deviance and sexuality part 1 Flashcards
how has sexual citizenship changed in early 1900s
homosexuality considered deviant behavior; indicative of mental pathology
how has sexual citizenship changed in 1950
challenged notion of pathology; sexual pluralism
- evidence that someone was mentally-ill
- recognition that many people who identify as heterosexual but said who did have fantasy’s over homosexual tendencies
- challenges that homosexuality was a sin
how has sexual citizenship changed in 1950-1960
the cold war and the fruit machine
- cold war: lots of paranoia about the potential for communism; military and police services were most afraid; gay member in the military would be ‘distracting’
- the fruit machine: fruit was a derogatory insult toward gay men; instrument designed to measure your heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation to identify gay and lesbian member of military and rcmp; if suspected, they will put you in a chair and have you look at homosexual images; wanted to purge and get rid of these members to reduce liability they would cause
what deviant behaviors that indicated someone was gay: fruit machine?
\pinky ring, breasting your books, white convertible, went to the right at a bar, went to play sports with the other girls, how you hold your cigarette
what was the ideology of the fruit machine
two groups (hetero and homo), and the fruit machine test was unreliable, scare that homosexuality was contagious
what institutions were involved in the fruit machine?
rcmp and military and senior bureaucrats
how can we prevent the fruit machine from happening in the future?
‘group think’
(people feel privilege; can happen when you are invited into the high status group; everyone is talking and you get caught up in what higher authorities are saying; don’t want to go against people who have higher authority)
how has sexual citizenship changed in 1969?
- consensual sex between 2 men if you were older than 21 was decriminalized
- birth control was legalized
- divorce laws change
- abortion access
- sodomy was illegal (anal sex was decriminalized)
how has sexual citizenship changed in 1980
- AIDS crisis: gay men were more likely to get HIV (lower levels of condom usage, more anal sex which can cause tearing and infection)
how has sexual citizenship changed in 1981?
operation soap toronto protests and rallies
- police went into bathhouses and arrested men for indecency
- torontonians were so upset they had victimized gay men, and no one wanted to talk responsibility (were not prepared for outrage that followed)
how has sexual citizenship changed in the late 1980s
canadian universities began to develop gay and lesbian studies programs
how has sexual citizenship changed in 2000s
little sister bookstore
- book store that specializes gay erotica
- at the border, customs opened box, and refused to send it into Canada and wanted to censor it
- little sister bookstore won court case
how has sexual citizenship changed in 2005?
legalization of same-sex marriage
how has sexual citizenship changed in 2008?
age of consent for sexual activity raised to 16
talcott parsons (1955) had what position on deviance?
objectivist - structural functionalist
talcott parsons (1955) believe the function of the family was?
families are an institution as they perform roles that benefit the function of society
- care for children
- socialization of children
- social cohesion -> societal stability
talcott parsons created the nuclear family model, what is it?
family stable; dad goes out and provides money to keep family comfortable, mom creates safe environment, educate them, good contributing member of society
in 2012, what groundbreaking thing happened in terms of family structure?
first time single person households eclipses (was more than) double parent households
what was the subjective orientation for history
who was determined to be a sexual ‘deviant’ has changed (societal construction)
what was the subjective orientation for culture?
formal and informal social control differs across cultures
what was the subjective orientation for sex?
impact of cultural changes, diversity in experience (not focused on sex for the purpose of children anymore)
in the subjectivist position, what was the construction of a social problem?
how was prostitution sinful as a moral problem?
- drives men away from wife
- use for body than other purposes than serving god
- social gospel movement - need to cleanse the community, only then can individuals living there find their god (against alcohol, sex trade work)
- considered immoral
- having sex would be wasting a man’s seed
how does prostitution go against the criminal code?
1892 - canadas criminal code:
- offenses against morality (canadian criminal code finally developed instead of britain)
- crime because it was immoral
- infanticide, sodomy, incest, indecency, seduction, corruption of children, prostitution, providing / undergoing abortion