development Flashcards
issues in developmental psychology
- Nature and nurture
- Continuities and discontinuities
- The passive and active child
- Longitudinal stability and influence
- Individual differences
watson - little albert and phobias - hands on - controlling - make sure they learn things
extreme nativism
gesell, the child grows in the direction of evolution - hands off because they believe its in their genes - lack of involvement - just physical needs met for their development
discountinous child development
Freuds psychosexual stages, Piagets theory of cognitive development
continuous child development
bandura SLT
the passive child
do they just get moudled by the world around them
the active child
do children use the world around them to determine and contruct their understanding of the world
longintudinal stability and influence
do certain developmental constructs remain stable over time?
do certain developmental constructs predict later development - attachment style?
how do we study development?
- Methodological problems
- The ‘data problem’
- Establishing causal relations
- Choosing the ‘right’ age
methodological problems of studying development
- children aren’t reliable PP
- cant talk
- development is noisy - influeced by a range of factors
- ethical considerations
the data problem
- use of natural observations makes it difficult to obtain quantitiave data which is easier to analyse
- natural environments differ per child
the developmental task
rather than observation come up with task and give to child and see if they can complete
unexepected transfer task
asses theory of mind - will the child be able to recognise that someone will look for something if thats where they think it is
issues of causation with developmental research
how to move from a description of how the mind develops to an explanation of what causes these changes.
- establish direction of cause
- there may be a third factor
how to overcome issues with causal relations
- Allows researchers to manipulate an independent variable while measuring a dependent variable, while controlling for confounding variables
- Manipulations can be done in the lab, or in the child’s natural environment
- Best way of establishing cause in development
choosing the right age
- tasks need to be suited to their age and capabilities
- if you want loads of ages how do you make task suit all of them
44 thieves study
studied children who were criminals and their attachment
children after WW2 how much had they suffered from maternal deprivation
thought attachment was an important construct that needed to be researched further
the accepted wisdom of attachment
formed an attachment as a byproduct of being with people who kept you alive and safe. attachment is a secondary drive
primary attachment behaviours
crying clinging smiling frowning
these behaviours are innate try build an attachment
freud and dan support for innate attachment
mutual attachments of 3-4-year-olds who lived together in a concentration camp, they couldn’t provide for each other but still formed an attachment thus there’s a primary drive.
harlow support for innate attchament
rhesus monkeys —> do they gravitate towards food or mother —> when stressed goes to comforting mother
robertson and hospital finding
films staying in hospital, werent allowed to stay with children in hospital, inititally babies were distressed, prolonged speration broke attachment, protest despair and detachment.
strange situation
- babies, 12-24 months
- lab, toys, controlled
- mother and baby in room
- mother and baby alone, baby explores
- stranger enters
- mother leaves
- reuinion
- mother leaves
- stranger
- reuinion
- each stage = 3 mins
what behaviours were being tested in the SS?
proximity seeking, contact maintenance, avoidance and resistance
how many babies = secure = B
insecure avoidant = A
- 20%
- no distress in seperation
- not pleased in reuinion
insecure resistant = C
- 10%
- distressed, extreme highs
what is the spectrum of attchment
A1 A2 B1 B2 B3 B4 C2 C1
b4 = stressed but can be calmed
c1 cannot be calmed
main and solomons additional attachment
disorganised - type D
describe disorganised attachment
anxcious, changes in behaviour, disoganised
- D babies have no obvious strategy for gaining contact with mother or for being soothed and comforted
- May show bizarre or conflictual behaviours
what increases risk of D type of attachment
poverty —> 25%
drug abuse —> 43%
maternal depression —> 19%
abuse —> 43%
middle class families —> 15%
van izjendoorn
meta analysis, 62% secure, 15% avoidant, 9% resistant, 15% disorganised
internal working model
mental cogtnitive model that frames your view of relationships and what you expect in the ufture. working model of self, are you worthy of love? can be both positive and negative. representational , how you process yourexpeirnces, fixed at age 4-5.
maine attachment interview
Semi-structured interview for classifying an adult’s overall ‘state of mind’ w.r.t. attachment relationships
what are the classes in mains AAI
what do the classes mean
- Dismissing (Ds) – insist on lack of recall of attachment relationships, devalue attachments or idealise attachment figures
- Preoccupied (E) – still preoccupied with early attachment experiences; the topic of attachment is overwhelming è anger or passivity
- Autonomous (F) – attachment is an open topic, coherent & believable account of childhood, presented in a lively & objective fashion
- Unresolved (U) - become incoherent specifically when discussing loss or abuse
what is the main factor predicting adult attachment
life events
What was piaget interested in?
constructivism –> how dp chidlren ACTIVLEY construct their understanding of the world
adaptation –> intelligence is a special form of adaptation to the environment, the main engine of cognitive change. the continuous process of adaptation is the engine of change
what is a cognitive schema?
basic components of intelligence, first schemas are reflexes, the schemas become more complex via assimilation and accommodation
who believed children are active learners?
Piagets stage theory
Sensorimotor (0–2 years)
Pre-operational period (2–7 years)
Concrete operations (7–12 years)
Formal operations (c.11 years +)
different objects become associated to to the schema
accommodates for the fact not all objects have the same properties and we have to treat things a different way
sensori motor stage
Divided into six sub-stages
Each stage can be characterised in terms of developments in the infant’s mode of interaction with the object world and resulting object concept
sub stages of sensori motor stage
- reflexes (0-6 weeks)
- primary reactions, repeating body movements 4 consequences
- secondary circular reactions, repetitions of sounds that have effect on environment (hitting something with sound
- means-end behaviour, doing something to gain an end, moving blanket to get a toy
- tertiary circular reactions, experiments to discover means to ends
- representation, can imagine consequences of planned actions
object concept sub stages
Stage I: state of adualism
Stage II: ‘out of sight, out of existence’
Stage III: can retrieve partially occluded objects BUT not fully occluded
Stage IV: can retrieve fully occluded objects BUT A not B error
v: invisible displacement
vi: full object permanence
what is the A not B error
E hides desired object (fully occluded) at location A, and infant retrieves it
Hiding at A is repeated twice more
In full view of the infant, E moves object to location B
Where will the infant search?
what is the invisible displacement task?
the ability to track the movement of a hidden object after seeing that object placed in, under, or behind an occluder and moved into or behind a second occluder
what can infents do at the end of the sensori motor period?
Infants are able hold a ‘representation’ of the object in memory, i.e. imagine objects that have been encountered previously
what are the charectoristics of the pre operational child?
Lack of reversibility
what is egocentrism
Children have problems decentring: viewing the world from perspectives other than their own
Manifested in over-determination by appearances
Centration: excessive focus on a single aspect of a phenomenon
what is the three mountains task?
Child shown 3-D model of mountain scene, and invited to walk around
Doll placed at one side of the model
shown images of different povs asked to chose which one represents dolls view
when do children give correct answers to the three mountains task?
between 8 and 9
still giving wrong answer at 4 giving their own pov ,