Día 03 Flashcards
casi hace un año empezó
she started almost a year ago
ha notado varios cambios de COMPORTAMIENTO de X …
she noted various changes in X´s behaviour
nacío en 9 de octubre DE 1926
born on the 9th of October 1926
- era un POCO timida
2. Because poco is always masculine even though mum was shy
- she was a little shy
2. Why masculine?
- antes de LLEGAR a ser una enfemera
2. because always infinitive after antes de
1 … before she became a nurse
2. why infinitive?
- dedicó su carrera para TRAER bebés a este mundo
2. comadrona
- she dedicated her career to bringing babies into this world
- midwife
Al fin se casó el marido de su hermana MUERTA
In the end she married the husband of her dead sister
Tus abuelos MATERNOS son croatas
her maternal grandparents are Croatians
- desvantaja
2. ventaja
- disadvantage
2. advantage
- ganso
2. ganso
- goose
2. clumsy oaf (n), lazy slob (n) (colloq)
- viajar A
2. quedarse EN
- What preposition use with verbs of motion?
2. What preposition use with verbs of situation?
- a mí tampoco
2. When want to sound poetic and florid, otherwise guapa
- What say if agree with someone who says, no me gusta X?
2. When use hermosa?
- falsificador
2. el debate terminó con un intercambio de insulto
- forger
2. the discussion ended with an EXCHANGE of insults
- nombre
- nacionalidad, soy nueva Zelando
- origen
- profesión, soy abogado
- posesión, es mío
What are the 5 basic uses of ser?
- when putting a valuation on something eg es bueno (NEVER es bien, BUT use está bien)
- to describe a natural state
What are the 2 additional uses of ser?
- Estado eg esta cansado, esta muerto
2. Resultado ¿Cómo está? Estoy enfermo, estoy emocionado (cos´just got a great gift?),
What 2 things do we use estar to describe?
estoy taitantos
If someone asks how old you are and don´t want to answer precisely what would use to say somewhat over 30?
- condescender
- tratar a algn con condescendencia
- odio la condescendencia con que nos trata
- to agree (falso amigo)
- to patronise
- I hate the way she patronises us
to communicate una experiencias vividas to YOU, where it doesn´t matter when or if it has happened (as opposed to an event which has happened at a concrete time in the recent past)
What other way in which can use the pretérito perfecto
- A mí me han operado tres veces de la rodilla
2. Because it was an intense experience for me and when it happened doesn´t matter
- They operated three times on my knee.
2. Why pretérito perfecto?
- este año ha subido el numero de desempleados
2. because happened in the recent past and still relevant
- There has been an increase in the number of unemployed this year
- Why pretérito perfecto?
- Nunca he estado en Londres (No he viajado a Londres haseta el momento)
- because it is something which is really impt to him which he hasn´t done yet
- He has never been to London
2. Why pretérito perfecto?
Juan es arquitecto pero ahora esta ALBAÑIL
John is an architect but is now a construction worker/builder