Development Flashcards
Women is secreting endometrium, what cycle is she in?
Which organ doesn’t make estrogen?
Adrenal medulla (NOT adrenal cortex) (secretes catecholamines )
What is an intracellular receptor?
includes steroid, estrogen, progesterone, and Vitamin D derivatives
Which of the following acts as nuclear receptor?
Vitamin D
endogenous hormones, vitamin A & D
What hormone promotes spermatogenesis?
promote follicle development in female & stimulate Sertoli cells to produce androgen-bind protein
What promotes testosterone production in males & estrogen in females?
Granulosa cells in females are similar to _________in males
Sertoli Cells
Where is testosterone made?
Which is not a seminiferous tubules?
Leydig cells
Where is sperm stored/ matured?
What sustains Corpus Luteum after 1st trimester?
hCG is made by placenta –> allows corpus luteum to maintain high progesterone
Which Ig is transferred from mother to fetus?
IgG via placenta
Which cell cycle is immediately after fertilization?
Meiosis 2
What is NOT transcriptionally active?
Heterochromatin (highly condensed)
Which phase is most variable in duration of cell cycle?
Which stage is DNA synthesis in?
Histones are synthesized in which phase?
Hepatocytes form what type of embryonic tissue?
What are included in endoderm/
GI, Respiratory tract, thyroid, thymus, endocrine glands & organs, auditory system, urinary system, liver, pancreas
What are included in ectoderm?
Epithelium of skin, nervous tissues
What are included in the mesoderm?
c.t, bone, cartilage, blood cells, all muscles, body cavities, & some cardiovascular & urinary systems
(ureter in kidney)
What are symptoms of Down syndrome?
Wide neck, flat nose, and small mouth
Genetic make up of Klinefelter
47; XXY
Genetic make up for Turner’s
45: XO
What is the name of cellular mass after fertilization but before implantation?
Which stage of the zygote does implantation on the uterus occur?
The ligamentum arteriosum is a remnant of?
Fetal left ductus arteriosus
What goes with ligamentum arteriosum?
Left recurrent layrngeal nerve
Ligamentum venosum comes from?
Ductus venosus
Shuns left umbilical vein blood directly to the inferior vena cava, bypass liver
What is the remnant of umbilical vein on the liver?
Ligamentum teres
What structure is present in fetal heart that allows blood to pass from right to left atrium?
Fossa ovalis
Where is crista termialis located?
Crista terminalis: junction between sinus venous & heart of embryo
Right atrium
Anomalous development of external acoustic meatus is a problem with?
1st pharyngeal cleft
(1st: incus/malleus
2N: stapes)
What does Meckel’s cartilage make?
Malleus & Incus: 1st Brachial Arch
Where is mandible in relation to Meckel’s cartilage in development?
Lateral to it
Which arch does the hyoid bone develop from?
2ne & 3rd
Which arch does the buccinator arise from?
Which arch makes the Reichert Cartilage?
Which pouch is the parathyroid from?
3rd pouch
Thymus gland is from which brachial pouches?
3rd and 4th
What develops the Rathke’s pouch?
Anterior Pituitary `
Which 2 process forms the philtrum of the lip?
Medial nasal process & maxillary process
Unilateral cleft lip is caused by?
Maxillary prominence on the affected side joining with the merged medial nasal prominence
What forms the palate?
Fusion of intermaxillary & palatal shelves`
Macrostomia is a failure of fusion of?
Maxillary & mandible process
what structure in the branchial arches failed if baby has bifurcated tongue?
Tuberculum impar
CN 12 comes form?
occipital somites
NOT pharyngeal pouches
What comes from upper layer of neural tube?
Ascending Sensory Pathway
Where is the origin of pons & medula?
Hindbrain: pon, medulla & cerebellum
What is the pons derived from?