Dg of heteroxenous coccidia in intermediate host Flashcards
Explain schizogony of Sarcocystis spp.:
- Endothelial cells: 2x rapid multiplication (endopolygony)
- Leukocytes: Slow multiplication (endodygony)
- Muscles: Slow multiplication (endodygony).
Young cysts - metrocytes
Mature cysts - bradyzoites
Where is gamogony in Sarcocystis spp. life cycle?
Lamina propria of small intestine
Where is sporogony of Sarcocystis spp. life cycle?
Endogenous in small intestine
Explain the procedure of digestive method:
- 15 g of meat is cut into small pieces and mixed with 40 ml of digestion solution (trypsine + buffer) in electric mixer
- Digestion of the sample for 30 min
- Filtration into 4 tubes
- Centrifuge 5 min 1000 rpm
- Discard supernatant and sediment from 4 tubes is poored into one
- Centrifuge 2 min at 1000 rpm
- Supernatant is discarded and 2-3 drops from sediment are placed on glass slide, covered with cover slip and examined
What is the size of cyst of S. gigantea/ovifelis?
10 mm
Where is cyst of S. rileyi?
mallard duck - chest muscles
Describe the granular nodular stage of Sarcocystis:
caseous and necrotic material, parasites and their parts are not detectable
How to treat infection with Sarcocystis?
Direct microscopy is NOT efficient (S. bovicanis/cruzi cyst)!
Cryosection technique (1 day procedure)
Eosinophilic myositis:
Parasites killed by host immune system - noninfectious stage
Explain the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii:
Cat in small intestine: nonsporulated oocyst is shed to environment.
This becomes sporolated oocyst in environment.
This is ingested by animals or humans by infected meat–> tachyzoites in various tissues and visceral organs. Vertical transmission causes abortion.
Tissue cysts develops in myocardium, CNS and skeletal muscles.
This goes back to the get through rats/mice.
Diagnosis of toxoplasma gondii:
Flotation technique: detection of oocysts
Impression smear: Diff-Quick or Hemacolor staining
Biological assay
Molecular techniques
What is the size of oocysts of T. gondii?
12x10 µm
How is the oocyst of T. gondii?
2 sporocysts with 4 sporozoites
Sporulation of T. gondii in the environment is for how long?
up to 21 days (1-5 days)
What does T. gondii cause in organs:
pneumonia, enteritis, meningoencephalitis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly