Development of Posture and Gait Flashcards
Describe the general trend of how antigravity movements develop in babies?
Extension, then some flexion, the start in coronal plane and end with transverse plane (rotation)
What are some bio-mechanical constraints that affect the development of postural control?
- relative length/mass of body parts: big head- High COM, short limbs
- early walkers: short distance between floor and COM -> causes relatively high frequencies of postural sway with large arcs of motion, sway amplitude more variable in young children
- spontaneous sway reaches adult values around 9-12 with eyes open, 12-15 with eyes closed
T/F, sway amplitude tends to become more variable the older the child gets
false, greater in young children and decreases with age
T/F, newborns can cross midline with vision or grasping
false, can only come to midline
true or false, it takes 3 months to develop equilibrium reactions and function
true, takes about 3 months of practicing equilibrium righting reactions
True or false, looming visual stimulus moving anterior and posterior will evoke postural responses more than lateral moving stimulus
true, want vision to be straight and more of our BOS is found in the sagittal plane so we react more in forwards and backwards rather than side to side
What is the normal adult response to LVS moving toward subject, away?
towards- lean back
moving away-lean forward
What can you expect from a 2 month child when presented with an optical flow pattern?
infant in supported sit shows directionally appropriate neck muscle activity to LVS
What can you expect a 5 month old child in response to optical flow patterns?
in SUPPORTED STANCE, has postural responses to LVS
At what age can you expect to see ant/post sway responses to LVS in unsupported sitting
11-16 months
Describe what a 13-17 month old child with 0.5-6.5 months of walking experience would respond to LVS?
sitting: excessive sway and loss of balance
standing: excessive sway and fall
At what age do children in standing switch from visual dependence to reliance to SS input?
6-7 years
true or false, young children rely more on vision than vestibular or SS systems
true or false, infants of around 4 months make appropriate postural responses when tilted with vision occluded
true, labyrinthine righting response
true or false, infants from 7-10 months demonstrate inconsistent directionally appropriate leg muscle responses in response to induced sway (standing)
true or false, infants 14-15 months old never regain posture independently in response to induced sway, with possible directionally appropriate responses
false, they may regain posture independently and have directionally appropriate responses
true or false, a 3-4 year old can stay upright in all conditions of SOT while a 4-6 year old will fall
true, have a growth spurt at this time that can contribute to this
By what age do you start noticing the emergence of head control consistently?
3 months
Describe the emergence of independent sitting (trunk control)
6-8 months sit unsupported
-organized response to perturbations develops simultaneously
- 2 months- no consistent appropriate response
- 4-5 months- half the time show directionally appropriate neck responses
- 5 months- coordinated trunk response about 40% of the time
- 8 months- coordinated patterns to manage A/P sway and perturbations
Describe the transition to independent stance- development of muscle synergies
- 2-6 months (before pull to stand): do NOT show coordinated synergistic responses to perturbations
- 7-9 months: (early pull to stand): BEGIN to show directionally appropriate responses in LOWER legs when standing with assistance
- as pull to stand IMPROVES, mms in thigh segment become ACTIVE, with emergence of DISTAL TO PROXIMAL sequencing→ ankle strategy improves when pull to stand improves**
- 9-11 months (standing and walking): COMPLETE synergy with trunk muscle activation
At what age do adult values in postural sway occur in children?
12-15 years
At what age do appropriate trunk muscle activation occur in hip strategy?
7-10 years
Describe the development of hip strategy in children
after 3-6 months after learning to walk, appropriate use of HIP MUSCLES during HIP STRATEGY occur WITHOUT TRUNK MUSCLE ACTIVATION
Describe the development of anticipatory strategies in kids
- feedforward control evolves SEPARATELY from feedback control
- infants 9 months: activate trunk muscles PRIOR TO REACH
- 12-15 months: postural muscles activated BEFORE reach
- 4-6 years: well developed postural adjustments
- require cognitive processing to determine what they need to do physically to do postural control (feedforward and feedback control)