b Flashcards
- ¿Qué hora es?
- ¿Qué diá es hoy? Es Jueves
- ¿A cuántos estamos hoy? Estamos A 6 de Abril o Estamos EN primavera
- What time is it?
- What day is it today? It´s Thursday.
- What´s the date today? It´s 6 April or It´s spring.
Use ser when talking about an event eg a concert, a sports championship. Use estar when talking just about a location
what´s the difference between
- La clase de Pedro es en Rocinante
- La clase Rocinante está a la ezquierda
La boda es en la catedral
The wedding is in the Cathedral
El examen DELE es en mayo or es el próximo mes
The DELE exam is in May or the next month
Mixing femine and masculines eg the correct version is buenos días, en la clase
Pedro´s 1st most common mistake
- Never say un otro, always otro
2. Otro never changes eg otro cerveza
Pedro´s 2nd most common mistake
la gente is singular therefore gente fuma
Pedro´s 3rd most common mistake
mixing up the location of possessive adjectives and pronouns. The correct version is su casa and casa suyo
Pedro´s 4th most common mistake
Not correctly expressing possession. The correct way is el bolí es de Pedro NOT es Pedro bolí (biro)
Pedro´s 5th most common mistake
Being overly polite when asking someone to do something ie would you do X (the english disease), just say do it using the imperative eg ábrela (tu) or abra la ventana (Ust)
Pedro´s 6th most common mistake
- es muy PROPENSO a resfriarse
- resfriarse
- estoy algo resfriado (adj)
- he’s very prone to colds
- to catch a cold
- to have a slight cold
- salen muy PEINADOS
2. ese PEINADO te sienta muy bien
- they go out with the hair looking very nice
2. that HAIR STYLE really suits you
- Las azafatas
- El, la auxiliar de vuelo
- El, la ATS ir Asistante Técnico Sanitario
- El, la auxilar administrativo
1, Air hostesses
- Air stewards (now that men also do it)
- new word for nurses for the same reason
- Administrative assistant
hay un policía que agarra el pasaporte y le pone en sello
there´s a policeman that grabs the passport and stamps it
It´s always used in the plural ie vacaciónes
what is the trick re vacación
viajar en auto-stop
viajar a dedo
2 words for to hitch hike
Anda! Mira!
Wow! (ie surprise) Look!
- ¡Que pasada!
- ¡Es un pesada!
- eres un pesado
- ¡qué pesado es!
- Fantastic!
- That´s really impressive!
- You´re a pest-jerk
- He´s such a pain in the neck.