Developmental Stages Flashcards
Developmental milestones at 2 weeks
- weight should be at or above birth weight
- regards faces
2 weeks
regards faces
2 months
2 months
2 months
finger grasp
4 months
begins rolling from stomach to back
4 months
4 months
lifts head to 90 degrees without a lag
4 months
babbles/makes “raspberry” sound
4 months
sits with support
4 months
anticipates food on sight
6 months
sits momentarily
6 months
reaches/scoops up cheerios using thumb
6 months
imitates “bye-bye”
6 months
rolls from back to stomach
9 months
9 months
pulls to stand
9 months
sits well
9 months
feeds self
9 months
imitates pat-a-cake
9 months
begins to use pinchers
12 months
12 months
cruises/begins walking
12 months
good pincer grasp
12 months
2-3 words
12 months
points to desired things
12 months
table food and milk
15 months
walks well
15 months
builds a tower of 2 cubes
15 months
understands simple commands
18 months
walks upstairs
18 months
throws a ball
18 months
seats self in chair
18 months
says 4-20 words
18 months
understands 2 step commands
18 months
builds a tower of 4 cubes
18 months
imitates housework
18 months
knows body parts
24 months
runs well
24 months
handles a spoon well
24 months
2-3 word phrases
24 months
jumps to floor with both feet
24 months
verbalizes toilet needs
24 months
dresses self
24 months
turns pages in book
24 months
kicks ball on request
3 years
balances on 1 foot
3 years
knows age and gender
3 years
makes sentences
3 years
potty trained
3 years
holds crayon with fingers
3 years
copies a circle
3 years
knows first and last name
4 years
hops on 1 foot, throws ball
4 years
cuts with scissors
4 years
4 years
recognizes colors
4 years
dresses self except shoes
4 years
self care at toilet
5 years
skips, runs, and turn without losing balance
5 years
prints name
5 years
counts to 10, knows ABC’s
5 years
fluent speech, defines words
5 years
draws a recognizable person
5 years
reads single words
8-9 years
knows borrowing/carrying in math
8-9 years
knows month, day, and year
8-9 years
names months in order
8-9 years
comprehends when reading
How should the birth weight change within the first year
Should be 2/3 the “final” size
How developed is a child’s brain by age 2-3?
TriViSol - 1mL per day
D-Vi-Sol with vitamin D only is also available
Recommended vitamin supplementation for strictly breast fed infants
4 months
When should you check for strabismus?
4 months
When should you introduce solids for forumla-fed babies
6 months
When does AAP recommend fluoride supplementation?
6 months
When should you begin screening for anemia?
12 months
When should you screen again for anemia?
12 and 24 months
When should you screen for lead exposure?
3 years
When should you screen for BP, hearing, and vision?