Development- Jim Bouldger Flashcards
How do we evaluate our self concept of normality?
- intelligibility - do I understand the nature and motivation for my acitons
- Consistency- can I predict my actions based on my self knowledge
- Control- can I prevent or produce actions when I want to
What is reliability?
- A measure of repeatability
- Consistency of prediction over time
What is validity?
Refers to accuracy of a statement
Differentiate reinforcement vs interval vs ratio schedules
Reinforcement- given reward every time desired behavior occurs
interval- every so often the behavior is rewarded
Ratio- requires a certain number of responses until next reward (nothing to do with time)
What is positive and negative reinforcement?
reinforcement = getting you to do something more frequent
positive = addition of reinforcing stimulus following “good behavior” (getting candy for good behavior)
Negative = removal of UNFAVORABLE events or outcomes after behavior (response is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant)(taking a pain killer when you have pain, pain goes away, reinforces taking the medication)
Positive vs Negative Punishment
Punishment = decreasing a certain behavior
Positive= punishment by application (getting a parking ticket will make you less likely to park there)
Negative= punishment by removal (taking toys away after being bad)
Normal birth range in weeks gestation?
37-42 weeks
Premature < 37 weeks
(1 in 8 or 12% are premature)
When is APGAR performed?
Twice, at 1 minute after birth and at 5 minutes after birth
What does APGAR measure?
Activity (muscle tone) Pulse Grimace (reflexes) Appearance (skin color) Respiration
How is APGAR scored?
Each task rated 0,1,2 Overal 0-10 0-3 severely depressed 4-6 mildly depressed 7-10 excellent
Possible problems with low APGAR score?
Score < 4 at 1 minute: severe nervous system depression, immediate CPR
Score < 7 at 5 minutes: infant at risk for CNS dysfunction
What four functions are covered by the Denver Developmental Screening test?
- Personal/social
- Fine motor
- Language
- Gross motor
(Shows ages for 25, 50, 75, and 95%)
What are the goals of the Denver Developmental Screening test?
Make parents aware of norms
Document development progress
Early identification of delays
What is the Kohlberg method of development?
-determine grouping based on how you react to moral dilemas
Pre-conventional: obedience/punishment and egotistic/satisfy self
Conventional: good boy/girl and approval of others
Post-conventional: social contract and principled conscience/internalized ideas –> most developed stage seen in adults
What is a generalized reinforcer?
any primary or secondary reinforcer which acts as a reinforcer across many different behaviors and across many different people within a culture (attention, affection, approval)
Infant 1-3 months
- lifts head when lying prone
- SMILES in response to human face
- Coos
Infant 4-6 months
- Turns over
- Sits
- forms attachment to primary care giver
- recognizes familiar people
- Babbles (repeats single sound over and over)
Infant 7-11 Months
- Crawls
- Transfers toys
- Pincer grasp
- Wave’s bye-bye, peek a boo
- Imitates sounds
Infant 12-15 Months
- Object permanence (child can maintain mental image of an object without seeing it)
Freud’s theory
described development in terms of the parts of the body from which the most pleasure is derived at each stage of development (oral stage during first year of life)
Erkison’s theory
described development in terms of critical periods for achievement of social goals. (children must learn to trust others during the first year of life or they will have trouble forming close relationships as an adult)
Piaget Stages of Development
Described development in terms of learning capabilities of the child at each age
1.5-6 years of age
- parallel play (plays alongside but not with another child)
- Gender Identity
- Plays cooperatively
- May have imaginary companions
- Begins to understand right and wrong
- sense of morality
- Vocabulary increases quickly
Development of vocabulary?
1.5 months= 10 words
2 months = 250 words
3 months = 900 words
Conception of death
<6 believe death is temporary
6-9 believe death can happen to others but not to them
9 or older understand they can also die
Operant conditioning
is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishment for behavior