Developmental Milestones Flashcards
What are developmental milestones?
A set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range
What kind of process is childhood development?
A continuous one
Should developmental assessments be part of every physical examination?
Yes, as any abnormalities can be detected earlier if present.
What may cause delay in achieving developmental milestones?
Normal individual variations or developmental disorder
What is the most common developmental concern?
Speech delays
What does the loss of preexisting skills indicate?
Neurodegenerative disorder
What are the factors affecting child development?
Biological and Environmental
What are the four categories of developmental milestones?
Motor activity,
Cognitive ability,
Social / Emotional Development.
When is it expected for a child to hold its head up when on tummy?
2 months old
What are some social developmental milestones at 2 months?
Social smile and looks at your face
What is expected cognitively from a 2-month-old?
Follow things with its eyes
When is a baby expected to start making sounds other than crying?
2 months old
What are some expected physical developmental milestones at 4 months old?
Holds a toy when in hands
Holds head steady without support
Brings hand to mouth
When does a baby usually start chuckling or making sounds to get your attention?
4 months old
What are some examples of cognitive development at 4 months old?
Looks at its hand with interest
If hungry, opens mouth when seeing food
What are primitive reflexes?
Involuntary motor responses
What are the kinds of primitive reflexes?
Moro, Rooting and Palmer
What are the benefits of developmental assessments?
If diagnosed early, may be easier to manage/treat
Help make necessary referrals
How is a developmental assessment conducted?
History taking,
Physical examination,
Developmental monitoring,
Developmental screening,
What are developmental disabilities?
Group of conditions occurring due to an impairment in physical, learning, language or behavior areas.
What may cause developmental disabilities?
Parental behavior,
Complications during birth,
Exposure to toxins,
Low birth-weight.
What are some physical developmental skills at 6 months?
Rolls from tummy to back
Leans on hands to support itself
When does stranger’s anxiety usually develop?
6 months old
What are some cognitive skills detected at 6 months old?
Put things in its mouth to explore them
What are some language skills at 6 months?
Makes squealing sounds,
Takes turns making sounds with people
At what age is a baby expected to be able to sit at a sitting position by itself?
9 months
What are some social skills detected at 9 months?
Shy, clingy, fearful around strangers
Answers to its name
What are some cognitive skills developed at 9 months old?
Bangs things together,
Looks for objects when out of sight
When does a baby start saying “babab” and “mamama”
9 months old
When does a baby start walking and picking up things?
1 year old
What are some social developments seen at 1 year old?
Plays games with you
What are some cognitive skills at 1 year old?
Puts something in container
When does a baby start waving bye, understand no, call out for parents?
1 year old
What are physical developments seen at 18 months old?
Drinks from cup, walks without holding furniture
What are some social developments seen at 18 months old?
Helps get dressed, looks at pages in a book.
When does a child start playing with toys, or copies what an adult is doing?
18 months old
When does a child start trying to say more words other than “mama” and “dada” and follows one word commands?
18 months old
What are some language skills seen at 2 year olds?
Say two word sentences
Points/ Draws figures with two body parts
When does a child start holding something in one hand while doing something with the other?
2 years old
What are some movement skills seen at 3 years old?
Pedals a tricycle
What are some language skills seen at 3 year olds?
3 word sentences
Counts 3 objects
When does a child start using scissors, or holding pencils correctly?
4 years old
What are some cognitive developments seen at 4 years of age?
Draws person with 4 body parts
Counts 4 pennies accurately
When does a child start naming some numbers between 1 and 5 when pointed at them?
5 years old