Developmental milestones Flashcards
When can a mother feel a baby’s first movements while in utero?
Weeks 16-18
When does a baby perform less movement due to a constrictive environment in utero?
weeks 30-32
What is observed when a newborn is in prone?
- spinal FLX
- hip FABER
- knee FLX
- ankle DF
- cheek bearing most weight
- capable of lifting and turning head
What is observed when a newborn is in supine?
- head ROT to the side
- less FLX due to gravity
(true/false) Newborns are able to visually fixate
false (only on strong contrast objects)
(true/false) newborns have visual regard
Are primary standing and stepping reactions present in a newborn?
What type of stimulation do newborns enjoy?
tactile and vestibular (ex: swaddling)
You should not swaddle a baby after __ months.
2 months
When do infants begin to have an alert and brightening expression?
1 month
When do infants begin to fixate and briefly steady gaze?
1 month
(true/false) ATNR can be observed in 1 month old infants.
How far can an infant lift their head at 1 month?
shoulder level with marked shoulder elevation
When do infants begin to track moving objects from side to side (180 degrees in each direction)?
1 month
When do infants begin to have reciprocal and symmetrical kicking?
1 month
When do infants begin to have positive support and primary walking reflexes in supported standing?
1 month
When does the grasp reflex emerge in infants?
1 month
When does neonatal reaching emerge in infants?
1 month
What are indications of possible problems in a 1 month old infant?
- complex medical Hx
- premature
- low birth weight <1500 grams (3.4 pounds)
- excessive hyper/hypotonia
- difficulty with feeding
How far can a 2 month old infant raise their head in prone?
45 degrees with elbows behind their shoulders
- DOES NOT push up on forearms
When do an infants shoulders begin to function as a single unit BUT the scapulae are not yet stable?
2 months
When do infants begin to have binocular vision?
2 months
When do infants begin to respond to friendly handling and swipe at toys?
2 months
When do infants begin to grasp items but not attend to it?
2 months
What are indications of possible problems in a 2 month old infant?
- hyper/hypotonia
- continuation of previous problems
- difficult to detect problems
When do infants begin to have symmetry and midline orientation?
3 months old
When do infants begin to play with hands w/o tonic grasp?
3 months
When do infants begin to right their trunk?
3 months
When do infants begin to WB on their forearms in prone?
3 months
How far can a 3 month old infant raise their head while in prone?
90 degrees with elbows in line with shoulders
(true/false) prone is a functional position at 3 months.
When do infants begin to have their head in midline at supine while their hands are on their chest?
3 months
When can infants lie in supine with knees/hips flexed and have their feet supported?
3 months
When do infants begin to display cervical FLX and chin tuck while in supine?
3 months
When does an infant start to have less head lag while doing pull to sit?
3 months
When do infants begin to coo/chuckle?
3 months
When do infants begin perform some WB with their toes curled in supported standing?
3 months
What are indications of possible problems in a 3 month old infant?
- strong asymmetry
- inability to maintain midline
- inability to bring hand to body
- poor head control
Poor head control can be an indication of what?
Poor ocular motor control and/or torticollis
When do infants begin to have controlled, purposeful movement?
4 months
When are primitive reflexes no longer present in an infant?
4 months
When do infants begin to roll from prone to their side?
4 months
When do infants begin to roll from supine to their side?
4 months
When do infants begin to sit with support?
4 months
When do infants start to not have head lag in pull to sit?
4 months
When do infants begin to have optical and labyrinthine head righting?
4 months
When do infants begin to have bilateral reaching with their forearm pronated and trunk supported?
4 months
When do infants begin to display a voluntary ulnar palmar grasp?
4 months
When do infants begin to laugh out loud?
4 months
(true/false) fine motor control is still limited at 4 months old.
What are indications of possible problems in 4 month old infants?
- asymmetry
- lack of midline
- lack of head control with pull to sit
- inability to extend head and trunk in prone
When do infants have functional head control in all positions?
5 months
When do infants begin to roll from PRONE to supine?
5 months
When do infants begin to weight shift between forearms in prone?
5 months
When do infants start to have head control in supported sitting?
5 months
When do infants begin to have lateral righting of the trunk be elicited?
When do infants begin to bring their feet to their mouth while in supine?
5 months
When do infants begin to have a voluntary palmar grasp?
5 months
When can infants hold a bottle when feeding?
5 months
When are infants able to perform a bridge?
5 months
What are indications of possible problems in infants that are 5 months old?
- lack of antigravity FLX in supine
- excessive extensor activation
- inability to WB on arms in prone
When do infants begin to roll from SUPINE to prone?
6 months
When can an infant sit independently?
6 months
When do infants begin to bounce with pull to stand?
6 months
When do infants begin to have anti-gravity control in supine?
6 months
When do infants begin to have parachute reactions?
6 months
When do infants have both palmar and radial grasp?
6 months
When do infants begin to explore objects primarily by their mouth?
6 months
What are indications of possible problems in 6 month old infants?
- lack of anti-gravity control
- lack of LE dissociation
- inability to roll supine to prone
- inability to play with foot using 2 hands
- inability to sit independently
What can cause an infant to not be able to sit independently?
abnormal hip EXT activation
What is the preferred position of a 7 month old?
When do infants attain/maintain quadruped?
7 months
When do infants begin to attain sitting from quadruped but NOT from S/L?
7 months
When do infants begin to transition from sitting to prone?
7 months
When do infants begin to have trunk rotation while sitting?
7 months
When do infants begin to pivot in supine?
7 months
When do infants begin to sit independently with their arms free to play?
7 months
When do infants begin pull to stand from quadruped?
7 months
When do infants begin to attempt walking?
7 months
When do infants begin to recognize tone of voice?
7 months
When do infants begin to show fear to strangers?
7 months
When do infants have equilibrium reactions consistent in prone and supine?
7 months
When do infants begin to belly crawl?
8 months
When do infants begin to transition from sitting <–> quadruped?
8 months
When do infants begin to side-sit?
8 months
When do infants begin to perform pull to stand through sitting?
8 months
When do infants begin to stand while holding onto someone’s fingers?
8 months
When do infants begin to cruise sideways?
8 months
When do infants begin to walk with handheld assistance?
8 months
What is the preferred position for an 8 month old?
When do infants begin to perform a radial digital grasp of an object?
8 months
When do infants begin to manipulate, transfer, and release toys?
8 months
When do infants have an inferior pincer grasp of their pellet?
8 months
When do infants begin to perform quadruped creeping?
9 months
When do infants begin to climb?
9 months
When do infants begin to lower from standing?
9 months
When can infants sit in a variety of positions?
9 months
When do infants begin to refine cruising skills?
9 months
When do infants begin to mimic gestures?
10 months
When do infants begin to enjoy putting things in/out of containers?
10 months
When do infants begin to long sit with their legs in line with their body?
10 months
When do infants begin to ring sit?
10 months
When do infants begin to reach across midline?
10 months
When do infants begin to have their hands free to play while in standing?
10 months
When do infants have creeping as their primary means of locomotion?
10 months
When do infants begin to self feed?
10 months
What type of grasp does a 10 month old use?
pincer grasp
When do infants begin to search for hidden items?
10 months
When do infants begin to be suspicious of strangers?
10 months
When can infants perform bilateral manipulation of toys?
11 months
When can infants rise to stand without external support through quadruped?
11 months
What is the average age of starting to walk?
11.2 months
What type of grasp does a 12 month old have?
fine pincer
(true/false) The amount of time it takes a baby to stand determines how close they are to walking.
What position should babies sleep in at all times?
What position should babies play in?
When can children ascend stairs with a step-to pattern?
20 months
When do children start to jump off of the bottom step?
20 months
When can children start to throw a ball overhead?
20 months
When do children start to run but have an immature run with increased speed?
2 years
When do children start to ascend stairs with a step to step pattern?
2 years
When do children become active, restless, and throw tantrums?
2 years
When are children commonly able to catch a large ball?
2 years
When do children start to jump with two feet?
3 years
When do children start to ride a tricycle?
3 years
When are children able to briefly stand on one foot?
3 years
When are children able to hop on one foot?
3 years
When are children able to gallop?
3 years
When are children able to kick a ball?
3 years
When do children start to understand the concept of sharing?
3 years
When do children start to climb on playground equipment?
3 years
When do children develop a mature run?
3 years
When are children able to jump on one foot several times?
4 years
When are children able to stand on their tip toes?
4 years
When do children start to relate to their friends?
4 years
When do children start to dress themselves?
5 years
When do children start to swing themselves (pump legs independently)?
5 years
Describe gait from birth to 9 months.
- antigravity strength is obtained
- hip flexor strength through kicking
- hip extensor strength by crawling and kneeling
- hip ABD strength by cruising
- trunk and extremities lengthen
Describe gait from 9-15 months.
- initial gait consists of hip FLX, ABD, ER
- genu varum
- calcaneal eversion
- absent longitudinal arches
- excessive femoral anteversion
- internal tibial torsion
When are myelination of nerves completed?
by 12 months
Describe gait at 18-24 months.
- decreased BOS
- heel eversion
- knees in neutral
- longitudinal arches are formed
- genu varum is resolved
Describe gait at 3-3.5 years.
- genu valgum
- consistent heel strike
- decreased femoral anteversion and heel eversion
- arm swing is noted
Describe gait at 6-7 years.
- fully mature gait with knees and heels in neutral position
- excessive femoral anteversion is almost resolved