dev week 7 Flashcards
key feeding reflex: Rooting:
When the baby’s cheek is stroked, they will turn their head towards the side of the stimulation and open their mouth. This reflex typically disappears at around 3 weeks when is replaced by voluntary head turning.
key feeding refelx Sucking:
what age is it replaced by voluntary
Babies suck repeatedly when something (usually a source of food) is put in their mouth. This is generally replaced by voluntary sucking at around 4 months
This grasping reflex exists in the foot as well as in the hand. This reflex is likely to be an evolutionary remnant: the grasping reflex in the hands and feet may once have helped baby cling on to (hairy) mother – the way non-human primates still do today. This reflex generally disappears by around _____ of age when it is replaced with voluntary grasping.
4 months
Babinksi reflex (sometimes referred to as the “plantar” reflex)
This reflex occurs when the bottom of baby’s foot is stroked, the toes fan out and then curl. This reflex generally disappears around 8-12 months (adults are more likely to point the foot when the bottom of it is stroked), and long-term persistence of this reflex might indicate neurological problems (but not always!).
dynamic systems view of motor development
emphasizing a confluence of many factors
– Not only neural mechanisms but also increases in strength, posture,control, balance, perceptual skills, and motivation
what did Thelen do to Test the Dynamic systems view
(including stepping reflex)
- Thelen et al., performed two experiments to test the
hypothesis that rapid increases in infants’ weight made it
impossible for them to execute stepping motions.
– In one experiment, weights were attached to the ankles of infants
who still had the stepping reflex, and the babies suddenly stopped
– In the second study, infants who no longer showed the stepping reflex
were found to do so when they were suspended waist-deep in a tank
of water that supported their weight. - Therefore, the movement pattern and its neural basis
remained but was masked by the changing ratio of leg weight
to strength.
For the first few months,
infants are limited to
______ movements
– clumsy swiping
movements by young
infants toward the
general vicinity of objects
they see
* Infants begin
successfully reaching for
objects at around __ to __
months of age
3 to 4
by 36 weeks, babies can do the ____ grasp
by 52 weeks, babies can do the ____ grasp
scissor (Thumb and finger
pincer (thumb + forefinger)
At around ______ of
age, infants become
capable of self
locomotion for the first
time as they begin to
8 months
Infants begin walking independently at around 1____ to ____ months of age,
using a toddling gait
* Karen Adolph and colleagues (Adolph et al., 1993) found that infants
do not transfer learning from what they know about crawling down
slopes to walking down them….
3 to 14 months
do not transfer learning from what they know about crawling down
slopes to walking down them
Gibson and Walk (1960) found that ____ to ____
month-old infants would not cross the deep
side of the cliff, showing …
6- to 14-
they perceived and
understood the depth cue of relative size
infants learn to fear heights when they learn..
how to crawl
Toddlers also make ____ _____, in that they try to treat a miniature replica
object as if it was a much larger real one (DeLoache et al., 2004)
scale errors
Why do children make scale errors?
- Dissociation between dorsal/ventral visual processing streams?
(i.e., what and where pathways
some how the visual information for planning an action is not correctly integrated with the system for executing that action) - Centration
- Failure to inhibit an automatically afforded action?
- Primary motor cortex (M1)
First area of the cortex to
– Responsible for voluntary
(nonreflexive) movement
– Begins with raising head
(1 month), control of
arms and trunk (3
months); leg control is
last to develop
focus on one perceptually salient
aspect of the stimulus and ignore the other stimulus